Electrons in Atoms, Periodic Table, Chemical Bonding, Gas Laws

Final Exam Review WKST 1: Electrons in Atoms, Periodic Table, Chemical Bonding, Gas
Electrons in Atoms
Complete the following table.
Neutral Atom
Valence Electron
Tendency to
Number of
Gain or Lose
Valence Electrons
Valence Electrons Gained or Lost
Valence Electron
Configuration of
Symbol and
Charge of
Na +1
C -4
Br –1
Ca +2
O -2
P -3
K +1
Zn +2
Cl -1
Li +1
____ 1. Mendeleev’s periodic table had several empty spaces. As it turned out, Mendeleev
was able to use these gaps to
A) predict properties of as yet undiscovered elements
B) reveal the electron configurations of the atoms
C) discover the atomic numbers
D) find errors in the identification of elements
____ 2. In early efforts to classify the elements Mendeleev arranged the elements in order of
A) decreasing ionization energies
C) increasing atomic numbers
B) increasing atomic radii
D) increasing atomic masses
____ 3. Moseley’s work led to the current periodic table in which the elements are arranged
on the basis of
A) decreasing atomic volume
C) increasing energy
B) decreasing ionic radii
D) increasing atomic number
____ 4. Horizontal rows of elements are called
A) metals
B) periods
C) groups
D) families
____ 5. The transition elements would be located in which block of the periodic table?
A) f
B) s
C) p
D) d
____ 6.
The number of the period of elements is the same as the number of
A) elements in that particular row of the periodic table
B) principal energy levels containing electrons in the atoms of all elements in the
C) electrons in all atoms in the period
D) protons and neutrons in all atoms in the period
____ 7.
All elements in Period 4 have
A) 4 occupied principal energy levels
number equal to 4
B) 4 protons
D) 4 valence electrons
C) an atomic
____ 8.
Elements that have similar chemical properties have
A) the same total number of electrons
nearly the same atomic mass
B) the same configuration of valence electrons
D) the same number of
____ 9.
The characteristic properties of metals are associated with
A) loosely held valence electrons
C) strongly held valence electrons
B) partially filled p sublevels
D) completely filled f sublevels
____ 10. How many elements would you expect in any row of the d block?
A) 14
B) 2
C) 6
D) 10
____ 11. Elements in Period 5 have an electron configuration with electrons in how many
principal energy levels?
A) 15
B) 2
C) 5
D) 10
____ 12. The element bromine is a
A) period 4 transition metal
B) period 3 noble gas
C) period 3 alkali metal
D) period 4 halogen
____ 13. The alkali metals do NOT include
A) Cs
B) K
C) Ca
D) Na
____ 14. Which of the following elements would have chemical properties similar to those of
A) oxygen
B) potassium
C) magnesium
D) chlorine
____ 15. An element has an outermost sublevel configuration of 5s2 5p4. The element may be
found on the periodic table in
A) period 4, group 9
C) period 4, group 5
B) period 5, group 16
D) period 5, group 4
____ 16. The element having the valence electron configuration of 3s2 3p3 is
A) arsenic
B) potassium
C) phosphorus
D) sulfur
____ 17. An element having the complete electron configuration 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 would belong
in which group?
A) alkaline earth metals
C) nitrogen group
B) noble gases
D) alkali metals
____ 18. A group of elements that includes the most reactive of the nonmetals is
A) halogens
C) nitrogen group
B) noble gases
D) alkaline earth metals
____ 19. As you move across Period 3 from left to right, there is a decrease in
A) number of valence electrons
C) ionization energy
B) metallic properties
D) electronegativity
____ 20. As you move down a group, the electronegativity of the elements
A) increases
B) decreases
C) stays the same
____ 21. The elements having the most metallic characteristics are found in the
A) upper left of the periodic table
C) d block
B) upper right of the periodic table
D) lower left of the periodic table
Chemical Bonding
____ 1. The relative tendency of an atom to attract electrons to itself when the atom is bonded
to another atom is called
A) electromotive force
C) electropositivity
B) electronegativity
D) ionization energy
____ 2. Two or more atoms bond covalently to form a neutral particle called a
A) crystal lattice
B) kernel
C) ion pair
D) molecule
____ 3. The lowest electronegativity values are possessed by the most active
A) metals
B) nonmetals
C) metalloids
D) transition metals
____ 4. Atoms that have very similar electronegativities tend to form ___ with each other.
A) ionic bonds
B) covalent bonds
C) metallic bonds
D) no bonds
____ 5. Which of the following is a general physical property of ionic solids?
A) conduct electricity in molten form
C) do not form crystals
B) have a very low melting point
D) insoluble in water
____ 6. Which of the following metallic properties is best explained by the interaction of
delocalized electrons with visible light?
A) malleability
B) luster
C) electrical conductivity
D) ductility
____ 7. Which of the following pairs of atoms will form a covalent bond between them?
A) Na, Cl
B) Mg, Al
C) Ba, O
D) C, O
____ 8. The type of chemical bond that is the result of the transfer of one or more electrons
from one atom to another is called
A) intermolecular
B) ionic
C) covalent
D) metallic
____ 9. Which of the following is a general physical property of molecular compounds?
A) low melting point
B) electrical conductivity
C) very hard
D) malleable
____ 10. Large differences in electronegativity between atoms results in
A) covalent bonding
C) metallic bonding
B) coordinate covalent bonding
D) ionic bonding
____ 11. In a triple covalent bond, what is the total number of valence electrons involved?
A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 6
____ 12. The size of the electrical charge on an ion is equal to the
A) number of protons in the atomic nucleus of the ion
B) number of valence electrons that has been gained or lost
C) group number of the element
C) period number of the element
____ 13. Ionic compounds typically contain
A) two or more nonmetal ions
B) metal atoms and nonmetal atoms
C) metal ions and nonmetal ions
D) two or metal ions
____ 14. A coordinate covalent bond between two atoms differs from other covalent bonds
between two atoms because
A) only one atom donates the pair of electrons involved in the coordinate covalent bond
B) both atoms donate a pair of electrons to the coordinate covalent bond
C) some atom not in the molecule donates the pair of electrons to the coordinate covalent
D) the result of the coordinate covalent bond is two negatively charged ions
Use your table of electronegativities and the reference table given to complete the table
nonpolar covalent
polar covalent
Atom Pairs
Ca – N
Al – S
Ba – O
P – Cl
Cu - Br
< 0.8
≥ 0.8 and < 1.8
≥ 1.8
Absolute Difference in
Bond Type
Element Name
Lewis Dot Structure of
Neutral Atom
Lewis Dot Structure of
Ion When Formed
1. At what Celsius temperature will 0.505 mole CO2(g) occupy a volume of 3500.0 mL at a
pressure of 430.53 kPa?
a) identification of variables:
b) appropriate equation to solve for the unknown:
c) correct substitution; cancelling units; correct numerical answer with units; correct sig. figs.:
2. The volume of a balloon is 640.5 mL at a pressure of 220.3 kPa and a temperature of
20.0 oC. Calculate the volume if the temperature is increased by 85.0 oC and the
pressure is lowered to 205.5 kPa. (READ CAREFULLY!!!!!)
a) identification of variables:
b) appropriate equation to solve for the unknown:
c) correct substitution; cancelling units; correct numerical answer with units; correct sig. figs.:
3. A fire extinguisher contains 3.27 kg CO2(g) measured at 20.0 oC. The volume of the
tank is 4.20 L. Calculate the internal pressure of the CO2(g) in the tank. (hint: be
careful: read the problem and double-check for correct units; change units wherever
a) identification of variables:
b) appropriate equation to solve for the unknown:
c) correct substitution; cancelling units; correct numerical answer with units; correct sig. figs.: