Day 4 Intro to QPOE Prop of Metals Lab

QPOE Model
You need an ink pen!
And a lab journal.
This journal is for lab notes ONLY and
remains in the classroom!
Properties of Metals Lab
Title – center of page
On each new page related to this lab
write PML
• What are the general physical and chemical
properties of metals?
Knowledge Probe:
Research the following terms/questions. Restate the question being
asked in your answer and provide the answer using complete sentences
in your journal. Each entry must include a citation of where the
information was located – be sure it is a trust worthy and reliable site.
• Define physical properties and include examples.
• Define chemical properties and include examples.
• Describe the observations/changes that will signify that a chemical
change has occurred.
• Define luster.
• Define malleable and ductile. Be sure to discuss how these terms are
similar and different.
• Define brittle.
• Define conductive. Describe the two things that can be conducted.
• What does oxidation do to the surface of a metal? How can the
oxidation be removed?
• If a number of metal samples are tested, then
the properties of metals can be generalized
from the actions of the samples analyzed.
Use jar sample
Use envelop sample
Investigation Plan
1. Observe the appearance each sample.
Color, texture, luster, malleability, ductility, brittleness
2. Run a magnet under each sample.
3. Test the conductivity of each sample.
4. Place a small amount of each sample into a cell
well, add water to each.
5. Remove the samples from water and dry.
6. Test each sample with hydrochloric acid.
Table 1: Observations of physical and chemical properties of seven random metals.
Magnetism Conductivity Water
Immediate effect and
also appearance after 5
Data Analysis
• Summarize the results of each property, include a percentage,
show your work for this.
Describe the common color.
Describe the general texture.
Describe the general luster
Describe the general malleability.
Describe the general ductility.
Describe the general brittleness
Describe the general magnetism.
Describe the general effect of water.
Describe the general effect of acid.
• Obtain data from other lab stations. Discuss the similarities and
difference between your data and theirs.
• Research the physical properties of metals. Find two reliable
sources, cite them. Discuss the similarities and differences
between your data and what you found online.
• Explain your findings in a well written paragraph, past
tense and third person.
– First sentence should be your claim: The physical and
chemical properties of metals include…
– Next sentence(s) should provide your evidence. As shown
in Table 1, then summarize those observations.
– The next few sentences are your reasoning for why/how
you developed your claim. Since 100% of the metals were
lustrous, it was presumed to be a physical property of all
metals. Since none of the metals reacted with water, it
was concluded the metals do not chemically react with
– Include information from your secondary sources. How
does their data support or contradict your results.
Answer the following questions in complete
sentences restating the question being asked. This
may be written in a paragraph
– Describe the sources of error.
– Describe what you would do differently next time.
Provide advise for future experimenters.
– Based on the confidence chart in the lab, explain the
level of confidence you have in your findings.
– Tell me what surprised you.
– Based on the new knowledge you have obtained,
what would you like to investigation in the lab now?
• What is the effect of sampling size on results?