BMELIB Numerical Library for Bayesian Maximum Entropy space/time estimation Structure of the BMElib package Tutorials Examples tutorlib Tests exlib testslib MAPPING ANALYSIS WITH BMElib Exploratory data analysis: iolib graphlib Space/time variability S/TRF simulation modelslib statlib simulib Spatiotemporal estimation bmeprobalib bmeintlib bmehrlib LOW LEVEL FUNCTIONS FOR BMElib General functions genlib Numerical integration mvnlib The different directories of BMELIB: iolib exploratory data analysis, file input/output graphlib exploratory data analysis, graphical functions modelslib - analysis of space/time variability, variogram and covariance models statlib analysis of space/time variability, statitics and estimation of variograms bmeprobalib - spatiotemporal estimation, using hard data and probabilistic soft data bmeintlib spatiotemporal estimation, using hard data and interval soft data bmehrlib spatiotemporal estimation, using hard data only simulib simulation of S/TRF realizations genlib miscellaneous, general functions mvnlib miscellaneous, FORTRAN routines tutorlib tutorials exlib examples testslib test functions Getting help for on a specific BMELIB directory » help graphlib BMELIB exploratory data analysis, graphical functions (Jan 1, 2001) colorplot markerplot poleplot histscatterplot stringplot valplot probaplot - plot of values at 2-D coordinates using colormaps - plot of values at 2-D coordinates using markers - 3-D perspective plot at 2-D coordinates using poles - histograms and scatter plots - plot of text strings at 2-D coordinates - plot of values at 2-D coordinates using texts - Plots the probabilistic data Getting help for on a specific BMELIB function » help markerplot markerplot - plot of values at 2-D coordinates using markers (Jan 1,2001) Plot the values of a vector at a set of two dimensional coordinates using symbols of varying sizes such that the size of the displayed symbols at these coordinates is a function of the corresponding values. SYNTAX : markerplot(c,z,sizelim,Property,Value); INPUT : c n by 2 matrix of coordinates for the locations to be displayed. Each line corresponds to the vector of coordinates at a location, so the number of columns is equal to two. z n by 1 column vector of values to be coded as markers. sizelim 1 by 2 vector that contains the minimum and maximum values in pixels for the size of the symbols to be displayed. The minimum and maximum size values are associated with the minimum and maximum values in z, respectively. The size of the symbols for values in between these minimum and maximum are obtained by linear interpolation. Property 1 by k cell array where each cell is a string that contains a legal name of a plot object property. This variable is optional, as default values are used if Property is missing from the input list of variables. Execute get(H), where H is a plot handle, to see a list of plot object properties and their current values. Execute set(H) to see a list of plot object properties and legal property values. See also the help for plot.m. Value 1 by k cell array where each cell is a legal value for the corresponding plot object property as specified in Property. NOTE : For example, markerplot(c,z,sizelim,Property,Value); where sizelim=[5 20]; Property={'Marker','MarkerEdgeColor','MarkerFaceColor'}; Value={'^',[0 0 1],[1 0 0]}; will plot red triangles with a blue border that have a MarkerSize value between 5 and 20 pixels. By default, markerplot(c,z,sizelim) will use disks with the default properties for plot.m. Doing the tutorials To get help on the tutorial directory: » help tutorlib GENLIBtutorial - tutorial for the genlib directory (Jan 1,2001) GRAPHLIBtutorial - tutorial for the graphlib directory (Jan 1,2001) KRIGLIBtutorial - tutorial for the kriglib directory (Jan 1,2001) MODELSLIBtutorial - tutorial for the modelslib directory (Jan 1,2001) SIMULIBtutorial - tutorial for the simulib directory (Jan 1,2001) STATLIBtutorial - tutorial for the statlib directory (Jan 1,2001) BMEINTLIBtutorial - tutorial for the bmeintlib directory (Jan 1,2001) To run the graphics directory: » GRAPHLIBtutorial