NEFIS QLK5-CT-2002-30638 2004-01-30 NEFISTheme - vegetation (or forest or land) types alpine vegetation bogs botanical composition brushwood caatinga cerrado chaparral coastal plant communities duneland plants ecology ecosystems ecotones elfin woodlands fens forest ecology forested watersheds forests see also Appendix2 boreal forests bottomland forests broadleaved evergreen forests broadleaved forests coastal forests cloud forests communal forests coniferous forests deciduous forests deciduous seasonal forests deciduous summer forests degraded forests dry forests ecotone mixed forests evergreen mixed forests hardwood forests high forest kerangas lowland forests mangrove forests microphyllous forests mixed forests montane forests mountain forests old-growth forests pinyon-juniper pygmy forests rain forests riparian forests sclerophyllous forests secondary forests semievergreen seasonal forests 1 NEFIS QLK5-CT-2002-30638 2004-01-30 subalpine forests temperate forests temperate rain forests tropical forests tropical rain forests tropical seasonal forests undergrowth virgin forests fynbos garrigue grasslands see Appendix4 ground vegetation layer structure mallee mangrove swamps maquis marshes matorral old fields plant communities plant ecological groups riparian areas riparian buffers riparian vegetation salt marshes savanna woodlands sclerophyllous scrub scrub scrublands seral stages serpentine communities soil classification soil types soils see Appendix3 swamps taiga thicket treelines vegetation vegetation types weed associations wetlands woodlands 2 NEFIS QLK5-CT-2002-30638 2004-01-30 Appendix 2 FAO terms used in Forest Resources Assessment Above ground tree biomass Area affected by insect and disease Area of a country Assisted natural regeneration Below ground tree biomass Biodiversity Broadleaved forest Carbon in above ground tree biomass Carbon in below ground tree biomass Carbon in dead wood biomass Carbon in tree litter biomass Carbon in woody biomass Commercial growing stock Coniferous forest Conservation Conservation forest Conservation of biodiversity Conservation "other wooded land" Dead wood biomass Endangered tree species Felling Forest Forest composition Forest disease Forest disturbance Forest fire Forest insect Forest pest Growing stock Industrial round wood Industrial round wood removal Inland water bodies Intensive forest management Introduced species Inventoried forest tree species Land area Litter Litter biomass Mineral soil in forest Mixed forest Modified natural forest Modified "other wooded land" Multiple objective forest Multiple objective "other wooded land" Native species Natural regeneration Non Wood Forest Product 3 NEFIS QLK5-CT-2002-30638 2004-01-30 Non Wood Forest Product removal Organic soil Other land Other land with tree cover Other ownership Other primary activities Other wooded land Outbreaks of forest insect and disease Primary activities Primary employment Primary forest Primary "other wooded land" Private ownership Productive forest Productive "other wooded land" Productive forest plantation Protected area Protective forest Protective forest plantation Protective "other wooded land" Protective "other wooded land" plantation Public ownership Round wood Round wood removal Semi-natural forest Semi-natural "other wooded land" Silvicultural activities Silviculture Site for social function Social service forest Social service "other wooded land" Soil carbon Total tree biomass Tree Unspecified ownership Value of Non Wood Forest Product removal Value of wood removal Visitors to site for social function Wood fuel Wood fuel removal Wood removal Woody biomass 4 NEFIS QLK5-CT-2002-30638 2004-01-30 Appendix 3 Soil Types - This is an example of simply combining two sets of terms from different soil taxonomies together but without their taxonomic relationships the list is unweildy. We need to know what taxonomies are used within NEFIS datasets and allow all to be incorporated. These terms come from the ISSS-ISRIC-FAO, 1998. World Reference Base for Soil Resources. World Soil Resources Reports 84. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome. 91p. (also available in French and Spanish, and downloadable as htm or pdf files) And the USDA Soil Taxonomy acid brown soils acid soils acid sulfate soils acrisols aeolian soils agricultural soils alfisols alkaline soils allophanic soils alluvial soils alpine meadow soils andepts andesite soils Andisols andosols anthropogenic soils arable soils arenosols argilluvic soils arid soils Aridisols basalt soils basaltic soils bauxitic soils beach soils bisequum soils black soils bog soils bottomland soils boulder clay soils brown earths brown forest soils brown podzolic soils brunisolic soils buried soils burnt soils 5 NEFIS QLK5-CT-2002-30638 2004-01-30 burozems calamine soils calcareous chernozems calcareous soils cambisols cave soils cerrado soils chalk soils chaparral soils chernozemic soils chernozems chestnut soils chromic luvisols cinnamon brown soils cinnamonic soils citrus soils clay loam soils clay soils claypan soils coarse textured soils coastal dune soils coastal plain soils coastal soils coastal terrace soils colluvial soils compact soils coral soils cryogenic soils cupriferous soils dark chestnut soils delta soils dernopodzolic soils desert soils diorite soils dispersive soils disturbed soils drumlin soils dune slack soils dune soils duneland soils duplex soils Entisols equatorial forest soils eroded soils estuarine soils fen soils fenland soils ferrallitic soils ferralsols fersiallitic soils fish pond soils 6 NEFIS QLK5-CT-2002-30638 2004-01-30 fluvial soils fluvioglacial soils fluvisols forest soils forest steppe soils fossil soils frigid soils gabbro soils glacial soils glacial till soils gley podzols gley soils gleysols gneiss soils golf green soils granite soils granodiorite soils grassland soils gravelly soils grey forest soils grey luvisols greywacke soils greyzems gypsiferous soils gyttja hapludalfs hapludults heathland soils hill soils histosols holocene soils horticultural soils humic gleysols hydrogenic soils hydromorphic soils hydrothermal soils igneous rock soils illitic soils Inceptisols iron humus podzols irrigated soils karst soils kastanozems krasnozems kuroboku soils lacustrine soils lateritic soils latosols layered soils leached chernozems Leptosols 7 NEFIS QLK5-CT-2002-30638 2004-01-30 limestone soils lithological soil types lithosols loam soils loess soils lunar soils luvisols maize soils mangrove soils marl soils marshland soils mineral soils mollisols montmorillonitic soils moraine soils mountain soils muck soils multisequum soils mushroom casing soils neutral soils nitosols oasis soils old field soils orchard soils organic soils oxisols paddy soils palaeosolic soil types palaeosols paleudults pampas soils parabraunerde peat soils pelosols peridotite soils phaeozems physiographic soil types plaggen soils planosols Planosols playa soils pleistocene soils pliocene soils podzolic soils podzols podzoluvisols polder soils polluted soils polygenetic soil types prairie soils pseudogleyed soils 8 NEFIS QLK5-CT-2002-30638 2004-01-30 pseudogleys pseudopodzolic soils pumice soils quaternary palaeosols quaternary soils rangeland soils rankers reclaimed soils red brown earths red clay soils red latosols red mediterranean soils red soils red yellow podzolic soils red yellow soils regosols relict soils rendzinas reservoir soils river terrace soils river terrace soils roadside soils saline sodic soils saline soils salt marsh soils sandstone soils sandveld soils sandy loam soils sandy soils savanna soils schist soils scoria soils scrubland soils sedimentary soils semiarid grassland soils semiarid soils serozems serpentine soils shale soils silt loam soils silty soils smectitic soils smonitza chernozems smonitzas sodic soils solodic soils solodized solonetz solods solonchaks solonetz solonetzic chernozems 9 NEFIS QLK5-CT-2002-30638 2004-01-30 solonetzic soils spodosols spoil heap soils stagnogleys stagnohumic gley soils stagnopodzols steepland soils steppe soils steppic soils stony soils stratigraphic soil types structural soil types subaqueous soils subarctic soils subtropical podzols subtropical soils suppressive soils swamp soils taiga soils takyrs tarai soils temperate soils terra fusca terra rossa thionic gleys triassic soils tropical soils truffle soils tuff soils tundra soils udults ultisols upland soils urban soils variable charge soils vertisols vineyard soils virgin soils volcanic ash soils volcanic soils wadi soils warpland soils water repellent soils wetland soils woodland soils xeric soils xerochrepts xerosols yellow brown earths yellow brown soils yellow earths 10 NEFIS QLK5-CT-2002-30638 2004-01-30 yellow podzolic soils yermosols zeolitic soils zheltozems 11 NEFIS QLK5-CT-2002-30638 2004-01-30 Appendix 4 Grasslands alpine grasslands annual grasslands antarctic tundra arctic tundra arid grasslands campina chalk grasslands dehesa grasslands dune grasslands flood meadows forest steppe hill grasslands leys limestone grasslands meadows Mediterranean grasslands mountain grasslands natural grasslands pampas permanent grasslands prairies riparian grasslands savannas semiarid grasslands sown grasslands steppes temperate grasslands tropical grasslands tundra tussock grasslands veld woodland grasslands 12