SOS 7201 ADVANCED SOIL PHYSICS Lecturer Dr. Lukman Nagaya Mulumba Course Type: CORE (M.Sc. Agric. I.) Course Credits (CU): 3 CU i.e. 45 Contact Hours per semester Course Duration: 15 weeks (45 hours) 1. COURSE DESCRIPTION The course introduces students to soil physical environment, radiation, heat exchange, humidity, evaporation. Properties of Soil-Water System. Movement of water and solutes in multimedia. Water transport in the soil- plant – atmosphere continuum. Water balance. Soil atmosphere gaseous exchange. Preferential flow; break through curves, fractal theory. 2. Course Objectives This course will enable students to learn the basic soil physics principles that govern the behavior of soil. Participation in the course should enable a student to apply the state-of-art - knowledge and skills in soil-water-plant relations for sustainable natural resource development. 3. Recommended References 1. Analysis of Soil Physical Properties by Majumda and R. A Singh 2. Introduction to Soil Physics by Daniel Hillel 3. Applications of Soil Physics by Daniel Hillel 4. Soil Physics by William A. Jury, Wilford R. Gardner and Walter H 5. William A. Jury, Wilford R. Gardner and Walter H. Gardner. 2002. Soil Physics 6. Miyazaki, T., S. Hasegawa, and T. Kasubuchi. Water Flow in Soils. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York. 4. COURSE CONTENT, METHODS OF INSTRUCTION, TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT REQUIRED TOPIC CONTENT METHOD OF INSTRUCTION / Time allocated 1. Introduction Interactive lecture (2 Course overview hrs) Class introduction and establishment of expectations A review of important soil physical properties 2. The soil physical Soil-water relations; Interactive lecture (3 environment hrs) water retention, energy state of water, 3. the soil physical Interactive lecture (1.5 water flow in saturated soils; Environment hrs) Water flow in saturated layered soils continues Practical (3 hrs borrowing from Ohm’s law; 4. The soil physical Interactive lecture (3 water flow in unsaturated soil Environment - conti hrs) TOOLS / EQUIPMENT NEEDED LCD projector, Chalk / BB or Markers / Flip charts Chalk / BB or Markers / Flip charts, Projector Chalk / BB or Markers / Flip charts, Projector Chalk / BB or Markers / Flip 5. Soil water regimes 6. Soil water regime - continues 7. Soil water regime - continues 8. Gas transport through soil Review of the hydrological cycle Water loss from soil surface water loss from plant surface Transpiration (T) Infiltration Infiltration models downward movement of water below stored soil water zone water in a given volume of soil, and their effect on stored soil water, storage, (ΔS) for a given volume of soil) Gas conservation equation; Gas convection 10. Gas transport through soil Gas Diffusion Gas transport equation ; Gas transport modeling in soil; Steady state Oxygen transport and consumption 11. Thermal Regime Sources of radiation and energy balance 12. Thermal Regime The thermal conductivity as a function of soil texture and structure, soil wetness, heat capacity and soil temperature Heat exchange with air or the atmosphere and heat flow in soil Thermal regime of soil profiles Soil stress Soil strain The concept of soil strength and its measurement Soil compression 9. Gas transport through soil 13. Thermal Regime 14. Soil dynamics 15. Soil dynamics Soil compaction in relation to wetness Soil compaction under machinery induced pressure Control of soil compaction 5. SUMMARY OF TIME NEEDED Interactive lectures covering theory 45 hrs charts Interactive lecture with Chalk / BB or question and answer Markers / Flip session (3 hrs) charts, Projector Interactive lecture (2.5 hrs) Field Infiltration practical (3 hrs) Interactive lecture with question and answer session (3 hrs) Chalk / BB or Markers / Flip charts Chalk / BB or Markers / Flip charts, LCD projector Mid term exam 1.5 hrs Chalk / BB or Interactive Lecture (1.5 Markers / Flip hrs) charts, LCD projector Interactive Lecture (3 Chalk / BB or hr) Markers / Flip charts, Projector Interactive lecture (3 Chalk / BB or hrs) Markers / Flip charts Lecture (3 hr) Chalk / BB or Markers / Flip charts Interactive Lecture (3 Chalk / BB or hr) Markers / Flip charts Interactive Lecture (2 hr) Practical (2 hrs Interactive Lecture (2 Chalk / BB or hr) Markers / Flip Practical (2 hrs to see charts the different types of agro-chemicals Interactive lecture (3 hrs) Chalk / BB or Markers / Flip charts 6. OVERALL COURSE EVALUATION Continuous Assessment Test Final examination 40% 60%. END