REVISED VERSION HEAVY METALS TOXICITY AFTER ACUTE EXPOSURE OF CULTURED RENAL CELLS: INTRACELLULAR ACCUMULATION AND REPARTITION HICHAM KHODJA, MARIE CARRIÈRE, LAURE AVOSCAN, BARBARA GOUGET Laboratoire Pierre Süe UMR9951, CEA Saclay 91191 Gif sur Yvette, France ABSTRACT Lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd) and uranium (U) present no known biological function but are toxic in various concentration ranges. Pb and Cd lead generally to nephrotoxicity consisting in proximal renal tubular dysfunction and accumulation while U has been reported to induce chemical kidney toxicity, functional and histological damages being as well mainly observed in proximal tubule cells. This work address the question of Cd, Pb, and U cytotoxicity, intracellular accumulation and repartition after acute intoxication of renal proximal tubule epithelial cells. After cells exposure to different concentrations of metals for various times, morphological changes were observed and intracellular concentrations and distributions of toxic metals were specified by PIXE coupled to RBS. Cell viability, measured by biochemical tests, was used as toxicity indicator. A direct correlation between cytotoxicity and intracellular accumulation in renal epithelial cells have been established. Finally, intracellular Pb and U localizations were detected while Cd was found to be uniformly distributed in renal cells. Keywords: heavy metals, proximal tubule, nuclear microprobe 1. Introduction Heavy metals used in various industry sectors may accidentally be absorbed by humans or animals, either directly or through the food chain. Pb, Cd and U are heavy metals that are more specifically used in the nuclear industry and share the property of having a common target organ, the kidney, due to its filtering and excretion functionalities. Pb is known to produce disruption of the heme synthesis system, nervous system and renal damages. Cd is considered as the reference nephrotoxic element and its effects are extremely well documented, both in vivo and in vitro1,2. U use in the industry has raised concerns regarding the risk associated to a potential contamination. The target at the kidney level is localized on epithelial cells from proximal tubules3. Mechanisms of nephrotoxicity are however not well understood. The identification the physico-chemical state of the heavy metal inside or in the vicinity of the exposed cells will permit to better understand cellular toxicity after exposure to the toxic. In this study, we investigated the effect of these metals on two cell lines representative of the major two parts of the kidney functional unit, namely the nephron. The MDCK cell line has a distal tubular or cortical collecting duct origin; the NRK52E cell line was used as a model of the proximal tubule. The aim of the study was focused on establishing correlations between heavy metals acute exposure, toxicity and intracellular accumulation and repartition. Parameters were heavy metals concentrations in the culture medium and exposure times. Various techniques were used to measure the biological effects of the heavy metals. Among them, PIXE permitted to quantify and localize the heavy metal accumulation in cellular monolayers. 2. Materials and Methods 2.1. Cell culture and exposure, toxicity tests MDCK and NRK52E cells were purchased from the American Type Culture Collection and were routinely grown in 25 cm² flasks in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) containing 4.5 g/l glucose and supplemented with 2 mM L-glutamine, penicillin/streptomycin (50 U/ml and 50 µg/ml respectively) and 10% (v/v) fetal bovine serum. Cells were maintained at 37°C in a 5% CO2/air incubator. For metal accumulation measurements, cells were sub-cultured on thin semi permeable polyester membranes (Transwell Clear from Costar with 0.4 µm pore size). For metal repartition observations with the NRK52E cell line, cells were seeded onto a thin sterile Pioloform film precoated with poly-L-lysine. Before metal exposures, cells were systematically rinsed with serum free culture medium. Cd or Pb was administered as fresh dilutions of cadmium chloride CdCl2 or lead acetate (CH3CO2)2Pb.3H20 stock solutions (Sigma-Aldrich). Pb precipitation in the culture medium was controlled by complexing Pb-acetate with glutamic acid in equimolar amounts. These solutions were directly added to serum, antibiotic, carbonate, phosphate free DMEM. 10 mM uranyl stock solutions were prepared by dissolution of uranyl nitrate in 100 mM NaHCO3, stirred for 30 min and filtered through 0.22 µm filter units after pH adjustment to 7.2. This stock solution was diluted in Minimum Essential Medium (MEM). For toxicity assays, cells were sub-cultured in 96-well plates, seeded at 6000 cells per well. Confluent monolayers, i.e. three days after subculture, were exposed to different concentrations of metals. Then, the colorimetric methylthiazol tetrazolium (MTT) assay was used to evaluate metal cytotoxicity4. 2.2. PIXE and RBS measurements Ion Beam Analyses were carried out with two goals: quantifying intracellular concentrations of the toxic metals and localizing their intracellular repartition. After exposure to the toxics, monolayer cell cultures were rinsed, cryofixed in –165 °C chilled isopentane and freeze-dried as described previously4. Measurements were all performed at the Nuclear Microprobe at Saclay5. Two run conditions were used, depending on the aim of the experiment: the first one was optimized for quantification (3 MeV proton beam, 1 nA beam current, 10 x 10 µm² beam size and 1 mm² scanning area), while the second one was dedicated to cellular level observations (3 MeV beam, 50 pA 1 x 1 µm² beam size). PIXE detection was performed using, for Cd exposures, a Si(Li) x-ray detector collimated to 38 mm2, in front of which a 150 µm Mylar foil was positioned to remove backscattered particles. The detector was positioned at the minimal distance (21mm) from the sample in order to optimize Cd x-ray detection. For Pb and U exposures, a high area and low energy High Purity Germanium detector has been employed. It was collimated to 50 mm² and located at 21 mm from the samples. In all experiments, RBS spectra were simultaneously collected, either for monitoring and normalization purposes, or for cellular and sub-cellular localization. In that case, large area charged particles detector (180 mm²) was mounted close to the sample (8 mm distance) thus offering a large -but not evaluated- solid angle. For quantification measurements, PIXE spectra normalization was based on the nitrogen contents evaluation, method described elsewhere6. Data were acquired in list mode and extracted from useful areas using the RISMIN software6. Spectra were processed using GUPIX software7 for PIXE and SIMNRA software8 for RBS. 3. Results and Discussion 3.1. Heavy metals toxicity Cd, Pb and U toxicities were investigated using the MTT assay. Fig.1 shows the variation of cellular mortality after 24 hr of exposure to increasing concentrations of the toxic. Cd induced cytotoxicity even at very low concentration. The inhibitory concentration IC50, defined as the toxic concentration leading to 50% cell death, was determined to be 60 µM for the MDCK cells exposed to Cd. Pb cytotoxicity to the NRK52E cells started at 100 µM and presented an IC50 of 350 µM. U cytotoxicity presented an IC50 of 700 µM for the NRK52E cell line. 100% Toxicity 80% 60% Cd (MDCK) Pb (NRK) U (NRK) 40% 20% 0% 0 200 400 600 800 1000 [Cd], [Pb], [U] (µM) Fig.1. Cd, Pb, U cytotoxicity measured by the MTT assay on MDCK and NRK52E cell lines after 24 hr of exposure. 3.2. Heavy metals intracellular accumulation After exposure to the toxics, intracellular accumulation was quantified by PIXE as described upper. Fig.2 presents the results obtained with the MDCK cells exposed to various Cd concentrations for 6 hr: incorporated Cd remained in the range of several thousands of ppm. Cd concentrations were determined with the K ray intensity, notwithstanding the low K-shell ionization cross section compared to the L-shell one. Indeed, overlaps between Cd L and Ca K lines occured and background levels were too high high, thus reducing considerably the detection limits. Cd (ppm) 2000 1600 1200 800 400 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 [Cd] (µM) Fig.2. Cd accumulation in MDCK cell line extracted from PIXE measurements after 6h exposition to toxic. After Pb and U exposures, heavy metal concentrations were extracted from the L line intensities. In Fig.3 are given concentrations of Pb and Cd accumulated after 24 hr exposure of the NRK52E cells. Accumulated concentrations at the IC50 thresholds were as high as 0.5 % wt. for Pb and 10 % wt. for U. 25000 250000 U 20000 200000 15000 150000 10000 100000 5000 50000 0 0 500 1000 U (ppm) Pb (ppm) Pb 0 1500 [Pb] or [U] Fig.3. Pb and U accumulation in NRK52E cell line extracted from PIXE measurements after 24 hr exposition to toxics. 3.3. Heavy metals intracellular repartition Intracellular repartition of heavy metals strongly differed with the considered toxic. Experiments with MDCK exposed to Cd showed that this element was uniformly distributed within cells with no apparent concentration inhomogeneity. Fig.4 presents the elemental maps of MDCK cells exposed for 6 hr to Cd, potassium and calcium x-ray signals acting as cell indicators. Fig.4. Elemental maps of MDCK cells exposed for 6 hr to Cd. Left: K and Ca K x-ray map. Right: Cd K xray map. Cd is uniformly present inside cells. Scanning parameters: 60x60 µm², beam spot 1x1 µm², total charge 2 µC. 10 µm LEAD URANIUM NITROGEN By contrast, Pb and U repartitions in NRK52E cells presented a different behavior. Indeed, two physical forms of the toxics were found. Precipitates were visible even at low toxic concentration and they could be found inside the cells or in their vicinity. For U, it was already demonstrated in vivo that thin needles of uranium phosphate were concentrated in proximal tubule cells. The mechanism of their formation was not clearly specified. Two hypotheses were underlined: direct internalization of these precipitates or precipitation inside the cytoplasm of the cells9,10. On Fig.5 are shown RBS elemental images of NRK52E cells exposed to Pb and U. Precipitates are observed close to the cells. A more detailed analysis of the spectra confirms that both metals are detected also outside the precipitate region, indicating the presence of a soluble form of the toxics inside the cells11. 10 µm Fig.5. Elemental maps of NRK52E exposed 24 hr to 600 µM U (left) and 180 µM (right). Scales are modified to enhance nitrogen, uranium and lead contents. Scanning parameters: 60x60 µm², beam spot 1x1 µm². 3.4. Discussion The results obtained in this study establish a clear correlation between Cd, Pb and U cytotoxicity and heavy metal accumulation in MDCK and NRK52E cells. Cd is more toxic than Pb, and U is less toxic than Pb. Intracellular accumulation is correlated to heavy metal sensitivity. Cd is much less accumulated than Pb. The high level of Pb accumulation has already been established in vivo. It has been shown that kidneys play an important role in regulating blood Pb levels by accumulating more Pb than other soft tissues. And Pb has been shown to be more avidly taken up by renal cells than Cd12. U accumulation reaches extremely high levels in the conditions used in this study. However, examining the intracellular physical forms of the heavy metals, it should be noticed that high accumulation levels (Pb, U) are correlated to a partially precipitate form of the heavy metal, which probably contents an important part of the toxic. The chemically active soluble form concentration is necessarily lower than the measured one. By contrast, when Cd is used, it induces toxicity at much lower levels but Cd seems to be uniformly distributed in the cell. 4. Conclusion Heavy metal toxicity to cultured renal cells has been investigated by means of PIXE. A broad beam has been used for heavy metal accumulation measurements and microbeam has been used for intracellular repartition observations. A correlation between heavy metal toxicity and cellular accumulation has been established. Cd has been found more toxic than Pb, itself more toxic than U. Intracellular accumulation is higher with U than Pb than Cd. When Cd is used, it is uniformly distributed in cells while with Pb and U, an important part of the toxic is precipitated. Acknowledgments This work was supported by the French program ToxNuc-E. References 1. L. Friberg, C.G. Elinder, I. Kjellström, G. Nordberg, Cadmium and Health: A toxicological and epidemiological appraisal Vols. 1-2, (CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1986) 2. I. Olabarrieta, B. L'Azou, S. Yuric, J. Cambar, M.P. Cajaraville, Toxicol. In Vitro 15 (2001) 173. 3. T. Mossman, J. Immunol. Methods 65 (1983) 55. 4. H. Khodja, M. Carrière, L. Figard, F. Carrot, B. Gouget, Nucl. Ins. Meth. B210 (2003) 359. 5. H. Khodja, E. 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