Core Council Meeting Tuesday, October 28, 2008 6:30 pm United Life Spiritual Center Meeting Minutes Attendees: Cyndie McMartin, Judy Leyrer, Ray Reid, Dorothy Danen, Rev. Shelley, Jeanne Claborn Absent: Chris Van-Zant Visitor: Joy Mc Bride (Practitioner) Called to order by Cyndie McMartin at 6:45 pm Invocation by Joy, reading of the St Francis Prayer, three minutes of silence, reading of the mission and vision statements of ULSC. Secretary’ Report: see attached 1. Reading of Sept 2008 minutes. (see attached) One correction to the minutes. 2. Reading of communications: letter from Share Fest (Nov. 20th – attached). Need to look into setting Christmas Connection into calendar – Dec. 30 and 31. 3. Confirmation of new members: Two membership requests: Carole Snell and Connie O’Brien. Determined that Carole Snell was not a request for membership, but renewal for membership. Also collected 2 renewals: Jeanne Claborn and Dorothy Danen. 4. Church Calendar: Nov. 1st Communications Team Meeting changed to Nov. 8th at 10:00 am. Nov. 9th: Heartline Sunday Nov. 27th: 11:00 am Thanksgiving Dinner. Suggestion: Practitioners & YFM do this Nov. 27th: 10:00 am to 12:00 noon – pull Christmas decorations out of storage. Nov. 30th: 12:00 noon to 2:00 pm - Put up Christmas tree and decorations in sanctuary. Will Yoga and White Bisons be meeting on Dec. 24th? And on Dec. 25th? Need Christmas as an (all day) item on the 25th. Need time change on Nov. 1st – to remind people. Dec. 2nd: 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, CC Handbook Meeting. Dec. 3, 10: cont. Foundations Class at 6:45 pm. Dec. 30 & 31: Begin 6:00 am Tues – through 6:00 am Wed.: World Peace Ceremony. Dec. 30, 31: Christmas Connection? Congregational Meeting on January 25, 2009 5. Motion made by Jeanne and seconded by Dorothy to accept sec. Report. Motion passed. Treasurer’s Report: see attached 1. Financial Report: see attached (out of funds) 2. Statement of overall well-being: see attached A. Shelley read letter about low attendance in church. She will discuss this topic in the town meeting. B. Shelley is to ask Christy about tithe and repayment for recycle boxes and banner (garage sale). 3. Per Capita Report – see attached. 4. Tithes: WMP, 5%; UCORS, 5%; Ctr. For Spiritual Living in Seattle, 2%. Core Council will discuss keeping or deleting giving of 2% in November meeting. 5. Jeanne made motion to accept Treasurer’s Report, Judy seconded, passed Presidents Report: none (noting same concerns as Treasurer’s report Thank you notes for this month: Laurie Kinney – Olan Mills help, Full Moon, Name tags for Homecoming Pete Frederick – Homecoming, installation of ceiling tiles Elaine Oxley – painting parking lot and work in Kitchen Kelly Rogers – painting in the parking lot Port – singing Sunday Joy and Jeanne – food for Homecoming Joan Ackley – decorations, affirmations, and bookmarks for Homecoming, Sing-A-Long Scott Bryden – acquiring band for Homecoming Gene Brown – work with the directory Connie O’Brien – web page Ministers Report: see attached Set date for CC Handbook Meeting: Dec. 2nd from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. Administrators Report: see attached Check on where contract for Curt is located. Suggested Gift Certificate for Curt’s B’Day. Cash collection. Old Business: 1. Core Council Handbook: referred to committee – Shelley, Joy, Jeanne, Judy. Date: Dec. 2nd, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. 2. Building Repairs: Sewer line – on hold; Ceiling Tiles - depends on when we can have scaffolding; Plexiglas for windows – on hold; Solarium – Ray will have tar work done this week; Sanctuary ceiling tiles – will purchase when available. 3. Pastoral Care Handbook Update – on hold until November. 4. Circle of Love Conference – Shelley will coordinate all with Curt. New Business: 1. Thanksgiving (YFM) and Practitioners – done 2. Membership Renewal – done 3. Curt’s Employee Agreement - done 4. December Toy, Food & Clothing Drive (YFM) – Shelley to talk to Christy about Nov., and Dec dates for YFM and Christmas Connection 5. Payroll: Will watch November before making decisions. 6. Candle / Fire Alarm: postpone until after Town Meeting. 7. Church Lock Up / Fix Back Door: Ray will look at and fix/adjust backdoor. 8. General Communications (clarity) – Communications team will try to remember “who, what, when date, when time, and verbage” for any communication with Curt. 9. Tile Install: funding delay 10. Peace Festival: scheduled and paid for – Nov. 15. Shelley needs help and will put it in the Sunday bulletin. 11. Elections: done 12. Connie O’Brien (web page): Curt is still working with Connie 13. Pics for Change by Gene Brown – pics passed around and plans made for framing and changing pics each month 14. Suggestion for sign under canopy: No Parking / Loading Zone Only. Cyndie suggested yellow hash marks on drive. No date set for completion Ministry Reports/Assignments 1. Building and Grounds/Physical Space – Ray: Glass is ordered. Will be installed soon. 2. Ecclesiastical - Rev. Shelley: see Ministers Report. Will schedule a mtg. in January a. Hospitality – Cyndie: none. b. Usher/Greeter Team – Cyndie: none. c. Pastoral Care – 2 members in hospital; Handbook on hold d. Music – Rev. Suz: none 3. Budget and Finance – Dorothy: see attached a. Bookstore (Dorothy) – losing interest in Bookstore, need some new help, situation is frustrating. b. Fundraising – ( ): Craft Fair report (see attached) c. Stewardship – Dorothy: See Tithes under Treasurer Report. 4. Strategic Planning – Chris: none a. Special Events – (Rev. Shelley) – No special events until after 1st of year; Planning Health & Beauty Fest b. Outreach – (Rev. Shelley) none 5. Communications – Judy: see attached 6. Education – Rev. Shelley and Joy: none (no educ. Mtg. in Oct.; start Holmes in middle of Jan) Youth/Family Ministries – see attached Assignments before next meeting (including task list) : Plans for next meeting: Nov. 18th Judy – bread Chris – Dorothy – dessert Ray – salad Cyndie – main course Shelley – drinks Jeanne – veggies Meeting adjourned at 9:40 pm Closing prayer by Joy Respectfully submitted: Judy Leyrer