Auditor certification Contaminated land investigation document This template is for use by auditors approved under Chapter 12 Part 3A of the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (EP Act) to certify a contaminated land investigation document under s. 389 (3) of the EP Act. 1. Details of the auditor’s function Auditor Name Company Registered business address Telephone Email Auditor approval number (Qld) Contaminated land investigation document Comprised of: site investigation report validation report draft SMP draft amended SMP Title(s), version number, date and author(s) of report(s) or draft SMP(s) evaluated—for each separate document forming a component of the CLID Title(s), version number, date and author(s) of any site investigation report that has previously been submitted to the administering authority and forms part of the current CLID Relevant land Lot/Plan Title of attached site plan or relevant survey plan with relevant boundaries, including scale and latitude and longitude. Street address Postcode Page 1 of 5 • 150928 • EM1346 ABN46 640 294 485 Auditor’s Certification Contaminated land investigation document Local government area EMR/CLR ID (if applicable) Registered owner name Registered owner address Compliance permit (if applicable) Reference of compliance permit being issued Ref: Support expert(s) engaged by auditor (if applicable) Name Company Description of the matter for which the support expert has provided expert advice Support expert’s report (or other document) attached Support expert’s statement attached More than one support expert was engaged, a full list of each support expert’s details is attached Auditor engagement Auditor engaged by: Owner Occupier Developer Administering authority Other (provide details below) Name of person/company who engaged the auditor: Object of the contaminated land investigation document: To meet the requirements of a notice issued by the administering authority under EP Act. Provide administering authority reference number: To meet the requirements for compliance assessment under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 Prepared voluntarily to remove, or change details of, land on the EMR/CLR Other (provide details below) If other, provide details: Date auditor was commissioned: Date of certification by the auditor: 2. Certification statement I certify that the contaminated land investigation document complies with subsections 389 (1) and (2) of the Environmental Protection Act 1994 having regard to the guidance provided within the Queensland Auditor Page 2 of 5 • 150928 • EM1346 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection Auditor’s Certification Contaminated land investigation document Handbook for Contaminated Land, Module 5: Contaminated land investigation documents, auditor certification and compliance assessment. In particular, I certify that the site suitability statement provided in the contaminated land investigation document is sound. A statement of reasons for my conclusions with respect to the requirements of subsections 389 (1) and (2) of the Environmental Protection Act 1994 is attached and titled <INSERT TITLE>. The cross-reference table below outlines where requirements of subsections 389 (1) and (2) are addressed within the contaminated land investigation document and my statement of reasons, respectively. Auditor’s name Company Auditor’s signature Date 3. Cross-reference table Subsections of section 389 of Environmental Protection Act 1994 (1)(a) the reasons particulars of the land have been recorded in a relevant land register (1)(b) a description of all surface and subsurface infrastructure on the land, including details of the location, size and type of the infrastructure (1)(c) a description of the surrounding area of the land, including a description of each of the following in the surrounding area: (1)(c)(i) all environmentally sensitive areas (1)(c)(ii) the location of all water, watercourses and wetlands (1)(c)(iii) the location of all stormwater Page 3 of 5 • 150928 • EM1346 Reference to CLID (i.e. sections, pages and/or paragraphs) that comply with the corresponding subsection of section 389 of EP Act Reference to auditor’s statement of reasons (i.e. sections, pages and/or paragraphs) of why each requirement has been deemed compliant Department of Environment and Heritage Protection Auditor’s Certification Contaminated land investigation document Subsections of section 389 of Environmental Protection Act 1994 Reference to CLID (i.e. sections, pages and/or paragraphs) that comply with the corresponding subsection of section 389 of EP Act Reference to auditor’s statement of reasons (i.e. sections, pages and/or paragraphs) of why each requirement has been deemed compliant drainage (1)(c)(iv) all uses of the land, including uses that may affect the safety of the relevant land or cause environmental harm (1)(c)(v) all activities carried out that may affect the safety of the relevant land or cause environmental harm (1)(d) for waste disposed of or stored on the land that contains, or may potentially contain, hazardous contaminants: (1)(d)(i) details of the location, volume and type of the waste (1)(d)(ii) details of any potential contamination of the land caused by disposing of or storing the waste on the land (1)(e) a description of the geology and hydrogeology of the land (1)(f) details of any environmentally relevant activities or notifiable activities carried out on the land, including the materials used and waste produced during the carrying out of the activities (1)(g) details of any earthworks carried out on the land, including the materials used and waste produced during the earthworks (1)(h) if work has been carried out on the land to remediate the contamination of the land—the contamination levels recorded on the land before and after the work was carried out (1)(i) for a draft site management plan: (1)(i)(i) the proposed objectives to be achieved and maintained under the plan (1)(i)(ii) the proposed methods for achieving and maintaining the objectives Page 4 of 5 • 150928 • EM1346 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection Auditor’s Certification Contaminated land investigation document Subsections of section 389 of Environmental Protection Act 1994 (1)(i)(iii) the proposed monitoring and reporting compliance measures for the land (2)(a) a statement (a site suitability statement) of the uses or activities for which the land is suitable (2)(b) a statement of the following matters: (2)(b)(i) whether the land is prescribed contaminated land (2)(b)(ii) if the land is contaminated— the extent to which the land is contaminated (2)(b)(iii) for a draft site management plan—whether the proposed objectives, methods and measures stated in the plan under subsection (1)(i) are appropriate (2)(b)(iv) the extent to which the assessment of the land is in accordance with the contaminated land ASC NEPM Page 5 of 5 • 150928 • EM1346 Reference to CLID (i.e. sections, pages and/or paragraphs) that comply with the corresponding subsection of section 389 of EP Act Reference to auditor’s statement of reasons (i.e. sections, pages and/or paragraphs) of why each requirement has been deemed compliant Department of Environment and Heritage Protection