3rd European Summer School on Soil Survey Co-organized by TAIEX, JRC and SZIU VISUAL SOIL ASSESSMENT Beata Houšková 18 – 22 July, 2005 Introduction 1. Principles and Purposes of Visual Soil Assessment (VSA) VSA is based on evaluation of soil properties and soil indicators, mainly morphological, physical, biological and partly chemical which are visible or possible to distinguish without laboratory analyses. VSA can be used as support tool in: Soil survey; Soil quality assessment; Soil conditions evaluation. Plant cover, single plants and their stand are supporting indicators- plant indicators for soil conditions and quality evaluation. 2. Soil properties and indicators evaluated in VSA 1. Soil texture and stoniness; 2. Soil structure, shape of soil aggregates; 3. Degree of clod development; 4. Consistence; 5. Soil porosity, bioporosity; 6. Crust and cracks formation; 7. Soil color; 8. Number and color of soil mottles; 9. Soil depth and thickness of humus horizon 10. Number of earthworms; 11. Tillage pan presence, thickness and depth; 12. Presence and percentage of soil wetting, water stagnation on soil surface; 13. Presence and degree of soil erosion; 14. Soil hydrofobicity; 15. Depth of groundwater table 16. Presence of carbonates. 2 How to use VSA 1. Soil Texture and Stoniness 1.1 Soil Texture Soil texture is configuration of single inorganic particles of different size. According to size these particles are divided into sand, silt and clay: Sand is fraction between 50 and 2000 μmeter; Silt is fraction between 2 and 50 μmeter; Clay is fraction smaller than 2 μmeter. Textural classes depend on percentual content of sand, silt and clay as shown in textural triangle (after: CEC, 1985; in Finke et al.): Investigation of soil texture by finger testing – VSA technique This checking is one of the basic soil investigations because soil texture belongs to the most important indicators, which set up soil properties. When laboratory analyses are not set-up, or it is necessary to assess texture directly in the field the finger testing can be used. It is provided for moist soil, which is checking, by kneading between fingers. 3 Evaluation rules of finger testing method (after Soil texture leaflet 895): Textural Category Sand Loamy sand Sandy loam Sandy silt loam Silt loam Clay loam Sandy clay loam Silty clay loam Clay Sandy clay Silty clay Finger testing evaluation Feeling of hard grains of sand, soil is rough, it is not remaining together but it is dividing into smaller parts even single particles. Soil does not strain the fingers. Soil is not predominantly rough and gritty, slightly feeling of grains, soil strains the fingers. It is difficult to roll the soil into a ball. Soil is not predominantly rough, no feeling of grains, it is not difficult to roll a ball. Soil does not feel smooth and silky as well as gritty. Soil is not predominantly rough, slight fl of grains. Soil feels smooth and silky between fingers, as well as gritty. Soil mould feels smooth and silky. It forms an easily deformed ball. Soil mould forms strong ball, which smears but which does not take a polish. Soil mould forms ball which does not take polish. Soil feels between fingers also rough and gritty. Soil mould forms ball which does not take polish. Soil feels between fingers also smooth and silky. Soil mould is like plasticine, polishes and feel very sticky when wetter. Soil mould is like plasticine, polishes and feel very sticky when wetter. Soil is also rough and gritty. Soil mould is like plasticine, polishes and feel very sticky when wetter. Soil is also smooth and buttery. Soil texture is basic soil property, which significantly and directly influences physical soil properties and directly/indirectly soil chemical and biological properties. Direct influence of texture on soil properties, e.g.: Porosity (higher amount of clay particles brings higher capillary and total porosity; on the contrary with sand particles increase); Water and air regime (higher amount of clay particles brings higher amount of water content in soil profile in the expense of air; on the contrary with sand particles); Humus content increases with increase of clay content; Soil consistency and stickiness increases with clay content increase together with increase of difficulties in soil cultivation: minute soils – proper time for cultivation is very short because depends strongly on actual water content, which can change rapidly. Even slight rain influences moisture content in clay soils dramatically and it can be harmful to 4 cultivate them (e.g. ploughing) because of possible compaction due to high water content (higher than field capacity). Representative available water content (% of volume in 10cm depth) according to textural categories (after Soil texture leaflet 895): TEXTURAL CATEGORY TOPSOIL SUBSOIL Sand 8 5 Loamy sand 12 9 Sandy loam 17 15 Sandy silt loam 19 17 Silt loam 22 21 Clay loam 18 15 Sandy clay loam 17 15 Silty clay loam 18 15 Clay 18 15 Sandy clay 17 15 Silty clay 18 15 Peats 35 35 Representation of Soil Phases according to Texture Optimal Soil Water Air Sandy Soil Air Water Organic matter Organic matter Soil Soil 5 Clay Soil Water Air Organic matter Soil 1.2. The stone/gravel abundance Stones (with sharp edges) and gravel (with rounded edges) are particles with diameter > 2 mm. Stones and/or gravel abundance (abundance classes) is % of their volume in soil matrix. Size is represented in diameter classes. Evaluation of stone/gravel abundance (according to FAO-guidelines, FAO, 1990a): Abundance class Description None 0% Very few 0 - 2% Few 2-5% Common 5 - 15 % Many 15 - 40 % Abundant* 40 – 80 (90) % Dominant* > 80 (90) % *80% for surface stoniness Size class 0 F M C Description Not applicable 2 - 6 mm 6 - 20 mm > 20 mm 2. Soil Structure, Shape of Soil Aggregates Soil structure is configuration of single particles and soil aggregates in the space. Soil aggregates consist from 2 or more particles bounded together by cementing elements. Soil aggregates formation depends directly on soil texture: Sandy soils - no, or very unstable aggregates; Loamy soils - wet aggregates are more stable then dry aggregates Clay soils - the best developed aggregates but with high inclination to deformation in wet conditions. 6 Evaluation of the grade, size and type of structure (defined according to FAO-guidelines, FAO 1990a). Grade of structure N Description W weak M moderate S strong structureless Size classes V F M C X very fine fine medium coarse very coarse Type of structure P R C A S G B M N W no observable aggregation or no orderly arrangement of natural planes of weakness (massive or single grain) soil with poorly formed indistinct peds, that are barely observable in place even in dry soil, breaks up into very few intact peds, many broken peds and much apedal material soil with well-formed distinct peds, durable and evident in disturbed soil which produces many entire peds, some broken peds and little apedal material soil with durable peds that are clearly evident in undisturbed (dry) soil, which breaks up mainly into entire peds Ranges of size of structure elements (mm) platy prismatic/ (sub)angular granular columnar blocky <1 < 10 <5 <1 1-2 10 - 20 5 - 10 1-2 2-5 20 - 50 10 - 20 2-5 5 - 10 50 - 100 20 - 50 5 - 10 > 10 > 100 > 50 > 10 crumb <1 1-2 2-5 Description platy particles arranged around a generally horizontal plane prismatic prisms with rounded upper end columnar prisms with rounded caps angular blocky bounded by plains intersecting at largely sharp angles subangular mixed rounded and plane faces with vertices blocky mostly rounded granular spheroidical or polyhedral, relatively non-porous crumb spheroidical or polyhedral, porous massive no structure single grain no structure, individual grains wedge shaped structure in horizons with slickensides See also Appendix 7 3. Degree of Clod Development Clods development in agricultural soils depends on many factors: Actual moisture content during ploughing; too dry soils (actual moisture content below field capacity) tends to significant clods development; The shear strength of soil matrix; Soil structure quality. Soils with degraded structure have significant clods development, which increases with increasing of structure degradation. Clods development increases costs of cultivation because for preparation of appropriate seed bed more intensive cultivation is needed when after ploughing extra treatment and time is needed for clods decomposition to proper size for seed bed (see Appendix). 4. Consistence Soil consistency in characterized by sticking of soil matrix to the other bodies, e.g. plough body and between themselves. Stickiness is evaluated in wet soil and plasticity is evaluated in moist soil. Evaluation of soil stickiness: No sticky: soils does not remain on fingers; Slightly sticky: Soil remains on fingers, but soon falls away, no resistance feeling when move fingers away; Sticky: Soil remains on fingers, when moving them away we feel slight resistance; Very sticky: Soil remains very firmly on fingers, significant resistance by moving them away. Evaluation of plasticity: No plastic: it is not possible to roll the soil into a ball; Slightly plastic: it is possible to roll bigger balls (3 – 5mm of diameter); Plastic: it is possible to roll balls of diameter 1 – 3mm; Very plastic: it is possible to roll balls with diameter< 1mm. Soils with high consistency are difficult in cultivation. 5. Soil porosity, bioporosity In VSA soil macroporosity is evaluated according to number of pores per 1 cm 2 of soil matrix according to folloving scheme: 8 Porosity Weak Medium High Count of pores < 20 20 – 50 > 50 Soil porosity is important for air and water movement in soil profile. In generall, soils with developed structure havehiher porosity than stuctureless soils. Sandy soils have the lowest total porosity among all texural categories (about 38% of volume). On the contrary clayey soils in normal state have the highest total porosity (more than 48% of volume). 6. Crust and cracks formation Crust and cracks formation is evaluated when soil is dry. Crust formation occurs when soils structure is destroyed. Driving forces in crust formation are: Incorrect soil moisture during cultivation (e.g. heavy soils cultivated during high actual moisture). This leads to soil aggregates destroying. Excess of salts in soil profile; Fe, Al movement. Evaluation of cracks size: Narrow: < 2mm Medium: 2 – 10mm Wide: >10mm. Consequences: Crust and cracks development influences significantly water and air regime of the soil. Crust on the top of soil decreases infiltration of water and increases risk of soil erosion on sloppy area. Cracks are reason for preferential flow which decreases efficiency of irrigation or rain water and increases risk of possible soil contamination in deep soil profile or ground water. 7. Soil Color Soil color depends on many factors: Soil matrix composition; Soil texture: in general, sandy soils have the lowest humus content because of high mineralization of organic matter and clayey soils have the highest humus content. Exceptions in case of clayey soils are caused mainly due to soil degradation. Soil water and air regime: grey color in conditions of lack of oxygen Quality and amount of organic matter or humus content 9 For VSA soil color is good indicator of changes in humus content of soil which can be caused by improper cultivation. Evaluation of soil color according to humus content (Němeček et al.): Evaluation of humus content Low Slight Medium High Very high Humus content (%) <1 1-2 2-3 3-5 >5 Soil color (moist state) Light brown, light grey Brown, grey Dark brown, dark grey Black and brown, black and grey Black (soils in lowlands) Grey-brown (soils in hilly lands) All changes in soil color from original one to lighter tone indicate loss of humus content and improper cultivation as well as soil degradation, e.g. erosion of top layer. 8. Number and color of soil mottles In VSA soil mottles are evaluated according to number, size and color (see Appendix). They are good indicators of soil aeration, which can be decreased, e.g. by loss of soil structure, especially macropores. Oxygen demand is represented by orange mottles, high and long time demand by grey mottles. High amount of grey mottles is evidence of water logging in soil profile. 9. Soil depth and thickness of humus horizon Soil depth is specified from soil surface to parent material layer. Soil Depth (cm) Evaluation till 18 18 – 30 30 – 60 60 – 100 > 100 Very shallow Shallow Medium deep Deep Very deep Evaluation of the thickness of humus horizon Evaluation Thickness of humus horizon (cm) Shallow Till 18 Medium shallow 18 - 24 Deep Very deep 24 - 30 (50)* >30 50* Note: * is for accumulated soil subtypes 10 10. Number of earthworms Evaluation of the number of earthworms (according to Shepherd) per 20cm cube of soil: NUMBER OF EARTHWORMS IN ARABLE LAND NUMBER OF EARTHWORMS IN PASTURES VISUAL SCORE >8 >20 2 4–8 10 – 20 1 <4 < 10 0 (VS) Explanation: VS 2: good conditions VS 1: moderate conditions VS 0: bad conditions 11. Tillage pan presence, thickness and depth Tillage pan arises due to improper cultivation, mainly: High moisture content during ploughing and passing the soil by heavy machinery especially in case of clayey (minute) soils; Ploughing to the same depth for many years; Improper crop rotation: excess of root crops. Evaluation of soil firmness (hardness): Evaluate and compare upper and lower part of topsoil (0 or 0.5cm and 20, 25cm in dependence of depth of ploughing). Knife test is for dry soil. SOIL FIRMNESS EVALUATION Loose Soil mass is not sticked together Friable Soil mass break after slight pressure Hard Knife penetrate to soil by applying stronger pressure Very hard Soil mass break only due to high pressure, knife penetrates in soil only to he depth of 1 – 2cm Compacted Knife does not penetrate into soil Note: see also Appendix Consequences: Compaction is significant degradation factor; 11 Significant decrease of crops, even soil fertility; Decrease of water infiltration into soil profile and aeration of soil; Decrease mainly of macroposes volume; Degradation of soil strucure; Plough pan is cumulative process from bottom to the top; Changes in chemical and biological properties; Harmful for environment as a whole. 12. Presence and percentage of soil wetting, water stagnation on soil surface For stagnation of water on soil surface are several reasons, mainly: Improper cultivation – compaction mainly in case of heavy (clayey) textured soils Crust formation Differences in soil temperature on the surface and in deeper parts of soil profile (after winter when deeper parts are still frozen). See Appendix. Consequences: Difficulties in timing of cultivation (too moist soil profile); Anaerobic condition with changes in chemical and biological properties with posible toxic reactions on plants roots (hydrogen and ferrous sulphide production); Degradation of soil structure; Crust formation. 13. Presence and degree of soil erosion Soil erosion: water and wind is serious soil degradation factor, which influences all soil functions. Susceptibility of soils to erosion depends on many factors: Cultivation practises and crop rotation; Soil texture: Sandy soils are susceptible to both water and wind erosion, fine sands are more susceptible to wind than to water erosion Loamy soils with high amount of silt are more susceptible to wind erosion; their agregates are more stable in wet conditions; Clay soils with degraded structure are susceptible more to water erosion because in case of crust formation the roughness of soil surface is low; 12 Slope (in case of water erosion): even in case of small slope: 3 – 7 degrees Lenght of slope Wind velocity Evaluation of soil erosion/deposition (according to FAO – guidelines, FAO 1990a): Code N S R G T P Description of erosion no visible evidence of erosion sheet erosion rill erosion gully erosion tunnel erosion deposition by water Code W L A D Z C Description of deposition water and wind erosion wind wind deposition wind erosion and deposition shifting sand salt deposition karst erosion The area affected by erosion; according to ISRIC – UNEP, 1988 (in Manual): Code 1 2 3 4 5 Area (%) 0-5% 5 - 10 % 10 - 25 % 25 - 50 % ≥50 % The intensity of soil erosion according to FAO – guidelines (FAO, 1990a; in Manual): Code S M V E Description slight Some evidence of loss of surface horizons. Original biofunctions largely intact moderate Clear evidence of removal or coverage of surface horizons. Original biofunctions partly destroyed. severe Surface horions completely removed (with subsurface horizons exposed) or covered up by sedimentation of material from upslope. Original biofunctions largely destroyed. extreme Substantial removal of deeper subsurface horizons (badlands). Complete destruction of original biofunctions. VSA criteria in soil erosion evaluation: Visual observations during season; Size o dust plume during cultivation; Checking possible changes in thickness of topsoil between in the different positions on the slope field: top, middle and in footslope. Soil erosion decreases significantly soil fertility and is harmful for all soil functions and environment. 13 14. Soil Hydrophobicity – Water Repellency Soil is hydrophobic when water drops do not penetrate into soil environment directly but after some time. This time is investigated in the WDPT test (Water Drop Penetration Time) by adding water drop onto studied soil surface. Evaluation of the test (after Dekker): WDPT (sec) <5 5 – 60 60 – 600 600 – 3 600 > 3 600 Evaluation Not hydrophobic Slightly hydrophobic Strongly hydrophobic Very strongly hydrophobic Extremely hydrophobic Main reasons of soil hydrophobicity: Actual soil moisture; moisture close to wilting point is already reason for hydrophobicity High humus content; especially films of humus acids on soil particles or aggregates Surface area of soil particles; soil particles with low surface area are more susceptible to hydrophobicity, e.g. sandy soils. Consequences: Water infiltration into soil profile is not homogeneous; In hydrophobic soil preferential flow occur. For this high speed of water movement is typical, so possible movement of pollutants into deep soil horizons or ground water table is easy, contact time with soil matrix is short ; Decreased efficiency of irrigation. 15. Depth of groundwater table Depth of groundwater table influences soil water regime and aeration. Evaluation of Ground Water Table (after Kutilek) and consequences: Depth of Ground Water Table (m) 0 –0,10 (0,40)* 0,10 (0,40)* - 0,55 0,55 (0,9)** (1,0)*** and more Influence on soil Soil is fully saturated with water; not fertile Soil and roots system are adequately supplied with water Groundwater has no influence on water supply of roots system 14 Note: * for heavy soils only **for sandy-loamy soils only *** for loamy, clay-loamy soils and clays 16. Presence of carbonates For this testing we need hydrochloric acid (HCI, diluted 1:3), which we will drop onto investigated soil matrix. Evaluation on the carbonate test: Soil matrix does not effervesces: carbonates are not present; Soil matrix effervesces slightly and short: 0.3 – 3% of CaCO3 is present, soil with low amount of carbonates; Soil matrix effervesces strongly and long: > 3% of CaCO 3 is present, soil with high amount of carbonates. Consequences: Soils without carbonates have usually week aggregates with high susceptibility to deformation or break-up. Very often low and very low pH (< 4) occurs with negative influence on soil fertility; Soils with very high amount of carbonates have also high pH (above 8.5) which can influence negatively most agricultural cops. Cited literature 1. Čurlík, J. and Šurina, B. 1998. Príručka terénneho prieskumu a mapovania pôd. (Handbook of soil terrain investigation and mapping). Soil Science and Conservation Research Institute, (SSCRI). Bratislava. Slovakia. 2. Dekker, L.W. 1998: Moisture variability resulting from water repellency in Dutch soils. PhD Thesis. Agricultural University, Wageningen, 240pp. 3. Finke, P. et al. 2001. Manual of Procedures. Georeferenced Soil database for Europe, Versios 1.1. EC/JRC/IES/ESB. Italy 4. Kutílek, M. 1978. Vodohospodářská SNTL/ALFA, Praha-Bratislava, 296pp. pedologie (Hydropedology), 5. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Soil Survey of England and Wales. 1994. Soil texture. Leaflet 895. 6. Němeček, J. et al. 1966. Prieskum poľnohospodáskych pôd ČSSR (Survey of agricultural soils in Czechoslovakia). 7. Shepherd, G. 2000. Visual Soil Assessment. ISBN 1-8772214-92-9. New Zeeland. 15 APPENDIX 16 Soil Porosity Evaluation; internal porosity evaluatio (after Hogston, 1978) 17 Tillage Pan: Presence and thickness, roots development 18 19 Presence and percentage of soil wetting 20