Glossary for Population



Contractive pyramid

Crude birth rate

Crude death rate

Demographic transition

Density of population

Dependency ratio

Distribution of population


Expansive pyramid

Fertility rate


Infant mortality rate

In- migration/ Out-migration

Internal migration

Life expectancy

Lorenz Curve


Natural increase/ decrease

Net migration

Population Structure


Glossary for Population

population in which the proportion of people over 65 is increasing

A population pyramid with a relatively narrow base showing a recently declining birth rate. (Stage 3 DTM)

The number of live births per thousand populations per year.

The number of deaths per thousand population per year.

The changing relationship over time of the birth and death rates from both high to both low. Illustrated by the DTM

Demographic Transition Model. the number of people per unit of area, usually km2 the number of people aged under 15, plus the number over 65, divided by the economically active group aged 15-64

The way in which people are spread or dispersed across an area.

The outward movement of population that involves crossing an international boundary.

A pyramid with a wide base showing a relatively high birth rate.

Typical of LEDCs in stage 2 of DTM the average number of children born to a woman in her lifetime

The inward movement of population that involves crossing an international boundary.

The number of deaths of children under 1 year, per thousand live births, per year.

The movement of people between places within one country such as in and out of a town or city.

The movement of people within one country.

The number of years an individual can expect to live, from the time of death.

A graph that compares actual distribution with a theoretical and even one. Often used to show population concentration.

General term for population movement that involves a permanent or semi-permanent change of residence.

The difference between crude birth rate and crude death rate.

Measured in percentages the difference between immigration and emigration

The makeup of a population by age and sex. Often shown as a pyramid.

Forced migrants- fear of persecution, war, famine, and natural disasters.
