LOCAL AND DISTORTIONAL BUCKLING OF COLD-FORMED STEEL MEMBERS WITH EDGE STIFFENED FLANGES B.W. Schafer1 & T. Peköz2 1 2 Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, Arlington, MA 02474, USA Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA ABSTRACT Cold-formed steel members with edge stiffened flanges have three important buckling phenomena: local, distortional, and global. Current North American specification (e.g., AISI) methods do not explicitly treat the distortional mode or account for interaction of elements in local buckling. Hand methods are presented for proper estimation of the critical buckling stress of compression and flexural members in both the local and distortional mode. Post-buckling behavior of edge stiffened flanges is examined. Phenomena unique to the distortional mode include: reduced post-buckling capacity and heightened imperfection sensitivity. A design method for strength prediction, based on the unified effective width approach, is proposed. KEYWORDS local buckling, distortional buckling, cold-formed steel design, imperfection sensitivity INTRODUCTION 80 1.33" 0.33" 70 Torsional 2.5" 60 t =0.0284" buckling stress (ksi) Buckling of cold-formed steel members with edge stiffened flanges may be generally characterized as occurring in one of three modes: local, distortional, or global (e.g., torsional, flexural etc.). The finite strip analysis shown in Figure 1 illustrates these three buckling modes for a member under pure compression. 50 40 30 Local Flexural Distortional 20 10 The local mode repeats at short wavelengths, 0 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0 generally involves only rotation at element half-wavelength (in) junctures (i.e., the elements appear “pinned” at each fold line) and hand methods in current Figure 1 Finite Strip Analysis of a use typically ignore any interaction amongst Member in Compression the elements. The distortional mode repeats at wavelengths from short to long depending on geometry and loading, generally involves rotation and translation of multiple elements (but not the entire cross-section) and hand methods for prediction are relatively cumbersome. The global mode repeats at long wavelengths (often only one half-wavelength 1 occurs in a given member) generally involves rotation and/or translation of the entire cross-section and hand methods for prediction are considered classical examples of buckling phenomena. ELASTIC BUCKLING PREDICTION BY HAND CALCULATION Local Buckling In design local buckling is typically treated by ignoring any interaction that exists between elements (e.g., the flange and the web). Each element is treated independently and classic plate buckling solutions based on isolated simply supported plates are generally employed. The result of such an approach is that each element is predicted to buckle at a different stress. This approach shall be termed the “element model”. Numerical methods, such as the finite strip method, or finite element method may be used to determine the local buckling stress of an entire member; however, for design purposes hand methods are desirable. In order to better predict the actual local buckling stress, but not result to numerical solutions a second class of local buckling solutions is introduced: the “semi-empirical interaction model”. These local buckling solutions account for the interaction between two elements, but not the entire member. The solutions are approximations to finite strip analyses of two isolated members, e.g., the flange and the web. In general, it is found that the minimum local buckling stress of any two attached elements is a reasonable approximation of the entire member local buckling stress. Table 1 Proposed Models for Local Buckling Prediction ELEMENT MODEL Flange: ( fcr)f Web: ( fcr)w Lip: ( fcr)l k 4 2 k 05 . 3web 4 2web 4 b h k k lip b d 2 . for 0 lip 11 k lip 14 . lip2 0.25lip 0.425 . lip 2 for 11 k lip 13lip3 655 . lip2 131lip 80 SEMI-EMPIRICAL INTERACTION MODEL 2 Flange/Lip: ( fcr)fl k 855 . lip 1107 . d b 159 . lip 395 . d b 4 for lip 1 and d b 0.6 Flange/Web1: ( fcr)fw k 1125 . min 4, 05 . 3web 4 2web 4 b h Flange/Web2: ( fcr)fw k 2 b h 4b h 2 h b 4 0.4 0.2 2 2 if h b 1 if h b 1 1 2 local buckling of the flange and web when the web is under flexure local buckling of the flange and web when the web is in pure compression. 2 Local buckling solutions for both the element model and the semi-empirical interaction model are given in Table 1. For an edge stiffened member (e.g., a lipped channel) h = web height, b = flange width, and d = lip length. All of the k values are in terms of the critical buckling stress of the flange, where: 2D f cr k 2 . bt Several of the elements are subjected to a stress gradient, which is defined in terms of , f f2 1 . f1 Where, f1 and f2 are defined as the stresses at the opposite edges of the element. For the web, f1 is at the web/compression flange juncture. For the lip, f1 is at the lip/compression flange juncture. Compression stresses are positive. Distortional Buckling k Prediction of distortional buckling by hand methods is markedly more involved than local buckling. The key issue is related to the rotational restraint at the juncture of the flange and the web. Consider an isolated edge stiffened flange in which the restraint at 15 the web/flange juncture is first modeled as simply Fixed Support supported, then fixed – finite strip results of such a Simple Support model are given in Figure 2. The plate buckling 10 coefficient and hence the buckling stress are markedly more sensitive to rotational restraint for distortional buckling than for local buckling. Hence, 5 Local distortional buckling requires careful treatment of the Distortional rotational restraint at the web/flange juncture and local buckling in most cases does not. 0 0 1 10 100 Closed-form prediction of the distortional buckling stress is based on the rotational restraint at the Figure 2 Importance of Rotational Restraint web/flange juncture. Consider a typical cross-section in an Edge Stiffened Flange as shown in Figure 3 and the definition of the rotational stiffness. The rotational stiffness may be expanded as a summation of elastic and stress dependent geometric stiffness terms with contributions from both the flange and the web, 1 k kf kw kf kw M=k 1 e g . Buckling ensues when the elastic stiffness at the web/flange juncture is eroded by the geometric stiffness, i.e., k 0 . Writing the stress dependent portion of the geometric stiffness explicitly, ~ ~ k kfe kwe f kfg kwg 0 . Figure 3 k Therefore, the buckling stress ( f ) is kfe kwe f ~ ~ . kfg kwg Complete expressions for the stiffness terms for members in flexure and compression are given in Table 2. The expressions for flexure are derived in Schafer and Peköz (1999). The stiffness terms for the flange are completed in the classic manner – assuming the flange acts as a column undergoing 3 flexural-torsional buckling with springs along one edge. The expressions for the web stiffness are derived by truncating the solution for the buckling of a single finite strip. Table 2 Proposed Model for Distortional Buckling Prediction 4 PROPOSED MODEL FOR DISTORTIONAL BUCKLING PREDICTION kfe kwe f ed ~ ~ kfg kwg L min Lcr , Lm Flange Rotational Stiffness: k f ~ k f e g L 4 2 I2 EI xf x o hx 2 ECwf E xyf x o hx 2 GJ f L I yf 2 2 I xyf A f x o hx L I yf 2 I 2 y o x o hx xyf I yf hx2 y o2 I xf I yf Flexural Member: Critical Length and Web Rotational Stiffness Lcr 4 4 h 1 2 t3 k we ~ k wg Et 3 12 1 2 I xf x o hx 2 Cwf 2 I xyf I yf x o hx 2 4h4 720 1 4 3 2 19h 4 h 3 h L 60 L 240 2 2 45360 1 62160 L 448 2 h 53 31 4 web web ht 2 h L 2 4 13440 L L 4 28 2 420 h h Compression Member: Critical Length and Web Rotational Stiffness Lcr 6 4 h 1 2 t3 k we Et 3 6h 1 2 I xf x o hx 2 Cwf 2 I xyf I yf x o hx 2 1 4 2 3 ~ th k wg L 15 E = Modulus of Elasticity G = Shear Modulus = Poisson’s Ratio t = plate thickness h = web depth = (f1- f2)/f1 stress gradient in the web Lm = Distance between restraints which limit rotation of the flange about the flange/web junction Af, Ixf, Iyf, Cwf, Jf = Section properties of the compression flange (flange and edge stiffener) about x, y axes respectively, where the x, y axes are located at the centroid of flange with x-axis parallel with flat portion of the flange xo = x distance from the flange/web junction to the centroid of the flange. hx = x distance from the centroid of the flange to the shear center of the flange 5 The distortional buckling methods proposed for compression members by Lau and Hancock (1987) and flexural members Hancock (1995) and Hancock (1997) perform in a manner similar to the proposed method except in the cases where the geometric stiffness of the web is “driving” the distortional buckling solution (e.g., distortional buckling in which essentially the flange is restraining the web from buckling). The explicit treatment of the role of the elastic and geometric rotational stiffness at the web/flange juncture and the expressions for the web’s contribution to the rotationanl stiffness are unique to the method presented here. Verification In order to verify the proposed buckling models a parametric study of members in either flexure or compression is performed. The geometry of the studied members is summarized in Table 3 and the results are given in Table 4. The results are determined by comparison to finite strip analysis. For calculation of the local buckling moment or load (M or P) the minimum buckling stress of the elements is used to compare to the finite strip solution. For local buckling prediction use of the minimum element buckling stress for the entire member (element model) is quite conservative. Use of the semi-empirical interaction model that accounts for any two attached elements is generally a reasonable local buckling predictor. For distortional buckling prediction the proposed method is a reasonable predictor, but not without error. For cases with slender webs the proposed distortional buckling solution correctly converges to the web local buckling stress, Hancock’s method conservatively converges to zero buckling stress. Table 3. Geometry of Members used for Verifcation* h/b h/t b/t d/t max min max min max min max min count Schafer (1997) Members 3.0 1.0 90 30 90 30 15.0 2.5 32 Commercial Drywall Studs 4.6 1.2 318 48 70 39 16.9 9.5 15 AISI Manual C's 7.8 0.9 232 20 66 15 13.8 3.2 73 AISI Manual Z's 4.2 1.7 199 32 55 18 20.3 5.1 50 7.8 0.9 318 20 90 15 20.3 2.5 170 * for members in flexure only Schafer (1997) members are studied Table 4. Performance of Elastic Buckling Methods* Average St. Dev. Average St. Dev. Local Buckling Element Model Interaction Model Mpredicted /Mlocal Mpredicted /Mlocal 0.74 0.90 0.12 0.05 Ppredicted /Plocal 0.75 0.13 Ppredicted /Plocal 0.97 0.06 Distortional Buckling Proposed Method Mpredicted /Mdist. 0.95 0.08 Ppredicted /Pdist. 1.07 0.05 * finite strip analysis does not always have a minimum for both local and distortional buckling, comparisons are only made for those cases in which finite strip analysis revealed a minimum in the appropriate mode. 6 POST-BUCKLING BEHAVIOR Fi xe d, D O F 2- 6 re st ra in ed To investigate the post-buckling behavior in the local and distortional modes, nonlinear FEM analysis of isolated flanges is completed using ABAQUS (HKS 1995). The boundary conditions and the elements used to model the flange are shown in Figure 4. The material model is elastic-plastic with strain "Roller" Support hardening. Initial imperfections in the local and distortional DOF 2,3 restrained mode are superposed to form the initial imperfect 4 geometry. A longitudinal through thickness flexural D.O.F. 1 residual stress of 30% fy is also modeled. 2 5 3 The geometry of the members investigated is summarized 6 in Table 5. The thickness is 1mm and fy = 345MPa. It is "Pin" Support DOF 1-3 restrained observed that the final failure mechanism is consistent with the distortional mode even in cases when the distortional Figure 4 Isolated Flange buckling stress is higher than the local buckling stress. (fixed at flange/web juncture) Consider Figure 5, which shows the final failure mechanism for all the members studied. Based solely on elastic buckling one would expect the local mode to control in all cases in which (fcr)local / (fcr)dist. < 1 – as the figure shows, this is not the Table 5. Edge Stiffened Flanges b/t 25 50 75 100 d/t 4.00 - 19.0 6.25 - 12.5 5.00 - 25.0 6.25 - 25.0 6.25 - 37.5 6.25 - 37.5 6.25 - 50.0 6.25 - 50.0 90 45 90 45 90 45 90 45 Pcr,local Pcr,dist 1.82 - 0.25 1.94 - 0.96 1.58 - 0.27 1.76 - 0.51 1.34 - 0.18 1.73 - 0.35 1.40 - 0.14 1.75 - 0.23 2 Distortional Mechanism Distortional Mechanism + Local Yielding Mixed ~ Mechanism Depends on Imp. Local Mechanism + Distortional Yielding Local Mechanism 1.8 1.6 1.4 f f 1.2 cr local 1 cr dist. 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 fy 2 2.5 f cr local Figure 5 Failure Mechanism case. Finite element analysis also reveals that the post-buckling capacity in the distortional mode is less than that in the local mode. Consider Figure 6, for the same slenderness values the distortional failures exhibit a lower ultimate strength. Similar loss in strength is experimentally observed and summarized in Hancock et al. (1994). Note for Figure 6, (fcr)mechanism is the buckling stress, either local or distortional, that corresponds to the final failure mechanism. As shown in Figure 5 (fcr)mechanism is not equal to the minimum of (fcr)local and (fcr)dist.. Geometric imperfections are modeled as a superposition of the local and distortional mode. The magnitude of the imperfection is selected based on the statistical summary provided in Schafer and Peköz (1998). The error bars in Figure 6 demonstrate the range of strengths predicted for imperfections varying over the central 50% portion of expected imperfection magnitudes. The greater the error bars, the greater the imperfection sensitivity. The percent difference in the strength over the central 50% portion of expected imperfection magnitudes is used as a measure of imperfection sensitivity: f u 25%imp. f u 75%imp. 100% . 1 f f u 75%imp. 2 u 25% imp . 7 A contour plot of this imperfection sensitivity statistic is shown in Figure 7. Stocky members prone to failure in the distortional mode have the greatest sensitivity. In general, distortional failures are more sensitive to initial imperfections than local failures. Areas of imperfection sensitivity risk are 2 1 1.8 1.6 0.8 15% 10% 1.4 P f f f u 0.6 fy cr local HIGH 1.2 MEDIUM 5% 15% 1 cr dist. 0.8 0.4 Winter's Curve Local Buckling Failures Distortional Buckling Failures 0.2 0 fy MEDIUM 0.2 0 1 10% 0.4 error bars indicate the range of strengths observed between imperfection magnitudes of 25 and 75 % probability of exceedance 0 LOW 0.6 f cr mechanism 2 0 0.5 0% 5% 1 fy 3 f 1.5 2 cr mechanism Figure 7 Imperfection Sensitivity Figure 6 Failure Strength assigned. INTEGRATING DISTORTIONAL BUCKLING INTO DESIGN The current North American specification approach for the capacity of a member involves determining an effective area or section modulus to account for local buckling. The reduction is based on an empirical correction to the work of von Kármán et al. (1932) completed by Winter (1947). The extension of this approach to all members of the cross-section is based on the unified approach of Peköz (1987). The resulting effective section is used to (1) calculate the capacity due to local buckling alone and (2) determine the reduced section properties for use in global buckling modes in order to account for interaction between local and global modes. When considering distortional buckling in design one must consider whether distortional buckling should be treated in a manner similar to local buckling, global buckling, or in an entirely new way. If distortional buckling is a separate failure mode it may be treated as such (e.g., the method of Hancock et al. 1996). If distortional buckling can interact with global modes then an effective width type of approach that accounts for local and distortional buckling would be appropriate – this is the method currently suggested. Further, the results of the previous section show a direct competition between local and distortional buckling that must be accounted for. If distortional buckling is considered then the critical buckling stress of an element (flange, web or lip) is no longer solely dependent on local buckling, as is currently assumed in most specifications. In order to properly integrate distortional buckling, reduced post-buckling capacity in the distortional mode and the ability of the distortional mode to control the failure mechanism even when at a higher buckling stress than the local mode must be incorporated. Consider defining the critical buckling stress of the element as: f min f cr cr local , Rd f cr dist . The slenderness (for an applied stress equal to the yield stress) is: f y f cr For strength, if the reduced distortional mode governs, then effective width would be: beff b where 1 0.22 / / For Rd < 1 this method provides an additional reduction on the post-buckling capacity. Further, the method also allows the distortional mode to control in situations when the distortional buckling stress is greater than the local buckling stress. Thus, Rd provides a framework for solving the 8 2.5 problem of predicting the failure mode and reducing the post-buckling capacity in the distortional mode. The selected form for Rd based on Figure 5 and 6 and the experimental results of Hancock et al. (1994) is: 117 . Rd min1, 0.3 where d f y f cr dist . . d 1 If numerical methods (finite strip analysis) are not used to determine the critical buckling stress in the local and distortional modes, then the models proposed herein are suggested for use. The above approach was examined for the strength capacity of laterally braced flexural members. Experimental data of Cohen (1987), Desmond (1981), Ellifritt et al. (1997), LaBoube and Yu (1978), Moreyra (1993), Rogers (1995), Schardt and Schrade (1982), Schuster (1992), Shan et al. (1994), and Willis and Wallace (1990) on laterally braced lipped channel and Z sections was gathered and examined – see Schafer and Peköz (1999). Using the proposed hand methods for calculation of the local and distortional buckling stress (for local buckling the interaction model is used) a test to predicted ratio of 1.07 with a standard deviation of 0.08 was determined for the 190 experiments. In addition to properly accounting for distortional buckling individual cases are observed where including the local buckling interaction yields markedly better results. For example, local buckling initiated by long lips (long edge stiffeners) and local buckling with highly slender webs and compact flanges are examples where including the interaction is observed to improve the strength prediction markedly. Currently work is underway to investigate similar approaches for compression members and also to investigate the possibility of directly using finite strip analysis results on the entire member instead of the current element by element approach. CONCLUSIONS Cold-formed steel members with edge stiffened flanges have three important buckling phenomena: local, distortional, and global. Current North American specification methods do not explicitly treat the distortional mode or account for interaction in local buckling. Distortional buckling deserves special attention because it has the ability to control the final failure mechanism and is also observed to have lower post-buckling capacity and higher imperfection sensitivity than local buckling. New hand methods are developed to properly estimate the critical buckling stress in both the local and distortional mode. A design method for strength prediction, based on the unified effective width approach, is discussed. The design method uses the new expressions for prediction of the local and distortional buckling stress. Proper incorporation of the distortional buckling phenomena is imperative for accurate strength prediction of cold-formed steel members. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The sponsorship of the American Iron and Steel Institute in conducting this research is gratefully acknowledged. APPENDIX I. REFERENCES American Iron and Steel Institute (1996). AISI Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members. American Iron and Steel Institute. Washington, D.C. Cohen, J. M. (1987). Local Buckling Behavior of Plate Elements, Department of Structural Engineering Report, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Desmond T.P., Peköz, T. and Winter, G. (1981). "Edge Stiffeners for Thin-Walled Members." Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, February 1981. Elhouar, S., Murray, T.M. 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