SBQ Skills: Purpose CDSS/HUMANS/SHASHI/2009 • Some sources are produced with a specific motive / purpose in mind. Such sources include posters, letters to a forum, as well as speeches. When analysing the purpose of a source, you should look out for the following: Message 1. Message – What is the intended message of the source (What it is trying to say)? Audience 1. Target Audience – Who was / is the source trying to address / influence? Impact 1. Impact – What is the desired outcome that the source (the writer / producer) is trying to achieve? Explaining Purpose • Do not always use the terms show, tell, and say when explaining purpose. (For example, the purpose of the speech is to tell the people…..). Use stronger terms that clearly emphasise the intended purpose. The following is a list of helpful terms that you could use. The list is not exhaustive so if you have your own words, write them in the empty boxes below: PURPOSE (+) (Neutral) (-) Portray Highlight Condemn Support Bring to attention Criticise Defend Convey Accuse Assure Confirm Question Appeal Convince Blame Cast in a positive light Persuade Shame Create a good impression Justify Cast in a negative light Demand Attack Make aware Threaten Glorify Sensationalise Emphasise Warn