East Perth & Traffic Congestion

Geography Extended Answer Notes – East Perth & Traffic Congestion
Question 1 - Explain how traffic congestion contributes to urban problems in Perth, then
ASSESS the planning strategies that have been put in place to address this problem
Define Traffic congestion – is the a condition on networks that occurs as use increases, and is
characterised by slower speeds, longer trip times, and increased queuing
2005 – social cost of TC was $900 million – needs attention
o Slow moving/ on/off accelerator = release of air pollution – carbon dioxide
o The more cars, the greater the volume of air pollution
o Antisocial behaviour, stress when stuck in traffic
o Air pollution emissions contributes to respiratory/ lung problems
o Stops emergency vehicles ,,
o Longer travel times – less productive – late to work/missing appointment
o Vehicles consume more fuel
Planning Strategies - Assess
 Walking
o Cost effective
o Get fit/healthy
o No carbon emissions
o No traffic jams/congestion
o Easier to access some places in the CBD/IMZ
o NGZ – few paths – unsafe
o Cannot travel long distances
o Takes longer than driving
o Perth focused on ‘planned walks’ more than as a means of transport
o Weather – hot and cold
o Disabled people?
o Faster than walking
o Cost effective
o Get fit/healthy
o No carbon emissions
o No traffic jams etc
o Disabled or health problems?
o Limited cycle paths
o Not everywhere provides bike racks
o Cannot carry heavy loads eg shopping
Hydrogen Bus Trial
o No pollutants
Little noise
Low maintenance cost
Cause traffic jams
Trial – only 3 buses
Fuelling stations – need to develop new
Traffic Operations Centre
o SCATS (Sydney coordinated adaptive traffic system)
o Measures congestions
o Coordinates traffic lights due to congestion
o Media – reports on where congestion is, where to avoid
o Monitor traffic on freeways and take action to help ease congestion
o Alerted when there is a problem – people on hand to fix traffic lights
o Offering support to drivers
o Encouraging the use of cars – always on the ball – sharing alternate routes
o Doesn’t effect the number of vehicles on the roads
o Does not offer an alternate means of transport
Planning of Perth does not allow for effective alternate transport means – 1970 corridor plan
created huge urban sprawl
Question 2: Discuss how the redevelopment of East Perth manages urban sprawl in Perth
Define Urban Sprawl – The uncontrollable outwards growth or a city or urban area
Planners have identified strategies to help manage urban sprawl – many of which are evident in
the East Perth high density residential area
East Perth was industrial zone – closed 1981
Water and soil contamination – health hazard – ordered to clean it up by department of
environment and EPA – dredged 6ha or river bed
Redeveloped into area of mixed land use
First a location needs to be liveable – compacts, pedestrian orientated, mix land uses, nature
reserves – attractive
o Footpaths both sides of road – access bridge, cycle paths
o Open spaces – foreshore and designated picnic areas
o Housing and small businesses – near silver city
o Attractive – stylish houses, plant life, playground, river
Compact – development in areas where services and infrastructure already exist
o Urban redevelopment or old warehouses into offices / apartments
o Close to CBD/ silver city – already existing services
o Walking distance to train
Mixed housing – mix of housing types to attract range of demographics
o Large multi-storey housing along foreshore – 5 bed, 3 bath
o Small, compact apartments behind – 2 bed, 1 bath
Mixed Use Communities – creating communities – compact, affordable and public transport
o Suitable for DINKS
o Not suitable or affordable for average working family – no schools
o Limited wheelchair access
o Cat bus, near train station
o Compact housing and recreational areas
Establish protested land reserves – protects from urban development
o Surrounding foreshore – parks, grass
o Over bridge – picnic area, shade
Restricting and rethinking road networks
o Paths both sides of road
o Narrow roads
o Cat bus route
o Walking distance to train station/ city
Redevelopment – of older suburbs/ buildings – increase pop density
o Industrial buildings converted to offices/ apartments
o Industrial zone into high density residential zone