Nilsson/Riedel, Electric Circuits, 7/E ERRATA LIST, AUGUST 18

Nilsson/Riedel, Electric Circuits, 7/E
21 Problem 1.18(b): remove “(in millijoules)”
32 Assessment Problem 2.2(a): add units to the answer: 0.6 A/V
52 Fig. 2.24: change lower case italic “vee” in blue shaded box to upper case
italic “vee”
81 Assessment Problem 3.5(b): answer is 9.524 mA
95 Problem 3.19: the left-hand side of the .rst equation in part (a) should read
“R1 = . . .” (subscript is the number
99 Problem 3.41: in the second line change 500 V to 400 V
100 Problem 3.44(a): change 300 V to 820 V
100 Fig. P3.44: change label on top node from 300 V to 820 V in both (a) and (b)
103 Fig. P3.58: change 26 _ to 20 _
117 Assessment Problem 4.3: on the diagram under the 6 ohm resistor, the
arrow and i1 should be printed in blue
118 Fig 4.15: print dashed oval line should be in blue
132 Fig 4.32: remove the blue dashed oval; it is not a supernode
173 Fig. P4.72: the symbol for the galvanometer should not have the horizontal
line through it
173–175 Figs. P4.75, P4.76, P4.77, P4.81, P4.82, P4.84, P4.85, and P4.86: the
variable resistor—the arrow and Ro or
RL—should be printed in black
189 Eq. 5.11: change < to ≤
194 Eq. 5.27: insert comma after the equation
195 Second line above Eq. 5.31: change “the” to “possible” so that it reads “. . .
which are possible values for . . . ”
196 Add a period after in Eq. 5.39
197 Add a period after Eq. 5.40
197 In Eqs. 5.42 and 5.43: add | | (absolute value) like Eq. 5.41, and add “.”
(minus sign) in denominator like
Eq. 5.41
207 Fig. P5.12: remove the units “k_” from the three values of R
212 Problem 5.38: change the problem statement to “. . . , what range of values
of Rx yields a CMRR . . . ‘’
213 Fig. P5.40: change 4 _ to 4 k_
220 Fig 6.4: curve should return toward zero more slowly after t = 0.2 s
225 Assessment Problem 6.1(c): add units, time interval to the answer “W, t ≥ 0”
227 Change 1 ≤ t ≤∞ to t ≥ 1 s (three times); to others add units “1 s”
227 Example 6.4: state the units of time for v(t): 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 s; 1 s ≤ t ≤ . . .
227 Solution for Example 6.4, second line of equation for i in part (a): should be 0
227 Add units of seconds after 1, “1 s” (as in .rst correction for this page) for each
set of answers: i , p, and w.
230 Assessment Problem 6.3(a): add t ≥ 0 to the answer to read 100 sin 50,000t
V, t ≥ 0;
230 Assessment Problem 6.3: add the time interval, t ≥ 0, in the answer for (a):
“V, t ≥ 0”
233 Fig 6.17: remove the extra vertical dashes (. . . )
234 Assessment Problem 6.4(c) and (d): add time interval to answers (three
times) “A, t ≥ 0”
251 Problem 6.3: in the second line change “0 A” to “1 A”
255 Problem 6.22: in third line change “t ≥ 0” to “t > 0”
255 Problem 6.23: in third line change “t ≥ 0” to “t > 0”; in fourth line change the
subscript from “b” to “o”
256 Problem 6.27: in third line change “t ≥ 0” to “t > 0”
256 Problem 6.28: in .rst line change “four” to “three”; in third line change “t ≥ 0”
to “t > 0”
257 Problem 6.33: in third line change “t ≥ 0” to “t > 0”
257 Fig. P6.33: polarity of vc should be “+” at top, “.” at bottom
257 Problem 6.37(b): in .rst line change “(a)” to “(b)”
271 Assessment Problem 7.1: add the time interval “t ≥ 0” in the answer for d):
“A, t ≥ 0”
271 Assessment Problem 7.2: add the time interval “t ≥ 0” in the answer for (a):
“V, t ≥ 0+”
276 Assessment Problem 7.3: add the time interval “t ≥ 0” in the answer for (c):
“V, t ≥ 0”
276 Assessment Problem 7.4: add the time interval “t ≥ 0” in the answer for (a):
“V, t ≥ 0”
288 Fourth line above Fig. 7.26, change units to microamps
297 Figure for Assessment Problem 7.8: change 30 _ to 3 _ and change the
resistor below the 8 A current source
from 2 _ to 9 _
314 Fig. P7.42: change polarity of the 50 V source to “+” at the top
318 Problem 7.64(b): add the “+” to the time interval: “t ≥ 0+”
318 Problem 7.66(b): add the “+” to the time interval: “t ≥ 0+”
318 Problem 7.67(b): add the “+” to the time interval: “t ≥ 0+”
327 Problem 7.106(b): delete the minus sign just after the equal sign
341 Eq. 8.25: there should be a minus in front of alpha in the second line of Eq.
354 Last line of the problem statement in Example 8.10: delete “+” from time
interval: “t ≥ 0”
354 Example 8.10 (d): delete the “+” from .rst line last line of equation for v(t)
(four lines from the bottom of
the right column), add the time interval: “V, t ≥ 0.” Also delete the “+” from v(0+)
on the very last line
371 Problem 8.1(c): in second line change krad/s to rad/s
374 Problem P 8.35: state that vc(0+) is positive. On Fig. P8.35, label the
capacitor voltage as vc .
374 Fig. P8.35: delete “+” and “.” above and below the capacitor
377 Problem 8.52, the last item in the problem: the time interval of 0.5 s ≤ t ≤∞
should be changed to t ≥ 0.5 s
434 Problem 9.14, third line: change “an” to “a”
439 Problem 9.40(a): change .rst subscript from “a” to “b”
453 Eq 10.15: add “.” in Eq 10.15: “p = .Q . . .”
453 At the end of the sentence just before the heading “Power for Purely
Capacitive Circuits”: add: “. . . 377 rad/s
and Q = 1 VAR.”
454 At the end of the last sentence in the .rst paragraph, add: “. . . 377 rad/s and
Q = .1 VAR.”
628 In the caption for Figure 13.58: “ii1” should be “i1” and “ii2” should be “i2 .”
643 Fig. P13.60: add a lowercase italic “t ” to the horizontal axis in three graphs
648 Fig. P13.85: symbol next to the 50 k_ label should be a resistor, not an
649 Problem 13.89(a): change second subscript from “1” to “L”
687 Assessment Problem 14.11: in second line change “Drill Exercise” to
“Assessment Problem”
689 Problem 14.3: second line should reference Fig. 14.4(a)
689 Problem 14.3(e): change “250 mH” to “10 mH”
747 Problem 15.19: change last line to “Find io(t)”
787 Assessment Problem 16.9: change part “c)” in second column to “d)”
796 Problem 16.26: change “vo” to “io” in both part (a) and part (b)
839 Problem 17.40: right-hand side of .rst equation should read 100 rad/s ≤ |ù| ≤
200 rad/s
866 Fig. P18.10: change 20 _ to 200 _
Page number for Table 1.1 should be 10, page number for Table 1.2 should be
11, page number for Table 1.3
should be 11, and page number for Table 1.4 should be 15 Title for Table 15.1 is
missing parentheses around