REDUCING PESTICIDE RUNOFF TO THE CARIBBEAN SEA SUMMARY PROJECT OBJECTIVES AND DESCRIPTION The main objective of the project is to protect the marine environment in the Caribbean Sea by reducing the use of, and reliance on, pesticides in agricultural activities. The project will assist the countries in developing and implementing comprehensive management practices and specific measures to control the use of pesticides in the agricultural sector. Within the context of national programmes to address non-point sources of pollution in the agricultural sector and, more specifically, the framework of National Action Programmes, the project will strengthen the national regulatory systems for chemical management purpose. This regulatory system will address issues such as permitting, compliance control, enforcement, trade, handling, and use of pesticides, as well as the disposal of pesticide waste. The National Action Programme will also include actions to promote integrated pest management practices and the use of economic instruments. National registers of pesticides will also be established. The regional component of the project will contribute to the analysis and evaluation of the pesticide load in the shared seas of the region and promote sub-regional co-operation and coordination among the four countries to determine the transport mechanisms of these substances. Furthermore, through co-operation and co-ordination among the countries, common regulations and economic instruments will be elaborated. This demonstration of regional co-operation could be replicated in other regions of the world. The main objectives of the PDF B are: To prepare national reports that will form the basis for the development of the National Action Programmes; To prepare a regional report, including elements of regional co-operation in the management of pesticides; To develop the institutional infrastructure for the execution of National Action Programmes, including all relevant stakeholders; Preparation of a GEF Project Brief, including identification of incremental cost analysis and development of a logical framework matrix. 1 co-financing, DESCRIPTION OF PDF B ACTIVITIES The following activities will be undertaken during the project preparation phase and will be financed partly by the GEF PDF B Grant: Activity 1: Establishment of the Steering and Operations Committees A Steering Committee for the project will be established comprising representatives of UNEP’s GEF Co-ordination Office, UNDP, and the World Bank. FAO and the Inter-American Development Bank will be invited to participate. The CAR/RCU, as the regional executing agency, will also chair and be responsible for an Operations Committee, with a representative from each National Executing Agency. The Steering Committee will meet on two occasions during the project preparation phase. The first meeting will be convened in Kingston, Jamaica, following approval of the PDF B Grant. At this meeting Terms of Reference for the National Technical Co-ordinators and Consultants/Experts will be drafted and an agreement reached on a detailed work plan and timetable for the PDF B activities. At the end of this meeting, a joint meeting of the Steering and Operations Committees will be held to discuss and agree on the nature and contents of the national reports. The second meeting of the steering committee will be convened to discuss the GEF project brief. In the period between the two meetings it is anticipated that fax, e-mail and conference calls as necessary could effect consultation. Exceptionally, additional meetings of the Steering Committee could be convened in conjunction with the national and regional workshops. The Operations Committee will meet as necessary and appropriate during the project development phase. All documentation for the Steering and Operations Committee meetings will be prepared by CAR/RCU in consultation with the GEF Co-ordination Office. Activity 2: Establishment and Meetings of the National Working Committees Each National Executing Agency will establish a National Working Committee, with representatives from relevant governmental sector agencies and ministries, industry, farmer associations, environmental NGO’s and other stakeholders. These committees will meet as appropriate during the project preparation phase to review information and to participate in the preparation of the draft national reports. The main purpose of the meetings is to achieve common understanding of the problems and consensus regarding the elements of the National Action Programmes. Each National Executing Agencies will designate an experienced professional as National Technical Co-ordinator within the project. These Technical Co-ordinators will, inter alia, be responsible for convening the National Committee and for the co-ordination and overall supervision of the preparation of national reports. Activity 3: Preparations of National Reports 2 Under the responsibility of the National Executing Agency, a survey will be carried out in each country, to compile, analyze, quantify and assess information needed for the preparation of national reports. These surveys will include the following elements: Quantification of the use of different pesticides, their sources and producers, import, export, illegal trafficking, handling of pesticides and disposal of pesticide waste, as well as the identification of existing stockpiles; Analysis and assessment of the environmental and health problems based on existing data and the results of monitoring programmes. The assessment will, as far as possible, include data and information regarding the contaminant load to receiving waters, pathways of transport, deposition, patterns and trends in contamination, concentrations of contaminants in biota and sediments, identification of hot spots, and sensitive ecosystems under threat, and identify information gaps. Identification of current pesticide management practices, their effectiveness and the most appropriate alternative management practices to reduce the use of, and reliance on, pesticides, including substitution by other chemicals and guidelines for integrated pest management. Identification of barriers to the implementation of new practices, including socio-economic barriers such as insecure tenure, high discount rates, and government policies (including economic instruments) that promote non-sustainable farming practices. Analysis and assessment of the national policy framework and the regulatory system for the use and control of pesticides, including permitting, compliance control, enforcement and other instruments. Outline a preliminary framework for a National Action Programme. Based on the survey, each Technical Co-ordinator will prepare a draft national report, according to a common format (see draft outline in Annex VI). Activity 4: National Workshops Each draft national report will be discussed at a national workshop organized by the National Executing Agency with broad participation of actors at the national level, such as farmer associations, industry, environmental NGO’s, trade companies and agricultural co-operatives and representatives of local communities, indigenous populations and other stakeholders, in total around 60 participants. The Technical Co-ordinators from the other countries and the Regional Co-ordinator will also participate. Each element of the draft national report and the finding of the surveys, as stated above, will be reviewed, discussed in detail and agreed upon. The Technical Co-ordinators will be responsible for the finalization of the national reports. Activity 5: Regional Workshop and Preparations of a draft Regional Report 3 The CAR/RCU will organize a regional workshop with participation from the National Executing Agencies (the Technical Co-ordinators) and regional organizations, such as CFRAMP (Caricom Fisheries Resource Assessment and Management Programme), CEHI (Caribbean Environment and Health Institute), IICA (Instituto Inter-Americana por Cooperacion Agricultura) and CARDI (Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute). The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), the Earth School for Education and UNEP’s Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean will also be invited to participate. The workshop will be held in Panama, as part of the governments co-financing of the PDF B. The purpose would be to analyze and assess the environmental and health problems of regional concern and identify priorities for action at the regional level, based on the draft national reports. The workshop will also recommend a common approach to the solution of the identified problems, and revise and conclude a draft regional report. The regional workshop will be organized by the CAR/RCU in consultation with the National Technical Co-ordinators and experts from the regional organizations. The Regional Co-ordinator (see Annex V) will be responsible for the finalization of the regional report. Activity 6: Preparation of a GEF Project Brief The CAR/RCU, in close co-operation with UNEP’s GEF Co-ordination Unit, will be responsible for the preparation of the GEF Project Brief based on the National and Regional Reports and the agreed elements of National Action Programmes. The Steering Committee will oversee the preparation of the Project Brief. The project will be designed to elaborate the National Action Programmes for the use and management of pesticides in each country and commence their execution. The National Executing Agency will ensure approval of the Project Brief by relevant authorities, the private sector and other stakeholders at the national level prior to its submission to UNEP as the implementing agency. 4