BOISE STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry M.S. Program Admission Application Prospective students are encouraged to consult the Chemistry Student Handbook for program requirements. For consideration for departmental teaching assistantships and fellowships, and an initial review of the candidates eligibility, students are encouraged to fill out the following application and submit it to the Graduate Program Director, Dept. Chemistry & Biochemistry, Boise State University, 1910 University Drive Boise, ID 83725-1520, Phone: (208) 426-3000, email: Include with this application: 1) A cover letter expressing interest in admission to the program, 2) Two letters of recommendation from science faculty at applicants’ undergraduate institution, 3) Transcripts from all prior college coursework (unofficial is acceptable), 4) Official GRE scores. IMPORTANT: Admission to the graduate program in Chemistry & Biochemistry is not official until a candidate has been accepted into the Graduate College. Application forms and instructions can be found at 1. Semester you plan to initially enroll: Fall ________ Spring _________ Boise State Student ID Number, if known: __________________ 2. Full Legal Name: ______________________________________________________________________ First MI Last 3. Social Security Number: ______________________________ 4. Date of Birth: ______________________ 5. Permanent Address: ____________________________________________________ Apt / Street Address ____________________________________________________ City State Zip 6. Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________ (if same, skipt to 7) Apt / Street Address ____________________________________________________ City State Zip 7. E-mail Address: _____________________________ 9. Gender: Female: _________ Male: ________ 10. Are you a legal resident of Idaho for the 12 months prior to the start of the semester checked in #1? Yes:_______ No: ________ If NO, state of legal residence: _______If NO, date continuous residence in Idaho began:_______________(Please refer to the Idaho Residency Information Page for definitions of legal residency for tuition purposes. Use your browser's back button to return to the onine application form when done.) 11. Citizenship: U.S.:____________ Non U.S.:_______________ 12. Ethnic Origin (check one): ____Native American ____Caucasian ____Asian ____Other ____African American _____Hispanic ______I do not care to respond 1 13. Colleges or Universities (including this University) attended: Name of Institution City Dates Attended From (MM/YY) To (MM/YY) _1.________________________________________________________________________________ _2.________________________________________________________________________________ _3.________________________________________________________________________________ _4.________________________________________________________________________________ _5.________________________________________________________________________________ _6.________________________________________________________________________________ 14. College or University Degrees Held or Pending: Type (BA, BS) Institution Major Field Date _1.________________________________________________________________________________ _2.________________________________________________________________________________ _3.________________________________________________________________________________ 15. GPA: Cumulative: _________ Cumulative Science:________ Upper Division: __________ Upper Division Science:_________ I certify that the statements in this application are true and I understand that for my initial graduate application, I need to submit a completed Graduate Application for Admission form, a non-refundable application fee, and have official transcripts sent directly from each post-secondary institution attended directly to Graduate Admissions. Applicants do not need to send transcripts from Boise State University. (Students pursuing General Graduate Study need to only submit an official transcript from the institution which granted their highest degree.) I understand that any misrepresentation or omission of facts will be cause for denial of admission or dismissal from the University. 16. Please indicate you have read and understand the above statement by checking the space and providing a date: Accept _____ Date (MM/DD/YY)___________________ 2