- Corporate Alliance to End Partner Violence






Kim Wells: Hello everyone - we will be starting at the top of the hour - thanks for joining us early!

Kim Wells: Special welcome to our friends from the UK! We know this is late for you

Kim Wells: If you have not already downloaded the materials please don't forget to do so http://www.caepv.org/about/program_detail.php?refID=48

David Lee: Hello everyone, We will start at the top of the hour.

Kim Wells: Hello everyone!

Kim Wells: CAEPV

Kelly Lee: BJWSA

Candice Lopez: Doorways for Women and Families- Arlington VA

Angie Dane: YWCA

Bethany Wingerson: Womansplace

Katherine Walden: Wells Fargo

Christina Giammarco: Action Ohio

Dana Scher: Liz Claiborne

Anya Lakner: Legal Aid Society - Employment Law Center

Patty Fann: State Farm Insurance

Kevin Grossman: HRmarketer.com. Hi Kim!

Jodi Barbarino: TransPerfect

Jennifer Stanley: Roger Williams Univesrity (Bristol, RI)

Darcie Folsom: Women's Center of SE CT

Barbara Hart: Muskie School of Public Service

Erin Casey: aetna eap

Christine Bertolino: Magellan Health Services

Giselle Chalmers-Turner: MTA-NYC Transit

Jorge Cascante: Liz Claiborne

Francine Rudley Santos: Verizon Wireless

Krista Ridder: COUNTRY Financial Bloomington IL

Julio Benezra: Aetna EAP

Monique Clinton-Sherrod: RTI International

Mark Nowak: LLBean, Inc

Jennifer White: Family Violence Prevention Fund

Dennis Butler: Consultant

Carrie Melton: CHOICES DV PRogram Galena IL

Sara Mersch: Delaware Coalition Against DV

Michelle Garcia: Stalking Resource Center

Arlene Reiss: PG&E

Liz Claiborne Inc.: Liz Claiborne Inc, NY

MICHELE RENO: University at Buffalo

Peg Ryan: peg Ryan- Wells Fargo

SARAH AUGUSTYNEK: University at Buffalo

Barbara Erickson: Macy's West

Nancy Grigsby: Ohio Domestic Violence Network

Kathleen Maggio: Kathleen Maggio Corning Incorporated

Gilly Green: Corporate Alliance Against Domestic Violence UK

Patricia Miranda: World Bank

melody carter: Melody Carter - Verizon Foundation

Sheryl Clinger: Columbus Coalition Against Family Violence

Lucia Raiford: Miami-Dade County, Lucia Davis-Raiford

Bob McCullough: Magellan Health Services

Sally Davenport: Macy's

John Flannagan: wells Fargo

Thomas Waldecker: Tom Waldecker- University of Michigan

David Rivera: Interval House CT

Christine Tran: Blue Shield of CA Foundation

Steve Kives: Steve Kives- CIGNA

Maggie Beck-Coon: Georgia Commission on

Maggie Beck-Coon: Family Violence

Tess Meuer: Tess Meuer, WI Coalition Against Domestic VIolence

Kim Wells: They are already there!

Helen Robinson: Helen Robinson Homewood Employee Health

Jane Sandness: Jane Sandness: Wells Fargo Employee Assistance

Michael Mason: Mike Mason - Verizon

Lucy Henry: First Sun EAP

Robert Glover: Andrew Crawford & Bob Glover: mid-Hudson Forensic Psy. Center

Barbara Crosier: Barbara Crosier: Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence

David Lee: S2 Blue Print for Action can be found at http://www.caepv.org/

Kim Wells: To view materials for this S2 webinar, Domestic Violence and the Workplace: A Multi-

Disciplinary Approach from Liz Claiborne, visit: http://www.caepv.org/about/program_detail.php?refID=48

Kim Wells: Shout out to Dennis Butler!

Dennis Butler: Thanks

Patricia Miranda: yes

David Rivera: we are a dv agency

David Rivera: each staff member is trained and certified by the state of ct

Jane Sandness: How many employess does Liz have?

Toby Myers: what is protocol if the aggressor is the employee?

Lucia Raiford: How many people are on your DVRT team?

Lucia Raiford: When does the DVRT team meet?

Toby Myers: ok to hold

Michael Mason: Domestic violence is often a precursor to workplace violence, so have you ever considered a policy to request (not mandate) employees to advise the company when they have a protective order on someone?

David Lee: Michael -- we will get to your question later

Michael Mason: thanks

Kim Wells: Michael - they do actually ask for that

Michael Mason: There is a lot we can do with such information, but generally little corp appetite to make such a request of the workforce.

Sheri Miller: Sheri Miller- Wells Fargo Employee Assistance

Kim Wells: We will definitely get to that discussion - it becomes an important tool for security and the entire DVRT

Samual Chard: LLBean, INC

David Lee: Who are the players who are on your DVRT If you have a response team)?

Sally Davenport: HR execs, LP, Legal and Finance

Peg Ryan: Security, HR, EAP, Legal

Jane Sandness: Employee RElations, Security, EAP, Legal

Vanessa Timmons: I am part ot the team as the dv specialist. we have legal and hr involved as well

Cece Dorough: Human Resources, EAP, Security, Domestic Violence Prevention Coordinator, legal, family liaison

Mark Nowak: HR, Legal, EAP, Security, area management

Patty Fann: Security with consultation with HR and Legal.

Patricia Cluss: HR, security, EAP, mental health, communications, DV advocates

Kathleen Maggio: Legal, security, Medical, HR, communication

MaryAnn Casey : Human Resources-Employee relations; EAP, Security, Legal, AAO, Program area

Francine Rudley Santos: HR, Legal, Employee Relations, Security, EAP

melody carter: HR, Legal, Security, Communications & EAP

Jennifer Stanley: Public Safety, HR, Counseling, Res. Life, Student Conduct, Dean of Students (we are a college campus)

Barbara Erickson: At local level we do have EAP involved

Tom Healy: Security,Legal, EAP, Emp. Relations,and manager

Patricia Miranda: World Bank's response team has legal, security, HR, HSD (health services dept), HUB (an outside ngo), family network

Kiva Bostwick: HR, EAP, internal company EAP/Medical, Associate Relations (Employee Relations), Legal,


Samual Chard: EAP, Security, Legal, HR

Louise King: eap, Personel, safety, social work

Bethany Wingerson: Who would you suggest be on the DVRT in a very small organization (we are a DV center) with no HR department, legal counsel or security?

Carol Geiger-Wank: What do you think most motivated people to seek out INTERNAL support resources???

Nancy Grigsby: Are there similar models for use or adaptation in a small for-profit business setting?

Tess Meuer: Do any of you know whether statewide dv coalitions have started programs to reach out to businesses with this info? If so, how does it work?

Kim Wells: Carol and Nancy and Bethany - these are great questions to hold if you can!

Bethany Wingerson: Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence has some resources

Darcie Folsom: Tess, what state are you in?

Darcie Folsom: a full list of state-wide coalitions can be found at www.ncadv.org

Jane Randel: In answer to Carol's question, I think one things that allows people to come forward is training to recognize the signs of DV in the workplace that enables managers and HR to discreetly let a victim know that the company supports her and that we care.

Kevin Grossman: Domestic violence is not just a "male abusing female" problem. How do you recommend companies, HR and DVRT's deal with incidents of same sex abuse and/or "female abusing male" abuse, which are probably even more under-reported? What about reported incidents of elder abuse (there are more older folk staying in the workforce)? Treated the same as all cases? Other sensitivity training and processes involved with these in conjunction with DVRT's and EAP's?

Kim Wells: Hi Kevin! Great questions - can you hang on with that a bit?

Kevin Grossman: Sure thing.

Nadine Bosson: Hi Ken! There have been documented challenges with using a "risk assessment" tool.

What is your opinion on that when using the tool? and...which tool are you using?

Dorothy Kane: entire protection order is needed for law enforcement to take action - sometimes people think first page is sufficient

Nadine Bosson: Thank you!

Jane Sandness: Have you ever needed to terminate a Liz team member who is a domestic violence victim because a safety plan is not feasible/workable to protect her or other team members in the workplace?

For example, the abuser doesn't respect legal barriers, the police, a restraining order, etc.

Alphonsus (Fons) Marcelis: About assistance: do you provide financial assistance in emergency situations and/or towards covering legal costs for protection orders etc.?

Kim Wells: Hi Jane (Sandess)- hang on to that question - it is an important legal issue.

Barbara Erickson: Jane R - Why not DV info in your public restrooms?

Thomas Waldecker: How is an employees confidentiatly protected if they disclose to the EAP as the first point

Patricia Miranda: Does Liz Claiborne refer victims to outside lawyers who may be able to help them? Is there any financial benefit that the company make available to the employee so the employee can afford a lawyer if needed (not that the paycheck is not sufficient but sometimes the victim is also economically abused and have very limited resources to get a lawyer)?

Dorothy Kane: can you track? what do you use to convince employer that this program is working and must be continued?

Kim Wells: Patricia -they do provide some legal assistance through their EAP - but you can ask more if you wish

Giselle Chalmers-Turner: Should union(s) be part of the DVRT?

Steve Kives: Challenges- We assist the EE in obtaining potections orders, work with EAP, etc., yet the EE ends up going back with the abuser.

Kim Wells: Hi Giselle - some companies have unions as part of DVRT successfully

Patricia Miranda: Thanks Kim. Yes, a follow up is the referral to outside lawyers (is ther such a thing at

Liz?) and what kind of financial help is there from the EAP (a grant, loan)?

Kim Wells: Steve - you will want to ask that question!

David Lee: to speak *1

Kevin Grossman: Domestic violence is not just a "male abusing female" problem. How do you recommend companies, HR and DVRT's deal with incidents of same sex abuse and/or "female abusing male" abuse, which are probably even more under-reported? What about reported incidents of elder abuse (there are more older folk staying in the workforce)? Treated the same as all cases? Other sensitivity training and processes involved with these in conjunction with DVRT's and EAP's?

Thomas Waldecker: will answers to the questions be posted on line somehwere

Jessica Henrichs: Thomas, there will be an audio recording of this webinar available online soon.

Kim Wells: Thank you for answering that for me Jessica!

David Lee: If yuo want to ask a question please press *1

Thomas Waldecker: How about the questions that were not answered yet? or during the webinar/call?

Kim Wells: Hi Thomas - if you have a specific question that does not get answered, we can connect you to people at Liz who can answer that for you.

Thomas Waldecker: thanks

Ina Mitchell: Do you take culture into account? For example, do you have your information in Spanish or other languages?

Candice Lopez: how do you work with your local domestic violence programs since your offices may be in different locations?

Maggie Beck-Coon: Anger management is not appropriate treatment for batterers. Abusers are often the best anger managers in the world. \

Patricia Miranda: Yes, I'm still interested in knowing if Liz has any sort of financial help to victims. Thanks.

Tess Meuer: Who is in the best position to approach CEOs abt the need for this type of program? How do local dv programs and/or statewide coalitions approach businesses on this issue?

Candice Lopez: we are a local DV program in Northern VA who can provide trainings to local businesses on this issue: www.doorwaysva.org

Sara Mersch: Do you recommend domestic violence certified treatment programs or anger management for batterers?

Candice Lopez: batterers intervention always

Addie Wilson: A wonderful learning opportunity. Thank you!

Nadine Bosson: Thank you!

MaryAnn Casey : Thank you

melody carter: thank you so much for this much needed webinar

Samual Chard: Thank you!

Mark Nowak: Thank you!

Sherry Courtemanche: thanks you

Barbara Corbitt: Thank you so much.

roger wapner: thank you

Barbara Crosier: Thank you

Kathleen Donohoe: Thank you very much.

Alphonsus (Fons) Marcelis: Thanks - always good to compare and learn with colleagues.
