National Clean Cities Grant Program


United Soybean Board/Soybean Checkoff

Soy Biodiesel or Bioheat


Communications & Promotion

Reimbursement Program

2012 Request for Applications

SUMMARY : The United Soybean Board (USB) offers to partner with U.S. Department of Energy

(USDOE) affiliated Clean Cities chapters to improve the availability and use of soy biodiesel and



. This reimbursement program i s part of USB’s fiscal year 2012 communications program. This program is in addition to the USB Domestic Marketing program to increase the use of biobased products.

USB represents an effective, efficient and U.S. farmer-driven soybean research and promotion program since the U.S. Congress created it in 1990. USB and Qualified State Soybean Boards

(QSSBs) have played and continue to play a significant role in research and promotion of soy biodiesel in the United States by conducting promotion and funding soy biodiesel research and additional soy biodiesel promotion through the National Biodiesel Board.

The Soy Biodiesel Communications Reimbursement Program offers the opportunity for

USDOE affiliated Clean Cities chapters to partner with U.S. soybean farmers through

USB/Soybean Checkoff to improve availability and use of soy biodiesel or Bioheat and communicate its benefits.

USB will provide approximately $150,000 toward these communications partnerships for use by Clean Cities chapters through a competitive proposal process. Chapters can apply to use these funds for soy biodiesel or Bioheat communications activities. USB does not advance funds; it reimburses USDOE Clean Cities chapters for pre-approved activities to improve the availability and use of biodiesel and Bioheat.

Please note that proposals must comply with the federal Soybean Checkoff Act and Order


) and USB’s policy discouraging use of USB funds for capital purchases. All soy biodiesel or Bioheat communications activities and expenditures must conclude no later than September 30, 2012.

USB will administer the reimbursement program and has developed the following guidelines.

Please note that local Clean Cities Coalitions that seek to partner in some fashion with

USB and/or QSSBs will be awarded extra points in the evaluation process.


DATES/DEADLINES: USB will accept applications from Monday, October 24, 2011, until

Monday, November 14, 2011. All project funds must be expended by September 30, 2012.

All invoices and supporting documentation for reimbursement needs to be submitted by

October 10, 2012.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Project manager for this program is Laura

Schafer. She can be reached at

or contacted at 888/235-4332.


I. Overview and Deadlines

II. Eligible Entities

III. Background and Scope of Work

IV. Funding Issues

V. Selection Criteria

VI. Evaluation and Selection

VII. Proposals

VIII. How to Apply

I. Overview and Deadlines

Although this program will consider all applications improving availability and use of soy biodiesel or Bioheat, a high priority will be placed on applications addressing the following areas of interest.

Soy Biodiesel or Bioheat Communications

Communications and public relations projects, such as soy biodiesel or Bioheat media events, informational materials, information days, placement of pump stickers or toppers, etc. that have the potential to raise the level of knowledge and awareness of soy biodiesel or

Bioheat, will be considered.

New Technology Demonstrations

Projects that utilize and communicate new technologies along with soy biodiesel or Bioheat to decrease our dependence on foreign oil. As new emissions and renewable fuel standards are being phased in, biodiesel needs to be part of the new technology being considered.

Soy Biodiesel or Bioheat Education

This program will consider proposals that: o Provide educational soy biodiesel or Bioheat workshops/webinars or other effective education efforts targeted at schools, local governments, recreational vehicle biodiesel markets and/or trucking industry or home heating oil distributors. o Show a strong tie-in with the targeted industries and their support of the educational effort, such as providing sponsorships for meetings/seminars; offering industry experts and speakers to help plan and promote educational meetings; serve on discussion panels, sponsor newsletters or fact sheets, etc.


o Target areas that have not had many soy biodiesel or Bioheat educational opportunities in the past or an area that has exceptional potential for soy biodiesel or Bioheat use or interest in the fuel.


USB will accept applications until the close of business Monday, November 14, 2011. This is a reimbursement program — not a grant program. USB does not advance funds for prepayment of activities. Projects awarded reimbursement monies will be notified by mid-

December. Initial reimbursement receipts will be requested by April 20, 2012, with final reimbursement receipts submitted by October 10, 2012. ALL PROJECTS MUST BE



II. Eligible Entities

All Department of Energy Clean Cities Coalitions chapters are eligible for the reimbursement program. Applicants must demonstrate a commitment to undertake a cooperative effort with the purpose of promoting soy biodiesel or Bioheat, demonstrating implementation strategies for reducing dependence on foreign oil and reducing emissions from diesel powered vehicles or public, commercial or residential building heating units requiring the use of petroleumbased heating oil.

III. Background and Scope of Work

The purpose of this solicitation is to fund projects that will demonstrate and document various ways to successfully implement soy biodiesel or Bioheat communication projects that reduce our country’s dependence on foreign oil and to reduce pollution from diesel powered vehicles.

Reimbursement funds may not be applied to the cost differential between current diesel fuel and biodiesel, if one exists, nor for capital expenditures such as pump or tank installations, etc.

Although there is no requirement for applicants to provide any cost share or financial contribution, projects involving cost share, in the form of cash or “in-kind” contributions, will be given additional consideration.

An in-kind contribution is the reasonable value of property and services that benefit the project. For example, administrative support, installation/maintenance of equipment, and the cost of new equipment for the project could all be considered “in-kind” contributions.

IV. Funding Issues

The estimated project period for awards resulting from this solicitation is January 1, 2012, to

September 30, 2012. Total available funding is approximately $150,000. USB seeks to partner with several different Clean Cities chapters; therefore, applications for funds in the

$10,000-$25,000 range will likely receive more serious consideration.

The number of awards and distribution of funds are subject to the quality of applications submitted and their ability to meet listed requirements.

USB will assist successful projects by providing:

1. Close monitoring of the successful applicant(s) performance;


2. Collaboration during the performance of the scope of work;

3. Review and comment on reports prepared under the reimbursement agreement.

Reimbursements for materials, postage, telephone, travel, etc. do have some limitations set forth by USB regulations. Applications awarded funds will receive full disclosure of all restrictions.

V. Selection Criteria

A. Eligibility Requirements

Although all Clean Cities Coalitions are eligible, preference will be given to those that partner with QSSBs. Clean Cities chapters are also encouraged to collaborate with other Clean Cities chapters in their geographic region to increase the impact of their soy biodiesel or Bioheat program.

B. Evaluation Factors

Each eligible application will be evaluated according to the criteria set forth below.

Applications that are best able to directly and explicitly address these criteria in their work plans will have a greater likelihood of being selected for award. Each application will be rated under a points system, with a total of 100 points possible.

Clean Cities Coalitions which partner with a QSSB will receive an additional 5 points.

Criterion Maximum Points per


Probability of Success: The technical feasibility of the project, the quality of the team, the track record/success of previous similar events, the level of commitment from team members that can be documented

(letters of commitment, dates of events, etc.)


Project Cost Share: Additional consideration will be given to applicants that can document additional cost-share, either in the form of cash or

“in-kind” contributions.


Visibility of the Project: How much recognition/public relations will the applicant generate for the successful completion of the project?


Chance of Continued Success: What are the chances that this project will lead to increased soy biodiesel or Bioheat availability and use after the project is completed?


Partnership: Clean Cities Coalitions which collaborate with a QSSB will receive an additional 5 points .


Maximum Point Total 100

VI. Evaluation and Selection

Applications will be evaluated and ranked by a USB Selection Team made up of USB farmerdirectors. The team will base its evaluations solely on the selection criteria disclosed in this notice. USB expects to complete the evaluation/selection process by mid-December 2011. All applicants will be notified promptly, regarding their application’s status.


VII. Proposals

Applications must contain a narrative work plan with an estimated budget. The narrative must describe the project and address how it meets each of the selection criteria disclosed in

Section V. The application should conform to the following outline:

1. Project title.

2. Name, contact person, phone number, fax and e-mail address of all applicants.

3. Work plan. Summarize the project and specifically explain how the project meets the criteria.

4. Recognition/Public Relations. Summarize any anticipated public relations opportunities, public recognition, or public exposure anticipated for soy biodiesel or


5. The amount of funding you are requesting from USB.

6. The total cost of project (identify other funding sources including any in-kind resources).

7. An estimated budget. Explain how these funds will be used as well as how any matching contributions – both financial and in-kind services – will be used. Please provide detail of all project expenditures over $5,000. Provide a budget for the following categories:


Contractual Costs (such as printing, paid media, earned media and other activities)




Total Cost

8. The project period. Provide beginning and ending dates. These dates should not extend beyond the eligibility for reimbursement and for planning purposes; applicants should assume funds will be available approximately January 1, 2012.

9. Reporting. Discuss how you will meet the reporting requirements, including progress updates which should be submitted by April 30, 2012, and a detailed final report that summarizes the project and includes problems, successes, and lessons learned no later than October 10, 2012.

10. Evaluation. Discuss how you plan to evaluate progress and degree of accomplishment or success of the project.

11. Applicants should clearly mark information in their application that they consider confidential.


VIII. How to Apply

All applications and materials can be sent by electronic mail (email), to


Thank you and good luck!

