The day to day The average condition of the weather in a atmosphere. place. Weather Climate An instrument An instrument that measures air that measures pressure. wind speed. Barometer Anemometer Fluffy clouds Big blankets of forming low in dull cloud the sky. completely Cumulus clouds covering the sky. Stratus clouds Rain caused by Rain caused by the sun heating wind pushing the ground. clouds over Convectional mountains. rainfall Relief rainfall The weight of the Air moves around air pushing down the earth in huge on the earth. block of air. Air pressure Air mass A large swirl of cloud How far a place is that passes over the north or south of UK made up of a cold the equator. front chasing a warm front. Latitude A person who studies the weather. Meteorologist The amount of sky that is covered by cloud. Cloud cover Thin wispy clouds over 6km high. Cirrus clouds Rain caused by warm air rising over cold air. Frontal rainfall The leading edge of an air mass. Front The direction the wind blows in the most often. Prevailing wind Depression The study of the weather. Meteorology An instrument used to measure how much rain has fallen. An instrument used to measure the wind direction. Rain gauge Weather vane A symbol to show A symbol to show A symbol to show a warm front. a cold front. an occluded front. A symbol to show A symbol to show A symbol to show sun and possible sun and possible sunshine and snow. rain. warm weather. A symbol to show cloud and some sun.