Project FLOW Ideas - Resources for Rethinking

Project FLOW Ideas
Project FLOW Ideas
Stumped? Here are some fun project ideas to consider!
1. Quest for Clean Shorelines: Conduct a clean-up of a local shoreline! This project builds
awareness of issues affecting the health of watersheds and prepares students to take on
a stewardship role within their community.
2. Yellow Fish Road: Raise awareness about watershed preservation! In this project,
students paint yellow fish on storm drains in school neighbourhoods and distribute fish
hangers to homes in order to raise awareness of the importance of the proper disposal
of hazardous wastes.
3. Ban the Bottle: Raise awareness about the hazards of plastic water bottles! Conduct a
school-wide audit surveying the use of plastic water bottles, then initiate a campaign to
encourage your school to ban plastic water bottles altogether. Encourage students to
bring in refillable stainless steel water bottles!
4. Test Water Quality: At school or in the community at large, test an important water
source! If the water in a local watershed is contaminated, initiate a campaign to clean it
up and protect it from further contamination.
5. Educate Others: Prepare a presentation about the importance of protecting our water
resources, and deliver it to other classes at your school and/or other schools!
6. School Garden and Rain Barrel: Plant a school garden with native plants, and install a
rain barrel to save water when taking care of it!
For additional information, please contact Lilly at Learning for a Sustainable
Future at or 1-877-250-8202.
© Learning for a Sustainable Future