Focusing on Standards for Mathematical Practice #3: Helping students construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Using/Adapting Illustrative Mathematics Tasks will help us provide opportunities for our students to construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Directions Doing the Math 10 minutes SMP #3 10 min Crazy Cakes Complete the task Explore common misconceptions or struggles students might have with this task Review the SMP #3 compilation document What is Mathematical Practice #3? What would we look for to show students are demonstrating their ability to construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others? What would we look for to show a teacher is supporting his/her students construction of viable arguments and critiques of others reasoning? Watch Illustrative Mathematics Video: Crazy Cakes3 While watching, record evidence of SMP #3 from the video. What does the TEACHER do? What do the STUDENTS do? Video 10 min Using the rubric on the bottom of the SMP #3 compilation, rate where you think this class is in regards to SMP #3 How does this compare with your classroom? Consider your teaching implications for transitioning to CCSS What did you observe from watching the students’ in the video? Considerations for Teaching What implications does this have for your classroom? 10 minutes What experiences do you need to provide your students this year? What questions do you have? Explore tasks related to your standard on the Illustrative Mathematics site. Exploration and Select a task(s) that can help your students work on constructing viable arguments and Extensions critiquing the reasoning of others. 20 minutes Consider adaptations/modifications to this task to illuminate MP#3 opportunities for your students.