Saturated absorption and DAVLL-observed Zeeman shifts at 780 nm in 85,87Rb J. Peter Campbell Davidson College, Davidson NC 28035 The 780 nm absorption peaks in 85, 87Rb provide an excellent model for studying saturated absorption spectroscopy and Zeeman shifts in electronic transitions. Using a tunable diode laser, we excited the 5 2P3/25S1/2 (F=2,1) transitions in 87Rb and the 52P3/2-5S1/2 (F=3,2) in 85Rb and observed the induced absorption using FMS spectroscopy. Using several ring magnets we explored the effect an axial magnetic field along the direction of propagation of the laser. Using the Dichroic-Atomic-Vapor-Laser-Locking technique (DAVLL) we compared the Zeeman shifts with the theoretical ΔE= g*μ b*B. Finally, we created a model using gaussian interference to model the DAVLL signal. I. INTRODUCTION Atomic absorption spectroscopy is ordinarily limited by Doppler broadening due to the random motion of the atoms in the sample. Saturated absorption spectroscopy allows spectral resolution below the usual limits of Doppler broadening.i By introducing a counterpropagating pump beam that is 90% more powerful than the probe beam, most of the 5S electrons in each Rb atom will be saturated into their first excited state (5P). This saturation significantly decreases the absorption of the probe beam at the resonant energies. Thus, non-absorbing peaks appear within each broadened absorption peak that are below the Doppler spectral limit. A saturated spectrum would contain vertical peaks in the middle of each absorption peak where the energy of the pump beam exactly matches the resonant energy of the electronic transition. One advantage to using saturated absorption spectroscopy is that it can illuminate spectral features that would otherwise be buried in a Doppler-broadened spectrum. Specifically in this case, the hyperfine structure of the 5P state in Rb splits into three different energy levels (one for each projection of mf). This is similar to fine structure due to LS coupling, but three orders of magnitude smaller. Thus, unless one can eliminate the broadening, these hyperfine splittings will be unobservable. For more information on energy splittings in Rb, visit: Figure 1. Fine and Hyperfine structure for Rb. Each isotope has a similar plot. The 780 nm transition observed in this experiment occurs from (5)2P3/2- (5)2S1/2.ii Since the simplest description of electronic spin approximates the electron as a spinning charged particle with resultant magnetic moment, it seems intuitive that an external magnetic field would somehow change the stability (and thus energy) of the electron. The energy of the electron can also change due to coupling with the magnetic moment of the orbital (fine structure) and of the nucleus (hyperfine structure). Each of these effects can be amplified and studied through the introduction of an external magnetic field. The change in energy as result of an introduced magnetic field is referred to as a Zeeman shift. In general, for mf =+/-1 the shift is represented as: ΔE=g*μb*Biii (1) where g is a gyrometric ratio characteristic of each coupling (fine, hyperfine, etc) and μb is the Bohr magneton. Due to quantum mechanical considerations, there are only certain allowable optical transitions within the numerous possible splittings. Specifically, only mf = +/1,0 are allowed. It turns out that the various transitions interact with polarized light differently (analogously to the interaction of plane-polarized light with chiral molecules). Transitions with Δmf = +1 only absorb rightcircularly-polarized light (σ+), and Δmf = -1 only absorb left-circularly polarized light (σ-). The signals can thus be separated using a quarter-wave plate with its fast axis oriented at 45 degrees. Using a polarizing beam splitter, the laser can then be separated into two signals, one for each of the allowable Δmf transitions. The DAVLL plot takes advantage of the ability to separate these signals. Since the Zeeman shift for σ+ will be opposite of that for σ- as the magnetic field increases the plot for σ+ will shift in the opposite direction as the plot for σ-. By subtracting one signal from the other, an error plot is obtained that changes as a function of energy level splitting. Saturated Absorption in Rb II. SATURATED ABSORPTION The most difficult portion of the saturated absorption experiment was aligning the optics to maximize signal. As shown in Figure 2, the scanning laser beam was split into two beams, a probe and a pump (or saturating) beam, by means of a thick lens. Most of the light passed through the lens and ended up in the pump beam, which is important for the saturated absorption signal (since most electrons need to be in their excited state). Trans. (arb. units) 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Energy (arb. units) Figure 3. Saturated Absorption in Rb85, 87. The energy scale is approximately 2.5 GHz per division. The dark plot represents the unpumped Doppler broadened absorption spectrum, whereas the lighter plot displays the pumped spectrum. The resonant energies are clearly visible as narrow transmission peaks within the Dopplerbroadened absorption valleys. III. DAVLL AND ZEEMAN SHIFT Figure 2. Experimental setup for saturated absorption experiment. Both the probe and saturating beams were frequency scanned about the 780 nm absorption peaks for Rb.iv In order to achieve an ideal saturated absorption signal, the pump beam must overlap as much of the probe beam as possible. This can be obtained as diagrammed in Figure 2 by directing the pump beam back to the middle of the reflective lens, splitting the reference and probe beams. Care must be taken not to reflect the beam back into the diode laser however, as it may affect the stability of the laser.v The amplitude of the ramping voltage affects the range of frequencies over which the laser scans, and thus the transition energies observable in the Rb. The 780 nm transitions in Rb were at the outside range of the Vortex diode laser that we employed so care had to be taken not to maximize signal without exceeding the stable ramping frequency of the piezo element. The Nirvana photodetector was set to Auto Bal mode, which compares the signal beam (probe) with the reference beam to determine differential absorption. We plotted the linear output from the photodetector on the oscilloscope. Without the pump beam, a Doppler broadened spectrum was easily observed. With the saturating pump beam, the resonant energies are easy to observe. Figure 3 displays both spectra. Observation of the DAVLL spectra required a different experimental setup. After much trial and error experimentation, we found a configuration that allowed observation of the DAVLL signal and measurable Zeeman shifts under the influence of a controllable magnetic Figure 4 displays the DAVLL configuration. Figure 4. Experimental setup for DAVLL technique. The magnetic field was created by ring magnets oriented axially above (i.e. out of the page), not surrounding, the Rb cell and laser beam.vii The first polarizing beam splitter ensures that the light entering the magnetic field is vertically polarized. Once the light has traveled through the magnetic field and sample it enters a quarterwave plate, which separates the left from the right-circularly polarized light. Specifically, we aligned the fast axis of the quarterwave plate at 45 o from vertical, so the two rotating polarizations would be offset by 90o, with one exiting the quarterwave plate oriented vertically and the other horizontally. The two polarizations were then separated using a polarizing beam splitter, and directed into the Nirvana photodetector. The Nirvana photodetector was set on Auto Bal, which subtracted the two signals and equalized their relative DC amplitudes. Thus, in the absence of a magnetic field, since there is no difference in the absorption of the light in the cell, the difference between the two signals produces a baseline signal at 0 V. As the field increases, however, the DAVLL signal was observed as the two absorptions began to deviate according to Eq. 1. We took eight data points from 0-200G, which was the maximum field that we could create given the experimental setup. Figure 5 displays three of the eight plots that we obtained, which evidences the effect of the magnetic field on the DAVLL plot, and indirectly, on the relative absorptions of the two directions of polarized light. Once we had obtained DAVLL plots for several different magnetic field strengths, we attempted to measure the Zeeman shift as a function of magnetic field strength. The magnetic field was measured for each sample at the center of the Rb tube with an axial Gauss meter. Due to experimental limitation, the field varied by almost 10% over the area of the tube, which should be negligible.viii To measure the Zeeman shift, I plotted the difference between each peak position (in energy) as a function of the magnetic field strength. Since the oscilloscope provided the energy as a time, this required a conversion from seconds to GHz, using the calibration of the laser as a reference. IV. SATURATED ABSORPTION RESULTS Presumably due to imprecise optical alignment, the complete hyperfine structure of the excited state of Rb remained unseen. Only the first peak in Figure 3 suggests that the Doppler-broadened peaks contain more than one spectral feature. For more information on the observable hyperfine structure in the 5P excited state of 85,87Rb, visit: V. DAVLL MODEL RESULTS Error Plot (arb. units) DAVLL plot vs. Energy 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 12 13 14 Energy (arb. units) 15 16 38.6 G In order to qualitatively understand the effect of a peak energy change (in this case due to a Zeeman shift) on the shape of a DAVLL plot, we created a mathematical model to mirror the effects of shifting peaks. We approximated each absorption peak as a gaussian curve, and then visually adjusted the width and height of each curve until each peak (1-4) approximately matched the observed spectra. The DAVLL plot was obtained by subtracting one gaussian from another, each one offset in opposite directions about a center peak (determined from the absorption spectrum). For example: 92.7 G 194.4 G Figure 5. DAVLL plot for peak 3 (Rb85 F=2) for three different magnetic field strengths. Zeeman shift, indicated by peak deviation, is barely observable, but the shape of the plot clearly changes with increasing magnetic field. ( E E) DAVLL = A e 2 2 ( E E) Ae 2 2 (2) where: E is the energy of each peak in the absence of a magnetic field, A is a normalization constant, ΔE is the energy shift to model the Zeeman shift, and σ modifies the width of the gaussian to fit the data. Thus, each absorption peak had two terms as in Eq. 2. The full spectrum was obtained by adding all eight terms together at their relative energy positions. Peak Separation vs. "B" 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 -0.08 0 5 10 15 Energy (arb. units) 20 25 Observed Model Figure 6. The DAVLL plot model superimposed onto the 38.6 G observed plot. This superposition demonstrates that DAVLL plots may be reasonably modeled using sums of gaussian functions. Due to the interference of the gaussian curves, the plot of the ΔE vs. B field is nonlinear until ΔE is sufficiently large. Figure 7 models the DAVLL plot as a function of systematically increasing ΔE. 1.0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 DAVLL Plot 0.5 Peak Separation (GHz) DAVLL Plot DAVLL Plot Model 0.6 0.55 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 Model Peak 4 0 50 100 150 200 250 Magnetic Field (G) Figure 8. Peak separation in DAVLL plot vs. increasing magnetic field. The nonlinearity of the lower portion of the graph demonstrates the error in assuming that peak separation is always linearly related to ΔE. This mathematical model suggests that peak position accurately relates ΔE to B only for sufficiently high Zeeman shifts. The precise shift is a function of the width of the gaussian (in this case determined by Dopplereffects). The model suggests that as ΔE increases above 2σ, the peak separation is proportional to B. Further analysis might yield an algorithm for determining ΔE for DAVLL plots below 2σ. However, due to time constraints, the following analysis is based only on data obtained above that limit. VI. ZEEMAN SHIFT RESULTS 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Energy (arb. units) Figure 7. Gaussian model of Eq. 2 as a function of increasing ΔE. The five curves are equally spaced in energy, but the change in energy for each peak as a function of B is nonlinear for low B. Our primary objective was to characterize the effect of an axial magnetic field on the energy levels of the lone outer shell electron in Rb. Since there were four absorption peaks in Rb at 780 nm, we should have been able to obtain four observations of the Zeeman effect, described by Eq. 1. Unfortunately, peak 1 ( 87Rb F=2) and peak 2 (85Rb F=3) are so close energetically that their spectra interfere so as to disallow an accurate determination of peak separation at any energy (bounded on the low side by gaussian limitations and the high side by peak interference). Therefore, we disregarded the measurements obtained from those peaks. Figure 9 demonstrates the results of ΔE measurements (determined by peak separation and converted to GHz) vs. ub*B. ΔE (Zeeman) vs. μB ΔE (GHz) 0.55 Peak 3, g=1.1 0.5 0.45 0.4 Peak 4, g=1.5 0.35 0.3 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 μ*B (GHz) Figure 9. Zeeman shift versus ub*B. The slope of this plot represents the gyromagnetic ratio, g, for this transition. VII. CONCLUSIONS The two experiments discussed here demonstrate several concepts and experimental techniques. First, saturated absorption provides a means to reduce the effects of Doppler-broadening on an absorption signal. In doing so, it is possible to illuminate the hyperfine structure of the excited state, which often is lost in the broadened signal. Second, the dichroic-atomic-vapor-laser-locking technique provides a mechanism for observing the varying effects of differentially polarized light an atomic orbital. Specifically, the absorption of light is dependent on the conservation of mf in the transition. This work did not address the role of DAVLL in laser locking (hence the name), but its most useful purpose is indeed found there. Third, as a means to measure Zeeman splitting, DAVLL fails to be worth the hassle due to the limitations of extrapolating a useable ΔE from the error plot of two absorption peaks at low energies. It makes more sense to directly measure the ΔE of each signal directly, rather than from the difference between the two signals. This would eliminate the lower limit on data collection. Fourth, the DAVLL plot can be used to measure ΔE once ΔE > 2σ. Fifth, DAVLL plots can be reasonably estimated using sums of gaussian functions. Sixth, obtaining a Nobel Laureate to assist with experimental setup greatly facilitates data collection. K. Razdan and D.A. Van Baak, “Demonstrating optical saturation and velocity selection in rubidium vapor,” Am. J. Phys., 832-836, (1999). ii Copied from i D. Budker, D. Orlando, and V. Yashchuk, “Nonlinear laser spectroscopy and magneto-optics,” Am. J. Phys., 584-592, (1998). iv J. Kruger, (1998). v J. Kruger, (1998). vi Thanks to Dr. Eric Cornell, 2001 Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics. vii J. Kruger, (1998). viii J. Kruger, (1998). iii 0.6