Article I
Name and Purpose
Section 1 The name of the organization shall be the Warren Consolidated School of Performing Arts (WCSPA)
Booster Club as amended on February 13, 2002.
Section 2 The WCSPA Booster Club is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to encourage, assist, support
and publicize all WCSPA functions within the guidelines established by the Warren Consolidated Board of
Education and the policies of the WCSPA program and its teachers
Section 2a In the event that the WCSPA Booster Club is dissolved as an organization, all assets, real and
personal property will revert to the Sterling Heights High School Performing Arts account
Section 3 The WCSPA Booster Club will work in conjunction with the WCSPA staff to provide funds, equipment,
volunteer personnel, and other items as needed in order to assist in providing the greatest benefit and education
to the WCSPA students and Thespian Troupe 1000
Article II
Membership and Dues
Section 1 Membership shall be open to any adult who is associated with the WCSPA program through having a
student currently in the program and who exhibits the willingness to subscribe to the purpose of the WCSPA
Booster Club
Section 2 An active member shall:
A) Complete a registration/volunteer form
B) Attend meetings and actively support the club and therefore the students by volunteering in
one or more areas as needed
C) Have the privilege of voting in all motions brought before the membership at the meetings
Section 3 Honorary members shall be:
WCSPA staff
The Warren Consolidated Schools Superintendent or his designee
The Principals of Cousino, Sterling Heights, and Warren Mott High Schools
Any other individual that the club desires to elect to its membership by majority vote of those
members in attendance at any regular membership meeting
Section 4 No member or group shall approach or use the WCSPA Booster Club, its meetings or activities to
encourage participation in any political purposes, or for personal gain other than those directly affecting the
WCSPA program and approved by the Executive Council
Section 5 No member shall receive a salary for their duties as a member or officer of the WCSPA Booster Club
Article III
Section 1 The Executive Council shall consist of:
A) President
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WCSPA staff (non-voting member)
Section 2 Elections will be announced at least two meetings prior to the meeting when the elections are to actually
take place
Section 3 Elections will take place at the last regularly scheduled meeting before the final meeting of the year
Section 4 Members desiring to run for an office may notify the president or any member of the executive council at
any time after the upcoming elections are announced. Any officer of the executive council may contact members to
inquire if they desire to run for office. These names should then be forwarded to the President before the election
meeting. The President will then place into nomination at the election meeting the name of the member(s) who have
expressed their desire to run for office. Nominations will also be taken from the floor.
Section 5 The new officers shall be elected by a majority vote of member in attendance at the designated meeting
by majority voice vote (if running unopposed) or by written ballot in the case of more than one nominee for an office
Section 6 Officers may be removed for cause by recommendation of the Executive Council and the WCSPA staff
Section 7 an officer may only hold the same office consecutively for 2 years
Article IV Duties of Officers
Section 1 The President shall:
A)Preside at all regular meetings
B)Preside at all Executive Council meetings
C) Call special meetings, if necessary
D) Designate committee chairpersons
E)Keep Executive Council informed of all pertinent issues
F) Enforce observance of by-laws as necessary
G) Communicate with WCSPA staff on a regular basis to offer assistance as needed
Section 2 The Vice-President shall:
A)Preside at all regular meetings in the absence of the President
B)Be responsible for co-coordinating and overseeing the work of all committees and maintaining lists
of members of all committees
C) Be club parliamentarian
Section 3 The Secretary shall:
A) Take minutes of all meetings
B) Submit minutes of meetings to president for review before forwarding to WCSPA staff for
posting on website
C) Have minutes available to all members present at the beginning of each meeting
D) Preserve the minutes
E) Maintain a list of all current WCSPA parents’ names, addresses, phone numbers, e-mails and
provide executive council with said list
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Section 4 The Treasurer shall:
A) Be in charge of collecting and disbursing all club funds in conjunction with the advice and
direction of the Executive Council
B) Keep full and accurate records of all income and disbursements and financial transactions
C) Report on the financial standing of the club at all meetings
D) Have Treasurer’s Report available to all members present at the beginning of each meeting
Section 5 The Trustees shall:
A) Act as liaisons between members and Executive council
B) Assist any officer with their duties as requested in an effort to learn the duties of each office
Article V Committee Chairpersons
Section 1 It is necessary to have committee chairpersons for each of the following committees by the second
regularly scheduled meeting: Banquet, Concessions, Tech Week food, Ushering/Box Office. It is desirable to
have committee chairpersons for the fundraising and publicity committees also Others?
Section 2 Job descriptions for each chairperson will be available for review as requested by interested individuals
Section 3 any chairperson of a committee may propose updates of the job descriptions to executive council as
they deem necessary
Article VI Regular Meeting Criteria
Section 1 Regular scheduled meetings will be set by the Executive Council for each school year
Section 2 The general order of business for a regularly scheduled meeting shall be:
Call to Order
Previous minutes read and approved
Treasurer’s report read and approved
President’s report
Staff Report
Committee Reports
Old Business
New Business
Section 3 A regular meeting quorum shall be deemed as51% of those members in attendance at which time a
motion may be passed and/or business may take place
Section 4 Any person wishing to have an item placed on the agenda must notify the President or the WCSPA staff
at least five days in advance of the scheduled meeting
Section 5 No meeting shall take place without a WCSPA staff member present unless previous authorization has
been given
Article VII Executive Council shall:
A) Hold special meetings as needed
B) Have power of approval on all financial expenditures of the club, projects, and activities, with the exception of
the fundraising activities which can only be approved by a majority of the membership present at a regular
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Article VIII Amendments to By-Laws
A) Special notice must be sent to all members
B) Reading must take place a regular meeting before voting
C) Ratified by majority of members in attendance
May 19, 1997
May 24, 2000
Feb. 13, 2002
April 17, 2008
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