
University Policy Committee
January 31, 2012
Mendenhall Student Center
Welcome and Approval of Minutes
Chris Locklear called the meeting to order. The minutes of the November 29, 2011
meeting were approved by consent.
Old Business
PRR Goals for 2012-2014
Chris Locklear thanked everyone for getting their 2012-2004 goals in to meet the
December deadline
PRR Distribution Reminder
Chris Locklear reminded everyone of the protocol for posting completed PRRs.
They will be posted the last week of each month on the PRR site. Under special
circumstances, Donna may send out an announcement of the posting of a PRR
using ECU Official.
PRR Website Update
The revised PRR Proposal Form and SharePoint Process document have been
added to the PRR website under “drafting Resources.” Chris Locklear said to use
the updated PRR Proposal Form because of the updates it contains.
Items Removed from the Faculty Manual
The committee approved removing the following items from the faculty manual:
 VI.III.A – Academic Apparel (M. Walker)
 V.A.I.Z – Supervising Tests (M. Walker)
 Part VIII – Responsibilities of Administrative Officers – Health Sciences
Division (G. Vanderpool)
 Board of Trustees Duties (J. Durham)
 Part VIII.II – Responsibilities of Administrative Officers – Chancellor’s
Division (J. Durham)
 Part VI.III.L – Police Department (J. Durham)
There was one item that was not approved for deletion:
 Part VI.1.C – Employment Policies (J. Durham) – this will be revised and
Board of Trustees and Policies
The BOT approved the following resolution at their December board meeting:
I move approval to give the Chancellor blanket authority to transition all policies
previously approved by the Board of Trustees into the University Policy Manual
and to allow the University Attorney to make non-substantive edits to those
respective policies.
New Business
UPC Bylaws Draft Document
A draft document was presented to the committee and feedback was requested.
A few suggestions were made for revisions and a revised document will be
presented at the next meeting.
PRR Completion Rates
Stacie Tronto presented statistical data regarding PRR Completion Rates. She
will meet with each division representative individually to discuss in more detail.
Standing Items
PRR Proposals
There were several PRR Proposal Forms submitted and advice was given:
1. Boating Safety (J. Chinn) – change from rule to regulation; add formal advice
from Faculty and Student Affairs.
2. Diving and Water Safety (J. Chinn) – add formal advice from Faculty and
Student Affairs.
3. Use of Humans in Research (J. Chinn) – M. Walker recommended that this
PRR development be put on hold. The faculty is getting ready to review this part
of the Faculty Manual. After they review, then J. Chinn, P. Gemperline and M.
Walker could meet to discuss development.
4. Military Activation (A. Bunch) – no advice
5. Awarding a Posthumous Degree (A. Bunch) – add formal advice from Faculty
Senate and Graduate Council.
6. Request for Veteran’s Benefits (A. Bunch) – no advice
*Dr. Bunch reported that Dr. L. Griffin has submitted two PRR Proposal forms:
1. Guidelines for Substantive Changes for Accredited School – A new PRR does
not need to be developed. There is one in the queue that needs to be
completed as soon as possible for SACS purposes. This should be sent to M.
Walker, Academic Council and University Attorney with a completion date set.
2. Define Semester Credit Hour – This needs to be developed and completed by
summer for SACS purposes. This should be sent to M. Walker, Academic Council
and University Attorney with a completion date set.
PRR Divisional Updates
Very brief divisional updates were given.
Next Steps
None reported
The meeting concluded at 12:00 noon. The NEXT MEETING will be March 27, 2012 at
the Greenville Centre, Room 1200.