1 Algebra Content Rubric A-REI 0 1 2 Did Not Meet Standard The student was not able to meet the criteria for a Level 1 response. Solve systems of equations A-CED Create equations that describe numbers or relationships Student was able to do one of the following: Student was able to do both of the following: Represent the relationships in the problem with one or more equations such as: x + y = 47; or 5x + 4y = 200 or equivalent. Create a system of equations that could lead to a correct solution AND Attempt to solve the system of equations algebraically or graphically with work that could lead to a correct conclusion. OR Attempt an alternate solution method. 0 1 4 Met Standard OR Use alternate logical reasoning that could lead to a correct conclusion AND Attempt to solve the problem with work that could lead to a correct conclusion. Claim 3 3 2 Student was able to: Define variables and set up a system of equations AND The opportunity for students to demonstrate a Level 4 on this task is not present. Solve the system of equations algebraically or graphically that leads to a correct conclusion. OR Use alternate logical reasoning such as a table or a written statement and determined the correct solution. 3 4 Standards for Mathematical Practice 3 Students can clearly Construct viable arguments to support their own reasoning and to critique the reasoning of others. Level 0 students are unable to provide an argument or identify obvious flawed arguments in familiar contexts 2 12015 2 Did not meet standard Met Standard Exceeds Standard Level 1 students should be able to base arguments on concrete referents such as objects drawings, diagrams, and actions and identify obvious flawed arguments in familiar contexts. Level 3 students should be able to use stated assumptions, definitions and previously established results and examples to test and support their reasoning or to identify, explain and repair the flaw in an argument. Students should be able to break an argument into cases to determine when the argument does or does not hold. Level 4 students should be able to use stated assumptions definitions and previously established results to support their reasoning or repair and explain the flaw in an argument. They should be able to construct a chain of logic to justify or refute a proposition or conjecture and to determine the conditions under which an argument does or does not apply. Content and Math Practice 3/ALD Claim 3 Rubrics 2015 Content and Math Practice 3/ALD Claim 3 Rubrics Level 2 students should be able to find and identify the flaw in an argument by using examples or particular cases. Students should be able to break a familiar argument given in a highly scaffolded situation into cases to determine when the argument does or does not hold. Practice Task Specific Rubric 0 1 2 Did not meet standard Math Practice 3 Dollar & the Cash Box Student does not meet criteria for Level 1. Student demonstrates little ability to clearly and precisely construct viable arguments which support his or her reasoning as to whether the dollar belongs inside the cash box or not. OR Student attempts to use solutions in the problem to support reasoning, but not enough to establish his or her ability to clearly and precisely construct viable arguments that support reasoning. 3 3 2015 Content and Math Practice 3/ALD Claim 3 Rubrics 3 4 Met Standard Student demonstrates a partial ability to clearly and precisely construct viable arguments in support of his or her reasoning by stating whether the dollar belongs inside the cash box or not. Student inaccurately explains or connects how their system of equations, and the way they reasoned through the problem, allowed them to determine the best placement of the dollar. Student demonstrates an ability to clearly and precisely construct a viable argument in support of his or her reasoning by stating whether the dollar belongs inside the cash box or not. Student accurately explains or connects how system of equations and his/her reasoning through the problem allowed him/her to determine the best placement of the dollar Exceeds Standard Student demonstrates a thorough ability to clearly and precisely construct viable arguments in support of his or her reasoning by stating that the dollar belongs inside the cash box. Student uses multiple representations to connect and show how system of equations and his/her reasoning through the problem allowed him/her to determine the dollar belonged in the cash box.