MASTER CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS FACILITY STORM DRAINAGE 22 14 00 PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY: A. WORK INCLUDED: This section includes specific criteria for storm drainage system within the building and to a specified location outside the building, typically 5’–0” outside the building wall. B. RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE: 1. Section 22 01 00, “Plumbing Shop Drawings/O&M” 2. Section 22 05 00, “Common Work Results for Plumbing” 3. Section 22 05 29, “Hangers and Supports for Plumbing Piping and Equipment” 4. Section 22 07 00, "Plumbing Insulation" 5. Section 22 10 00, “Plumbing Piping” for general piping materials and practices 1.02 SUBMITTALS: A. SUBMIT ALL INFORMATION on all items in this section per section 22 01 00 “PLUMBING SHOP DRAWINGS/O&M”. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS (ASME) COMPLIANCE: Comply with ASME B31.9 for building services piping. B. MANUFACTURERS STANDARDIZATION SOCIETY OF THE VALVE AND FITTING INDUSTRY (MSS) COMPLIANCE: Comply with the various MSS standard practices. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 PIPE AND FITTING MATERIALS: A. PIPING ABOVE GROUND: Piping installed inside the building shall be copper, cast iron, ABS or PVC. All piping to be insulated and covered completely in return air plenums. The insulation and jacket cover shall not exceed flame spread rating of 25 and smoke development rating of 50. Insulated plastic piping must be approved by local code officials. B. UNDERGROUND BUILDING STORM DRAINS: All underground building storm drains shall be cast iron soil hard temper copper type “K” or Schedule 40 PVC. PVC is only acceptable when the laterals from the site are PVC. All horizontal change of direction shall be 45-degree fittings. C. FITTINGS: Shall conform to the type of materials used in the drainage system. The fittings shall have no ledges, shoulders, or reductions, which can retard or obstruct flow in the piping. Threaded drainage pipe fittings shall be of the recessed drainage type. D. EXPANSION JOINTS: Vertical storm drainage lines exceeding two stories in height shall be equipped with expansion joints. 2.02 STORM SYSTEM SPECIALTIES: A. GENERAL: Series indication implies the basic unit and may not include options or accessories of the stock model names and numbers listed. Each item/accessory shall meet these requirements: 1. Provide one manufacturer for each type of item/accessory throughout the job. 2. Each device sized for the nominal pipe size for which it is installed. 3. Provide accessories as specified, as required by code and reasonable plumbing practice necessitates. 22 14 00 - 1 Rev. 04/13/10 MASTER CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS FACILITY STORM DRAINAGE 22 14 00 B. STORM SYSTEM DRAINS: 1. RD-1: ROOF DRAINS (MAIN ROOF): Roof drains rated for torrential or heavy downpour having lacquered cast iron body with round flanges, heavy gauge sump receiver, provision for threaded or caulking outlet on bottom or side, non-puncturing flashing clamping device, and removable, low profile polypropylene or aluminum mushroom type, locking dome, combining collar and gravel stop and safety slots on top. Sump receivers shall extend 10” beyond the outlet dimension. 2. RD-2: : MARQUEE/CANOPY DRAINS Marquee/canopy drains shall have a coated cast iron body with flashing flange, bottom or side threaded outlet, and rough bronze dome 3. Approved Manufacturers and Model Numbers: MARK RD-1 RD-2 OD-1 OD-2 OFDN-1 1. 2. TYPE JOSAM JR SMITH WADE ZURN Z-100&1 Roof Drain 21500 1010 3000 Z-125 Roof Drain 22080 1330 3000-SD Z-100&1 Overflow Drain 21500 1010 3000 Z-125 Overflow Drain 22080 1330 3000-SD Z-199 Overflow Drain 25010 1770 3940 Nozzle Provide 2” water dam Provide rough bronze finish or other finish as specified by architect. NOTES 1 1 2 C. TRENCH DRAIN PRODUCTS: 1. TDS-1: PREMANUFACTURED TRENCH DRAIN SYSTEM: Provide a pre-manufactured, pre-sloped trench drain system. Glass filled polyester fiberglass drain channel with 1 percent bottom slope. All sections shall be modular with interlocking ends. Complete with heavy-duty steel frame at surface, combination anchor tabs/leveling devices at appropriate locations and extra heavy- duty cast iron grate. Complete with necessary connections and end caps. Drains openings shall have dome strainers. 2. TT-1 HEAVY DUTY GRATING AND FRAMES (TRUCK RAMP): For cast trenches, provide grating and frames in singular or multiple sections as required by the application. Trench grates shall be cast iron rectangular bar pattern, laid in steel frame with flat bar anchors and nailing clips. Trench drains shall have floor drain FD-1 with domed strainer at inlet of pipe into trench. 3. Approved Manufacturers and Model Numbers: MARK TDS-1 TT-1 TYPE Premanufactured Cast In Place JOSAM N/A 76700 JR SMITH N/A 2972 WADE N/A 2902-D ZURN Z-812-GL Z-793 NOTES D. CLEANOUTS: Shall comply with all code requirements regarding proper sizing and placement on all storm system piping. Generally, all cleanouts shall have cast iron body and frame. Floor cleanouts shall have internal closure plug and access cover. Raised and countersunk plugs shall be cast brass with raised or countersunk external thread. For access to all cleanouts in concealed vertical piping, wall covers and plates shall be metal with brushed metal bronze finish. E. SUMP PUMPS - ELEVATOR AND ESCALATOR PIT (when required by code): Shall be simplex design. Casing shall be cast iron with integral, cast iron inlet strainer and legs. Provide stainless steel shaft with factory sealed and lubricated ball bearings. Motor shall be sealed, capacitor start type, with built-in overload protection. Include a 3-conductor waterproof power cable not less than 10 feet long with a grounding plug and cable sealing assembly for connection at the pump. Pump will be manual operated. Pumps shall be installed with union fittings and check valves. Pump discharge termination and control of the pump shall as described by authorities having jurisdiction. Provide pump equal to GRUNDFOS, LITTLE GIANT, or PACO. 22 14 00 - 2 Rev. 04/13/10 MASTER CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS FACILITY STORM DRAINAGE 22 14 00 F. SUMP PUMPS - LOADING DOCK (when required by site conditions): Shall be duplex design. Casing shall be cast iron with integral, cast iron inlet strainer and legs. Provide stainless steel shaft with factory sealed and lubricated ball bearings. Motor shall be sealed, capacitor start type with built-in overload protection. Include a 3-conductor waterproof power cable not less than 10 feet long with a grounding plug and cable sealing assembly for connection at the pump. Provide float valve for automatic operation. Pumps shall be installed with union fittings and check valves. Duplex pumps controls shall include automatic alternator and two pump control. Provide equal to GRUNDFOS, LITTLE GIANT, or PACO. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PURGING AND TESTING: A. WATER TEST shall be applied to the drainage system either in its entirety or in sections after rough piping has been installed. If testing entire system, all openings in the piping shall be closed tightly, except for the highest opening in the system. The system shall be filled with water to point of overflow. System tested in sections will be tested with no less than 10-foot head of water. Test water shall be kept in the system, or the portion under test, for one hour before start of inspection. If any leaks occur those areas shall be corrected and re-tested. 3.02 STORM SYSTEM SPECIALTIES: A. SPACE LIMITATIONS: Where space will not permit the use of roof drains with deep sumps, roof drains of equally large sump capacity may be substituted. B. COORDINATION: Roof sump and under deck clamp shall be delivered to the roofing contractor for installation in insulated steel, gypsum or lightweight concrete decks. Sump receiver and under deck clamp may be omitted on poured concrete decks. C. FLASHING: Roof drains shall be flashed per the roofing manufacturer’s requirements. END OF SECTION 22 14 00 - 3 Rev. 04/13/10