Subject /Topic: Geological time scale Grade: 8th Broad Objective: Understanding the geological time scale Behavioral objective(s): After completing the Journey Through Time WebQuest, the student will be able to identify time periods in the earth’s history using the geological time scale. They will be able to identify the types of fossils from various time periods. TEKS: 8.3 Scientific processes. The student uses critical thinking and scientific problem solving to make informed decisions. The student is expected to: (A) analyze, review, and critique scientific explanations, including hypotheses and theories, as to their strengths and weaknesses using scientific evidence and information; (C) represent the natural world using models and identify their limitations; (D) evaluate the impact of research on scientific thought, society, and the environment; (8.6) Science concepts. The student knows that interdependence occurs among living systems The student is expected to: (A) describe interactions among systems in the human organism; (C) describe interactions within ecosystems. 8.14 Science concepts. The student knows that natural events and human activity can alter Earth systems The student is expected to: (A) predict land features resulting from gradual changes such as mountain building, beach erosion, land subsidence, and continental drift; (B) analyze how natural or human events may have contributed to the extinction of some species; and (C) describe how human activities have modified soil, water, and air quality. Materials needed: “Journey Through Time” Web Quest, computers with internet access, handouts, websites, pencil, fossil A. INTRODUCTION OF THE LESSON Focus: The United States Paleontology Team has just returned from their year long adventure across the country. They have brought back many fossils that need to be studied. Their headquarters has been transformed into a lab where they can identify the fossils they have found and prepare them for display at a museum. But, the team has found so many fossils they need help identifying them. The have sent out an announcement asking for help with their project. You have been chosen to work with the United States Paleontology Team. You will be assigned a fossil to identify. You must research the fossil and determine its origin and the time period in which it existed. The United States Paleontology Team will need evidence that your identification is accurate. You must prepare a presentation for them that includes the steps you took to identify your assigned fossil and research about the fossil that links it to the appropriate geological time scale. Objective and its purpose: This week we are going to research the geological time scale of earth and the fossils that come from the different periods in the scale. The purpose of this activity is to learn about the earth at different periods in it’s history. 1. Using a computer 2. Navigating the internet 3. Working with Internet resources 4. Taking notes from electronic sources and collecting data 5. Classifying and categorizing 6. Drawing conclusions Tie in prior knowledge: What do we know about the history of earth? Can someone tell me what they know about fossils? B. LESSON PROCEDURE 4. Input: Students will work independently while researching fossils and the geological time scale. At the beginning of Step 3, the teacher will provide students with a fossil to identify. The fossils can be found within the document titled fossils found. The teacher can find the categorization for each fossil within the document titled Teacher Fossil Assistance. 5. Modeling/guided practice: The teacher will demonstrate how to navigate through the WebQuest and where to find the documents the students will need to complete the WebQuest. The teacher will need to make sure all students know the steps to print any of the documents they will use. 6. Independent practice: Student Directions: Step 1: (1 day) The first thing you need to do is learn about fossils and how they form. Use the following links to find out. Fossils Fossil formation Forming fossils For definitions of terms, click here for a Fossil Dictionary. Step 2: (1 day) In this step you will learn about the geological time scale of the earth. The geological time scale will help you identify the time period that your fossil came from. As you research, complete the geological time scale chart. Geological Time Scale -click on the name of each period to gather important facts Fossils and the geological time scale Fossil history Step 3: (1-2 day) Now that you know what fossils are, how they form, and the time periods in which they would have been present, you will classify a fossil. Your teacher will assign a fossil for you to research. Your job is to collect evidence that proves what your fossil is and the time period in which it lived. In order to classify your fossil, you will need to ask questions about your fossil. Write down as many questions as you can think of to help you start classifying your fossil. Below are some sample questions. Is this fossil a plant or animal remain? Was this fossil affected by the weather or land features? What unique features does this fossil have? Now answer your questions. Compare your answers to the information you recorded on your geological time scale chart. Can you identify your fossil? Step 4: (1-2 day) Your final task is to create a presentation for the United States Paleontology Team that identifies your fossil and provides evidence to support your claim. Using PowerPoint, report your research beginning with the name of your fossil. Then, outline the steps you took to identify the time period from which it originated. Include facts that support your conclusion. Use the slide guide to help organize your presentation. Click here for the rubric. 7. Assessment/Evaluation: Students will be evaluated on: -Knowledge of geological time scale -Knowledge of and location of fossils -Final report of geological time scale and fossil with supporting evidence and a conclusion Click here for the rubric. 8. Conclusion: The United States Paleontology Team is very pleased with your report. Your research and identification of the fossil has helped them to solve one more fossil mystery. Your report can be shared with others who are interested in fossils and contribute to our country's history museum. Who would like to share the most interesting fact that they discovered about he geological time scale? How did you identify your fossil? What information did you discover that helped you identify your fossil?