Wind Power

All over the big cities like Chicago, Vancouver, St. Lois and others look like a big gray
Cloud or smog in the sky. Sometimes you can’t even see the sun. This is from pollution
or because of the fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are something that we use to make electricity
and other things that we use in our daily life. Every time we make energy or electricity
with fossil fuels it pollutes the earth. Most people complain about the cities that they live
in being so polluted but they do not even try to make it less polluted.
Windmills were used for many different for pumping water and grinding up corn
on farms. But the most important windmill is the windmill that generates energy and
electricity. Wind mills that pump water are called wind pumps and they are used in dry
arid places from under the ground. The most important windmill is the wind turbine it
generates electricity and power. Wind turbines work very similar to wind pumps. The
blades catch the wind and begin to catch the wind. This in turn rotates a drive shaft which
runs down to a gear box connected to a generator at the windmill base. The gearbox
converts the slow turning of a windmill into quicker revolutions creating more kinetic
energy. The generator turns this kinetic energy into electricity which is collected and
distributed through wires.
Fossil fuels give off dangerous toxics in the air which we breathe in. But most
people do not know that we can use wind mills to create power and electricity it doesn’t
give off any toxics in the air and it is free as long we have wind. Windmills help reduce
global carbon dioxide emissions. Fossil fuels use is by burning them to create energy.
The burning process then it produces waste products due to impurities in the fuel. There
is few particulates as a resides and some gases such as sulfur dioxide nitrogen dioxide.
Wind mills have and advantage because it douse not give of gases like sulfur and
nitrogen dioxide.
Wind turbines can effectively generate energy as electricity for free as long as the
wind is available. Wind is free which is an advantage compared to contaminating fossil
fuels that have already done some damage to the earth and major manufacturing cities.
Every time we make things with fossil fuels it pollutes the earth because we have to burn
it for some things like coal or oil and natural resources that we use almost every day.
Many people do not know that if we get enough windmills to generate electricity that we
don’t have to use fossil fuels. Our earth would be a lot cleaner and less polluted . It would
also put the major manufacturing cities much cleaner and they would actually be able to
see the whole sun and the sky without seeing just a big cloud.
Wind is free and available to anyone at anytime. While fossil fuels cost money
and most of all it damages our earth environment and habitat by polluting or earth.
Americans spend 700 billion to 1 trillion dollars each year on coal oil and natural
resources. We all suffer the incalculable costs of pollution from fossil fuels through
damage to our health and environment. They estimated that we will use 23 million dollars
between 2010 and 2030. As we buy more and more windmills to generate electricity and
power exstead of using fossil fuels we will use less and less fossil fuels in the future and
hopefully we will never use them again to make electricity.
Pollution is not just some people’s problem to take care of. Pollution is
everybody’s problem to try to help it from happening. If you try to help prevent pollution
from happening your health will be better, it will be easier to breathe for people with
health problems. It also will help clean up our environment and our habitat most of all it
will clean up our air and our skies. Maybe we will be able to see our sun in the cities that
most people can’t from pollution.