Fossil fuels also give out sulphur dioxide into the air, which after

Fossil fuels also give out
sulphur dioxide into the air,
which after reacting with the
moisture in air, produces
sulphuric acid and leads to
acid rain. Acid rain causes
severe damage to the living
as well as nonliving matter on
the earth.
Oil is often transported from
one place to another by the
means of sea route. During
this oil spills occur on the
ocean surface and that
causes severe harm to the
marine life.
Fossil fuels have a high
On burning of fossil fuels,
calorific value. In other words,
large amount of carbon
combustion of fossil fuels
dioxide is released into the
generates a large amount of
atmosphere. This can cause
usable energy and are
global warming
considered as high efficiency
Prices for fossil fuels are
Fossil fuels are stable in
going up as they run out.
The search for newer location
Fossil fuels are non
for oil reserves is a highly
renewable source of energy
expensive process with a very and are being used up very
low success rate. As a result,
large amounts of money get
wasted in the process.
Coal is cheap and highly
Fossil fuels are more easily
reliable source of energy.
available as compared to any
other fuels.
Due to mining of the
Fossil fuels generate millions
coalfields, landscapes spread
of jobs world wide
over large areas are being
destroyed and cannot be
used for any other purpose.
Coal is easy to transport from
Some of the by products
one place to another, and oil
obtained during processing
and gas can be moved by
of the fossil fuels are highly
toxic too.