Concrete containment management using the Finite Element technique combined with in-situ Non-Destructive Testing of conformity with respect to design and construction quality CONMOD Co-ordinator Force Technology Park Allé 345 2605 Brøndby Denmark Tel.: +45 43 267000 Fax: + 45 43 267011 List of partners 1. Force Technology, Denmark 2. Scanscot Technology, Sweden 3. EDF, France 4. Barsebäck NPP, Sweden CONTRACT No: EC Contribution: Total Project Value: Starting Date: Duration: FIKS-CT 2001-00204 EUR 454 000 EUR 1 351 298 Jan 2002 39 months 1 Contents 1. List of abbreviations 3 2. Executive summary 4 3. Objectives and methodology 5 4. Demonstrator 1 – Barsebäck 1 containment 10 5. Demonstrator 2 – MAEVA mock-up 19 6. Conclusions and recommendations 22 7. References 26 8. Tables 28 9. Figures 30 2 1. List of abbreviations NDE Non Destructive Examination FEA Finite Element Analysis LCW Lower Cylindrical Wall UCW Upper Cylindrical Wall ODPT Over Design Pressure Test B1 Barsebäck 1 NPP containment BWR Boiler Water Reactor PWR Pressurised Water Reactor MAEVA MAquette Enceinte en Vapeur et en Air, Steam and Air tests confinement mock-up AC As-built Compliance (of structure) CQ Condition and Quality (original of structure) A Ageing (of structure) ASR Alkali Silica Reaction MASW Multi-channel Analysis of Surface Waves SASW Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves UPE Ultra-sonic Pulse Echo IE Impact Echo R Radar HECR High Energy Computed Radiography P-wave Compression wave S-wave Shear wave R-wave Rayleigh wave The term ”seismic” techniques refers here to all forms of NDE method based on the transmission of mechanical waves, i.e. all frequencies and modes. 3 2. Executive summary CONMOD is an exercise project that involves combining advanced finite element analysis and the latest non-destructive examination techniques with the aim of establishing the condition of reinforced concrete structures, as well as their present and future behaviour under various loading conditions including the effects of ageing. The subject of this work has been the nuclear power containment of Barsebäck 1 and the MAEVA mock-up. It can be said that CONMOD is a response to recognition of the fact that there is a real need for a new approach to what is commonly termed ageing management of concrete structures. It is also an attempt to demonstrate the need to combine new technologies harmoniously and to explore their mutual benefits effectively. CONMOD is unique in the sense that the investigative techniques have been applied to an actual containment structure. In this sense the work is highly qualified to respond to the question as to whether this kind of investigative process is really necessary and possible, i.e. for this type of structure and using these techniques. This doubt stems partly from a lack of understanding of the issues that are relevant, as well as a scepticism towards the reliability of NDE techniques. These are dealt with in CONMOD. It has been shown that it is necessary to investigate a structure such as a nuclear containment using a broad approach and ”penetrative” techniques. It has been shown that traditional visual inspections and leak-rate tests are insufficient. The relevant issues are of course structure-specific, but all fall within the following categories: as-built compliance quality and condition ageing These factors are all relevant to a greater or lesser extent to complicated structures like nuclear containments, and their interdependance increases with age. This is demonstrated in this work with reference to the Barsebäck Unit 1 containment. The condition of the structure at any time is seen to be dependant on the geometry, detail, quality and materials. These are never as assumed or strictly according to design and it is therefore not possible to predict condition and ageing by theory alone. It is not the aim of CONMOD to specifically find defects in structures but rather to make a realistic and constructive diagnosis. A certain degree of reticence from utilities in adopting new approaches to diagnostic investigation may be due to a misconception on this point. The purpose of CONMOD is to make an accurate and scientific diagnosis of the concrete structure and in this way detect relevant issues that can then be effectively and timely remedied. At the same time all non-relevant issues are dealt with and dismissed. The alternative approach is to do nothing and hope that no problems arise. This latter approach cannot be defended and has on several occassions lead to serious and expensive consequences. A measure of the success of CONMOD is the fact that many of the initial fears have been allayed, and the intimate cooperation between utilities, investigative engineers and analysts has been realised – an example to the industry world wide. 4 This summary outlines the methodlogies used in the MAEVA and Barsebäck projects. These methodologies are partly demonstrated with a description of the several stage investigative process and a proposed method of seismic monitoring as a tool for predicting ageing. The work has been described more as a feasibility study than a solution to the problem of manageing ageing of concrete structures. It cannot, however, do more than describe a general methodology since a fully-detailed analysis would only be relevant to the structure in question and would not be of universal use. Many avenues of future development have been identified and recognising the urgency of needs in this area some short-term workable ideas are presented. The main conclusion of CONMOD is that a new approach combining non destructive examination with finite element analysis methods is both workable and necessary in order to be able to accurately determine and predict the condition of nuclear power containment structures. In order that this technology can be applied in practice in the near future and in the light of the fact that all concrete structures are unique, requires that site-specific procedures be developed, implemented and validated. This requires initiative primarily from utilities. The subject of ”Ageing” of concrete structures is often defined as being a priority although it has not been defined what the issues really are and far less has it been shown what relevance they actually have. A generalisation of ageing issues does not benefit individual needs since these are often specific. CONMOD has demonstrated that other factors such as defects and unknown detailing introduced during construction can be at least and often much more critical than ”classic ageing” mechanisms. This applies to critical defects introduced at the construction stage as well as conditions that can initiate and accelerate ageing processes. It has also been seen that the condition of older containment structures can be generally good and better than might be expected. Understanding the structure requires however that a full and detailed investigation be made and followed up, as demonstrated in this work. 3. Objectives and methodology 3.1 Objectives The objective of CONMOD has been to find a practical means to determine the condition of a containment structure, as well as how this can be expected to change with time. The methodology described and to some extent demonstrated here could be applied to other structures. Information about the condition and ageing processes would be used to predict the behaviour and functioning of the structure under loading and how this might change with time. It was to be shown how this would be possible by combining Non Destructive Examination (NDE) and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) in a series of steps. The original objectives were to locate critical parts of the Barsebäck 1 structure, as well as critical parameters, with the help of FEA and to use this information in planning how and where NDE would be carried-out. In other words it would be possible to concentrate investigations on the most critical parts of the structure and obtain the most critical information on the basis of FEA analysis. At the same time the FEA models of structural behaviour would be up-dated with information obtained by NDE made on the structure. For example, parametar studies could be made to study the effects of non-compliance with design such as deviations in reinforcing geometry. Similarily the beneficial effects of long-term strength gain and drying could be evaluated as could a hypothtical effect such as lack of bond between liner and concrete caused by corrosion to the liner. It was not clear at the outset how NDE and FEA could be combined in more sophisticated analyses, e.g. of ageing trends and the consequences 5 thereof. The MAEVA project was focussed on the problems of predicting structural behaviour and the initiation and growth of cracks, with consequent risk of increased leakage. Crack growth, for example, has been modelled and predicted with a FEA technique and compared with information obtained by acoustic modelling. There are many unknown factors about a large concrete structure, especially one that is first examined 30 years after construction, like the B1 Unit in this work. For it to be possible to predict the future condition of a structure it is necessary to construct a Profile of that structure., in the same way as a Doctor would diagnose a patient. All factors relating to geometry, detailing, condition and ageing together describe the Profile of the structure. The objective of CONMOD has also been to demonstrate the importance of all these factors. The structure Profile is described by: The as-built Compliance with design (AC) The Condition and Quality of the concrete (CQ) The Ageing processes (A) A means by which NDE and FEA can be used together has been sought as an alternative to traditional inspection and analysis methods. This is in recognition of the fact that for complicated structures and processes then these disciplines are on their own inadequate – sometimes referred to as ”islands of knowledge”. The objective has been to combine sophisticated theoretical structural analyses with real, practical data collected from the structure. In this way a purely theoretical discipline is vastly reinforced with real, experiencebased knowledge backed up with scientific NDE data. At the same time the inspection process using NDE can be guided with the help of FEA to enable more efficient and rational data collection. In addition the quality and correctness of NDE data interpretation is improved with the help of FEA modelling. Understanding the ageing process using these methods and following the proposed methodology requires that predicted and measured NDE responses are the same. These responses reflect a condition at a given time, as well as a direct or indirect change in condition resulting from some ageing process. The process of establishing the condition of a structure is an iterative one, which in practice revolves around NDE and FEA in a series of both independant and combined steps. NDE responses are affected by the condition of the structure and they will change with time as the concrete changes in the ageing process. The condition and changes in condition due to ageing processes that concrete may undergoe can be described by non-destructive, seismic techniques. These techniques are the ”windows” to the present and future condition. In this study some deviations have been found, which can be directly related to as-built compliance and quality. These observations are in some cases of no direct relevance to the structure and its behaviour. They will however have significant effect on the seismic response of the structure and must therefore be described accurately. 6 Basic objective of CONMOD The basic objective of CONMOD is to construct a profile of a concrete containment that describes the condition and ageing. The theoretical profile of the structure is formed into the actual profile in a series of investigative steps. These steps include a diagnosis of the ageing processes, which enable future condition to be predicted (Figure 1). 3.2 Methodlogy The CONMOD methodology is a diagnostic tool used to investigate the conformity and condition of concrete containments. This can be incorporated in an ageing management plan. It makes use of NDE and FEA combined if possible with other forms of testing such as material sampling, site monitoring, lift-off tests and pressure tests. In CONMOD B1 then NDE, FEA and material sampling have been employed. 3.2.1 FE analysis in general When carrying out finite element analyses (FEA) of the reactor containment, a library of FE models has to be established, which can be used during initial and up-dated analyses of the structure. These can also be used to assist in planning NDE and other inspection methods. The FE models range from global and local models for evaluation of the leak-tightness and loadbearing capacity of the structure, to “digital mock-ups” of important areas that simulate seismic responses that can be used to predict and interpret the NDE response on site. This library of FE models must be site-specific, and must cover the issues of relevance. If a complete study is at hand, a fully 360-degree global model of the containment is recommended, complemented with local models at critical areas (singularities) such as the major penetrations. In some situations, so-called wedge models, or even axi-symmetrical models are sufficient. At Barsebäck Unit 1 a combination of an axi-symmetrical model, a horizontal plane strain model, and a detailed 3D-model of a pipe entry (Figure ) was used. This was used in order to study the global behaviour of the structure in an undisturbed region, as well as the response of a typical wall section with pre-stressing buttresses, and a detailed study of the pipe entry. A digital mock-up of a typical wall section at Barsebäck Unit 1 has also been established (Figure 24). Within the scope of CONMOD and the ISP 48 project, several important reactor containment design types have been studied; - - BWR (Barsebäck Unit 1) and PWR (MAEVA, ISP 48) Steel liner on the inner surface (ISP 48), embedded liner (Barsebäck Unit 1), without liner (MAEVA) Bonded pre-stressing tendons (Barsebäck Unit 1) and unbonded tendons (ISP 48) 3.2.2 Initial FE analysis In the case of a structure as large as a containment, it must be possible to rationalise the testing and sampling and include parts of the structure, which are both representative of the structure as a whole, as well as possible weak areas. This is the first step in establishing a profile of the structure, i.e. normal and special (critical) parts of the structure are identified. 7 This can be done by combining an inventory of the structure with an intial structural analysis based on nominal data. The inventory will typically include design detailing, construction methods, in-service history and results from leak-rate tests etc. The initial structural analysis will be used to find critical sections of the structure as well as critical parameters (Figure 2.) The FEA analysis is also used to establish the nominal safety levels with respect to leaktightness and load-bearing capacity. The effect of ageing trends such as creep and shrinkage and relaxation of pre-stressing steel should be considered with the help of theoretical models and/or site monitoring. 3.2.2 Preliminary NDE investigation The next step in the process is an intial site investigation using NDE and traditional techniques. The objective is two-fold: 1) to compare theoretical NDE responses with those measured and establish a general picture of the condition and compliance 2) to evaluate the NDE methods w.r.t. capability and accuracy and if necessary apply alternative techniques Having completed this then the main site investigation can be planned. The techniques have been chosen and the objectives of the investigation have been decided upon, including where to test and what to measure. The first objective is to establish details such as the internal and external geometry and details of the structure, such as quality variations and trends. Site tests are compared with tests on mock-ups and responses are compared with predicted, theoretical responses, e.g. using FEA modelling techniques (Figure 3.) 3.2.3 Main site investigation The main site investigation is first made when the methods, their application and their predicted, typical responses are known for the structure in question. This cannot be established without initial structural analysis, a preliminary site investigation and NDE-modelling. Inspections are carried-out at a representative number of positions in parts of the structure that are representative of the structure as a whole, including parts that have been found to deviate from the normal. The predicted NDE responses are established on the basis of actual structure geometry and condition, which will normally require some core-sampling at the outset. The objective of the main inspection is to sub-divide and classify the main parts of the structure in terms of normal and special responses. These normal and special NDE-responses may be observed globally and may be due to the effect of different construction techniques, or local environment and / or damage resulting from these factors. The expected result is a series of typical or normal responses to one or several NDE-techniques that describe various normal conditions as well as special conditions. At this stage the NDE techniques are analysed with the help of FEM and other means in order to interpret the responses in a way that will describe the geometry and condition for the concrete at the time of test (Figure 4.) 3.2.4 Special investigations Special investigations are conducted when responses from the structure are found to deviate from the normal established responses. Deviating responses may occur globally or at a given position on the structure with the passing of time. 8 At this stage both NDE and FEA have been used as separate tools for analysis of the structure. It has been necessary to apply FEA techniques to interpret the NDE responses obtained. Also, as a final stage, FEA has been used to predict the changes in NDE responses that may occur with time. The condition of the structure has been established, as have the asbuilt conformity and the ageing processes. In other words a Profile of the structure has been established. The Profile of the structure obtained in this way is used to up-date the structural model. The function of the structure (leak-tightness and load-bearing capacity) is then re-evaluated. This must include time-dependant (ageing) parameters that can directly or indirectly (as a consequence of) affect the structure. These changes will affect mechanical wave transmission and they can be modelled using FE-analysis. The key to applying NDE in the ageing management process is in being able to recognise the changes that might occur in the structure with time. These changes may be slow and progressive and may or may not in themselves have any serious effect on the functioning of the structure. On the other hand, they may lead to a gradual change in the performance and function of the structure and may result in a sudden and critical change, for example, the development of cracks or loss of liner bond with concrete. NDE techniques are used as a set of windows to the condition of the structure and changes in the condition that may occur with time. 3.2.5 Use of NDE and FEM together in the ageing management process There are several ways in which NDE and FEA are combined: Identification of critical parts of the structure for NDE evaluation including critical parameters Up-dated structural analyses using input from NDE examinations Prediction of NDE responses for a known condition at a given time using FEM modelling techniques Prediction of NDE responses using FEM modelling techniques based on known condition and how this will change due to ageing processes Points 3) and 4) apply to both normal condition of the structure and to the case of a particular ”ageing” process. 4 Demonstrator 1 – Barsebäck 1 In this section, a typical pipe entry including surrounding wall are considered. The pipe entry passes through the lower cylindrical wall at the level of the equipment hatch, i.e. just above the slab separating the condensation pool and compression space from the primary compartment. The choice was made to inspect a pipe entry, as there was reason to suspect that voids may be found in the concrete surrounding it. This particular pipe entry was chosen since it was easy to access both from the outside and inside of the containment. A list of inspections made at the pipe entry and surrounding wall (in order of execution) and observations from 9 these is given in Table 1. The FEM analysis required that the size of any void be determined in order that the integrity of the liner under internal pressure be established. 4.1 Summary of observations with respect to condition at time of inspection 4.1.1 Pipe entry: It was suspected that there could be voids in the injection grout above the pipe entry and this was confirmed. However, there was no apparent corrosion to the liner plate, which was the major concern. The wall thickness was found to be considerably greater than design. The moisture level inside the void was (rH) 82%, which was as expected (Figure 5.) 4.1.2 Wall surrounding pipe entry: The wall condition and thickness was found to be typical of the lower cylindrical wall in general. The thickness of the outer pre-stressed wall was 880 mm, which is 140 mm greater than design. The outer 250 mm of the pre-stressed wall has some significant anomalies, due to the slip-form casting process. The reinforcing and cable ducts have been set at a depth from the surface, which is approximately proportional to the greater wall thickness. The concrete wave velocities were found to be similar to the LCW in general, i.e. high velocities at depths > 250 mm, consistent with a strong and uniform concrete. The relative humidity of the pre-stressed wall was similar to the LCW in general, i.e. significant increase from the relatively dry outer surface (40-50% rH) to quite humid conditions (> 90 % rH) near the liner plate. The seismic tests indicated that the liner and concrete were bonded together, since sound transmission through the entire wall thickness was possible. In Table 1 a list is given of the deviations from the assumed (design) detailing and condition. These are classified according to whether or not they are related to an ageing process (A), to the original as-built compliance (AC) or the original condition and quality (CQ). Each is also considered with respect to possible influence on ageing processes in the past and future. Each significant deviation is therefore related either to the original quality and/or the as-built compliance. The fact that the wall thickness is significantly greater than design will have had an influence on moisture movement (drying) and subsequent long-term strength gain. No damage mechanism or effect was observed related to ageing. The significance of the nearsurface anomalies in the concrete is less since the wall thickness is greater than design by an amount which is approximately equivalent to the damaged layer thickness. The reinforcing and cable ducts are not within the damaged layer (Figure 6.) 4.2 Next stages in the CONMOD methodology 4.2.1 Pipe entry Initial structural analyses have been made of the containment wall and the pipe entry using the available design data. A thorough investigation has been made of the structure using NDE and material sampling. The data obtained has been used to up-date the structural analyses, i.e. the effect of the observed void above the pipe entry. The pipe entry problem is a specific one and considering that 2 out of 2 pipe entries inspected have shown similar voids, and based on previous experience, then it is reasonable to assume that this is a systematic fault which applies to most if not all pipe entries. The conditions may vary between pipe entries, if the size of the void varies and if there is separation of the injection grout materials. In the worst case these factors could lead to liner corrosion. The problem should be dealt with by 100 % inspection of the pipe entries and repair 10 of the concrete where voids are found to occur. B1 has however been out of service for some years and no repairs are necessary. See 4.6 below. 4.2.2 Wall surrounding pipe entry Stage 1: preliminary NDE tests and modelling The surrounding wall is typical of the lower cylindrical wall of the containment. A profile of the wall has been constructed using various forms of NDE combined with material sampling (coring). The condition of the concrete wall may change with time due to various factors*: Drying shrinkage and creep with micro-cracking as a result of differential movement in the wall x-section Expansion of the concrete due to ASR Loss of bond between the liner and concrete Corrosion to the liner Cracking or delamination induced by outside force Other unknown Further long-term strength gain of the concrete * These are hypothetical and have not been found to apply in this case at this time. These represent possible ageing mechanisms, which may be either slow and progressive, accelerating or diminishing. They may also be in the form of a consequence of some slow process, e.g. the development of cracks. They would affect either the concrete or steel (reinforcing, liner plate and ducts) but regardless of which, they would affect the seismic response of the wall. The Profile of the containment wall is described by the condition, geometry and ageing. The condition may change with time and this can be detected and described by seismic profiling. This has been the basis of the CONMOD demonstrator. Normal seismic responses. In this section, the sequence of site tests and comparison with expected and measured responses is demonstrated. Further investigations are motivated by the discrepencies between predicted (theoretical) and measured responses. Initial NDE-tests : comparison of predicted and measured responses The measured (apparent) P-wave velocity is based on a full wall thickness of 1000 mm, the grade of concrete specified and the age of the structure (as well as experience of the concrete at this site). There are clearly significant differences between predicted and measured values of the observed four normal seismic responses. Normal seismic responses The condition of the concrete is described by the normal seismic responses. The normal response of the structure depends on the geometry and condition of the structure: N (G, C) 11 G is a geometry factor C is a condition factor Reference is made to the normal seismic response, NS. The condition of the concrete can be described by both stable and time-dependant factors, e.g. the condition after casting and the changes that the concrete undergoes with time due to drying. NS (G, (CSt + Ct)) CSt is a stable condition factor Ct is a time-dependant condition factor See Figure 7. In Figure 8, the predicted and measured seismic responses (SASW – Rayleigh Wave dispersion) are shown for the lower cylindrical wall. These are based on the geometry and quality of the concrete, as well as measured shear wave velocities. At this stage there was clearly some unknown factor (s) causing the discrepency between predicted and measured values. There was also reason to believe that these observations (of seismic and radar responses) may be linked to each other. The seismic response for the lower and upper cylindrical walls are shown in figure 9. Initial modelling of seismic response There is a clear difference in the quality of data and measured apparent Rayleigh wave velocity when comparing the Lower and Upper cylindrical walls. The suspected cause of this difference was the fact that the LCW was slip-formed while the UCW was not. Slip-forming could be expected to have caused some near-surface damage to the LCW. The effects on a dispersion curve of a low-velocity surface layer were investigated by modelling. In addition, FEM-modelling has shown that the ratio of surface wave wavelength to wall thickness is such that the seismic response will be affected. In this case, assuming a wall thickness of 1000 mm, the wave velocities would dip downwards at wavelengths around 500 mm (Figure 10 and 11.) Note that the low velocity layer is assumed in this first model to be only 100 mm thick, while later investigations showed this in fact to be 200 – 250 mm. Summarising initial NDE results and FEM-modelling of predicted responses: The measured apparent P- and R- wave velocities were found to be significantly lower than predicted. The depth to the reinforcing and cable ducts was found to be significantly greater than design. The wall thickness measured by radiography appeared to be approximately 15 % greater than design. 12 Some assumptions have also been made at this stage based on experience and preliminary FEM-modelling: The wall geometry can be expected to cause a drop in the R-wave velocity at wavelengths greater than half the wall thickness. A low velocity surface layer will affect the dispersion curve signicantly. The slip-forming technique can have caused a low-velocity surface layer. Based on this combined information, it seemed reasonable to assume that the total wall thickness was significantly greater than design and that the outer pre-stressed wall had a lowvelocity layer. The apparent low seismic wave velocities were therefore probably due to these factors together with the effects of the wall thickness:wavelength ratio. Stage 2: Material sampling and NDE on cores Core sampling and a fibre-optic inspection at the pipe entry revealed the following (applicable to the lower cylindrical wall): The wall thickness at this position was found to be 880 mm (pre-stressed outer wall) compared with a design value of 734 mm. The outer 200-250 mm of concrete was damaged by the slip-forming process causing this to be a low-seismic-velocity layer. The properties of the concrete vary significantly with depth due to the long-term strength gain of the concrete. The average P-wave velocity of the concrete in the pre-stressed wall was 4500-4600 m/s. Stage 3: Up-dated seismic modelling of containment wall based on new parameters Choice of seismic testing method The methods used up to this point for seismic testing have been SASW and IE. The former technique, SASW, is perhaps more valuable since it provides a characteristic profile of the wall section from which it is possible to extract information about wave velocities and their variation with depth, as well as total wall thickness. The method is however sensitive to local inhomogeneities in the concrete and for this reason a more robust and stable method was sought. Multi-channel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) This method involves collecting seismic wave data via a sensor placed on the concrete surface and multi-shot impulses (hammer strikes) at increasing distance from this. The 13 information is transformed from the offset-time (x-t) domain into the frequency-phase velocity (f-VPH) domain. The method makes no assumptions about the nature of the seismic event in relation to the phase velocity, and the construction of the frequency-phase velocity image is performed through an objective pattern-recognition technique. The MASW method enables a record of the total wavefield of both surface and body wave (P-wave) events (Figures 12 & 13) The seismic response of the Lower Cylindrical wall was studied by first making complementary MASW measurements on site and then FEM-modelling of the response, using the up-dated information on the thickness of the wall and condition of the concrete. The updated information included the velocity profiles obtained from the cores taken from the wall, the depth of the observed damaged surface layer and the total wall thickness. The objective has been to attempt to match predicted and measured seismic responses for the LCW. A more refined evaluation using MASW in combination with Impact Echo was seen to have the best potential as a suitable seismic method. A sensitivity analysis of MASW data for the structure can indicate which parameters (thickness, velocities, steel liner plate etc) that can be evaluated from MASW data. This analysis can also give an indication as to the extent and quality required of the measured data (separation and number of points). A first step analysis involves an analytical solution (1 D model) instead of the more lengthy FE analyses in 2D. The FE analysis can be made in a second stage of the sensitivity analysis in order to study the bond conditions between concrete and steel liner, the effect of anomalies and the (disturbing) effect of pre-stressed cable ducts etc. The results of the sensitivity analysis can show which parameters are worthwhile trying to evaluate from the MASW data. An automatic evaluation (inversion) is then tested on real MASW data from positions at which as much reference data as possible is known. Figure 14 & 15 show the phase velocity spectrum with amplitudes as a function of frequency and phase velocity. The upper and lower diagrams in Figure 15 represent the measured and best-fit synthetic data. The latter is based on a known layer model and the field set-up geometry. Sensitivity analyses were made of the containment wall with reference to shear velocity in the outer 100 mm (assumed) layer, the thickness of the inner (high velocity) layer at a fixed velocity and the thickness of the outer layer with a fixed velocity (lower). Note that their is no clearly defined layer thickness and that the velocities vary with depth, i.e. the method used is an approximation. These layers refer to the load-bearing pre-stressed wall. The predicted and observed phase velocity spectra are compared by a function known as the mismatch ( M ). This can be a value between 0 and 1 where 0 represents a perfect match. A sensitivity analysis is made to establish which parameters in the model have a significant effect on the phase velocity spectrum (Figure 16 & 17.) Ref. 2. ”Inversion of surface wave dispersion curves is a non unique and non linear inverse problem, where a direct solution is not possible. Non unique means that different layer models may match the measured data equally well. Non linear means that small changes in the data can correspond to large changes in the model and vice versa. The new procedure used for inversion of surface wave data is based on the complete phase velocity spectrum rather than discrete dispersion curves. A global optimisation technique, Fast Simulated Annealing (FSA), is implemented for the inversion algorithm. With this procedure, data reduction and the extraction of an experimental dispersion curve is avoided. Consequently, the complete procedure from data collection to evaluation of layer properties becomes fully automatic and objective.” 14 ...The goal of the inversion procedure is to find a layer model whose corresponding phase velocity spectrum matches the measured spectrum best... ...The basic concept of the simulated annealing method is to perform a random walk in the multidimensional parameter space with the intention of finding the global minimum of the objective function ” 4.3 Reference data used in the seismic model - Wall thickness According to HECR measurements the average wall thickness is 1130 -1144 mm and IE on average 1070 – 1090 mm (Figure 18.) At the pipe entry wall considered, the actual thickness of the pre-stressed part was found by drilling to be 880 mm, which would correspond with a full wall thickness of 1146 mm assuming an inner wall thickness of 260 mm. Measurement of damaged layer thickness – CONMOD B1 This has been possible thanks to the fact that a large number of cores were removed from the containment wall. The damage can in some cases be seen without visual aids, but the true extent of the damage in the outer zone is first seen with the help of a plane section of one of the cores. The cores were examined with small transducers in the transverse and longitudinal direction along their length. Both P-wave and S-wave velocities were measured (see inset in Figure 22). The depth of the damaged layer has been established to about 220 – 250 mm, as suggested by the inconsistency in the ratio of shear to compression wave velocities in this zone. 4.4 Summary – Demonstrator 1 Barsebäck containment The seismic response of the containment wall at Position 2 has been modelled using a Finite Element technique, in which the in-going parameters have been determined using NDE and other investigative methods on site. The solution to this model is not unique and it is therefore necessary to construct the model with the help of complementary techniques, which in this case includes NDE and material sampling. A match between predicted and actual seismic responses has been achieved. This reflects the agreement between the assumed (according to initial NDE investigations and not theoretical) and actual condition and geometry of the containment wall (Figure 16, 17 & 22.) The geometry of the wall, i.e. the thickness, the depth to liner and cable ducts etc. can be determined by combining NDE techniques. Some global variation in these parameters can be expected. In an ageing management scheme, reference sections should be established in which these parameters have been established along with a corresponding seismic model. Any changes in the seismic response with time can then be analysed with respect to changes in the condition of the concrete alone. The effects of variations in internal geometry, e.g. reinforcing and cable duct depth and liner:concrete bond, should be evaluated in a sensitivity analysis of seismic response. 4.5 Initial FE analysis Inital FE`analyses of the Barsebäck Unit 1 containment showed that the area around the pipe entry was critical wth regard to stresses in the steel liner. As can be seen in Figure 19, the 15 accidental internal overpressure at liner yielding is approximatly 10% lower in the pipe entry area (position 2) compared with an undisturbed region (position 1). 4.6 Updated FE analysis Penetration (pipe entry) FE analyses have been carried out to study the effect of the following deviations in immediate vincinity to the penetration: - Void in concrete above penetration (found at B1) Friction between steel liner and the surrounding concrete (contact examined at B1) Loss of one pre-stressing tendon (fictitious) Void Non-destructive examination as well as fiber optic inspections have shown that there was a void in the concrete above the pipe entry. The FE model used in the initial analysis has been up-dated with this information, i.e. a void has been introduced into the model (Figure 20). The analysis shows that the formal leak-tightness capacity is decreased by approximatly 5% if the void reaches out to the critical zone identifed in the initial analysis. However, the void identified at this position did not reach this area, and hence no reduction in capacity is at hand. The void is thus mainly an ageing problem (possible risk for corrosion). Friction If the coefficient of friction between the concrete and the steel liner is increased from zero to 0.6 in the penetration area, an increasing interaction between the inner and outer cylinder wall occurs. This leads to a reduction in the stress in reinforcement, tendons and steel liner compared with the original analysis at the same internal over-pressure level. Yielding would occur in the steel liner at a slightly higher pressure compared with the initial analysis. Tendon If a critical tendon is removed near the pipe entry, the cracking of the concrete in the containment wall initiates at a lower internal overpressure than in the initial analysis. This implies that the stresses in reinforcement, hoop tendons and steel liner start to increase at an earlier stage. The stress in the steel liner would reach the yield stress limit at an overpressure that is approximatly 6% lower than in the initial analysis. General wall section (not specific to pipe entry) The following deviations in an general area of the containment wall have been studied: - Increased thickness of the containment wall (found at B1) Friction between steel liner and the surrounding concrete (contact examined at B1) 20% lower pre-stressing force (than long-time design value) in all tendons (ficticious) Loss of one pre-stressing tendon Loss of pre-stressing force in one tendon (maintaining steel area) 10% general reduction in rebar steel area Friction between steel liner and the surrounding concrete 16 Wall thickness If the increase in wall thickness is assumed to imply a global egg-shaped geometry (see Figure 21) then the radial deformation of the containment will be changed, especially after cracking of the concrete has occurred. Friction A higher frictional value allows a greater ability to transfer shear forces between the different structural parts. This means that the outer part of the wall will be helped by the inner part, mainly at vertical loading. Since the vertical loading is critical when it comes to the ultimate load bearing capacity, then this interaction will increase the capacity to some extent. Pre-stressing force A reduction of the pre-stress force by 20 % has no noticeable effect on the ultimate load bearing capacity (as is expected). However the reduction results in an initially weaker structure, which leads to an earlier yielding of the steel liner, as well as the vertical reinforcement connected to the conical roof. Horizontal tendon When a critical horizontal tendon is removed (level + 116.82) the effect is local. The ultimate load bearing capacity is not affected due to the fact that it is still the vertical tendons that govern the ultimate capacity of the containment (connection between LCW and conical roof). The leak-tightness capacity is reduced by approximately 5 % in the area where the tendon is removed. Re-bar x-sectional area A reduction of the reinforcement area by 10 % does not affect the leak tightness, and affects the ultimate loading capacity only marginally. This is reasonable since this reduction only gives an insignificant reduction of the section stiffness and an even smaller reduction of the total tensional capacity of the steel components (reinforcement, pre-stressing tendons and steel liner). A higher frictional value allows a greater ability to transfer shear forces between the different structural parts. This means that the outer part of the wall will be helped by the inner part, mainly at vertical loading. Since the vertical loading is critical when it comes to the ultimate load bearing capacity, then this interaction will increase the capacity to some extent. 4.7 Seismic modelling as a diagnostic tool for monitoring ageing of the structure Having access to a diagnostic tool that can describe the condition and geometry of the containment wall can be used for: determination of global trends (normal responses) and deviations from these determination of changes that may occur to the material and structure with time The change that concrete or concrete and steel bond might undergo may be a slow process, such as drying of the concrete or long-term strength gain. It may on the other hand be a relatively sudden change such as cracking or corrosion to the liner. Whatever the case, the consequence of an ageing process can be modelled as can the effect this will have on, for 17 example, the seismic response. An example is given in Figure 24. In this case a loss of bond between liner and concrete occurs at a given time. Seismic mock up Seismic non-destructive evaluation holds the key to condition assessment and ageing monitoring of complicated structures like nuclear containments. The seismic response can be predicted on the basis of experience and with the help of both physical and digital mock-ups (using FE-analysis). Digital mock-ups have the benefit that they can be made quickly, accurately and to low cost. In the planning stage, they would be of great value in establishing which methods are viable for the structure and problem case considered. They can be used to establish method set-up on site and predict different types of responses. Parametric studies can also be made, for example, to determine the smallest defect that can be detected. Modelling wave propagation with the help of digital mock-ups will enable: • Increased understanding of wave propagation in complex structures. • Detailed parametric studies to quantify what NDE can ”see”. • Pre-study to optimize measurement procedures and field set-up geometry. • Evaluate material properties such as a match between field data and a known system. 5 Demostrator 2: MAEVA EDF, with contributions from its partners, constructed a concrete test model (mock-up) at CIVAUX in France. This represents the normal section of a pressure, water reactor (PWR) containment, (Figure 25): MAEVA (MAquette Enceinte en Vapeur et en Air, Steam and Air tests confinement mock-up). The purpose of this was: To obtain a better understanding of the behaviour of a, reactor containment subjected to the combined loading of pressure and temperature To study the evolution of permeability by leak rate measurements and also the state of cracking of the concrete containment wall To study the behaviour of a composite liner and its contribution to the leaktightness of the concrete containment wall Five campaigns of tests have been carried out from December 1996 to December 2002. For each campaign, an average of 2 sequences (one test with air and another with steam) have been performed. The CONMOD Project refers to the 7th sequence "Over design pressure test" of MAEVA of the sixth and last campaign performed in December 2002 before decommissioning the mock-up. 5.1 Over design pressure test and NDE concrete crack detection 18 During the "Over design pressure test" (ODPT), pressure within the cylinder of MAEVA has been twice raised to 1.5 times the design pressure (i.e. up to 0.975 MPa) with dry air and at ambient temperature to enable monitoring of new cracks after the first and second pressure rise (Figure 26). For the benefit of CONMOD and in order to apply the CONMOD methodology, a continuous concrete crack detection system (to detect new crack generation and growth of existing cracks) was set. This was the Sound Print acoustic detection system performed by ADVITAM , using 20 sensors set on the inner wall and another 20 on the outer wall of the mock-up. This NDE technology enables detection of degraded areas during pressure rise, or a new loading, beyond that which the structure has previously undergone. The results show a number of acoustic events, which are interpreted as the formation and/or growth of cracks as being high during the first pressure rise (ODPT-1) and low during the second (ODPT-2). The crack maps constructed with the Sound Print system and used as the basis for this work are shown in Figures 29, 30 and 31. Several displacement or deformation sensors have also given useful information on the local and global behaviour of the structure during ODPT, including crack opening. 5.2 Finite Elements Analysis using CONMOD methodology The consulting company SOCOTEC Industrie was chosen as sub-contractor by EDF to perform the Finite Elements Analysis (FEA) concerning the ODPT on the MAEVA mock up, with Finite Elements code, Code_Aster® developed by EDF. The technical specifications for the FEA calculations of the MAEVA mock up have been defined and edited on the basis of the modelling feedback provided previously by CESA Project. All calculations are based on Mazars damage model. Two geometrical models have been specified: An axisymmetrical model with truss elements, which represents a standard zone (far from any singularity such as hatch or buttress) A 3D model simulating one half of the structure that takes into account the symmetry of the structure, boundary conditions and loading The meshes are specified in order to account for the different structural elements: concrete, pre-stressing tendons, reinforcement etc. Calculation methodologies and data are specified in order to allow for linear as well as non-linear calculations in different situations: initial state, service life and testing over the design pressure. Loss of pre-stress due to creep and shrinkage is assessed in each situation. It is assumed that the structure is supported by rigid soil. On the mock-up, a lot of local deterioration and cracks on the external face of the cylinder have been observed during visual inspections made before the first pressure rise, ODPT-1. The origin of these cracks was probably linked with damage induced by the previous test campaigns. Nevertheless, the FEA did not attempt to simulate the effects of these. This should be one point of possible improvement for further modelling. The full CONMOD methodology, 19 as presented on Chapter 2 of this report, has not been applied in the case of the ODPT undergone by the MAEVA mock up. Pre-stress loss was assessed according to French design code, taking into consideration: Elastic losses corresponding to the level of a tendon to the combined effects of other tendons Friction losses, due to friction between tendon and its duct, depending on curvature Slip that is inevitable when pre-stressing force is transferred to the anchorage set Steel relaxation (cables) Shrinkage/creep of concrete 5.3 Axisymmetrical modelling The mesh looks like a slice of the mock up, and is intended to be representative of the behaviour of a standard area of the structure (quadrant 3) without singularities such as penetrations or buttresses. Elastic as well as non-linear calculations based on Mazars damage model have been performed. The results of elastic calculations in terms of global displacements have been used in order to refine the modelling of the boundary conditions between the cylindrical wall and the bottom and upper slabs. The results of the non-linear calculations up to the final test pressure indicate no damage occurring in the cylinder wall, as long as the area in question is remote from any singularity of the structure (pipe entry, buttress…). 5.4 3D modelling Symmetry conditions are applied to take into account the unmeshed half of the structure. The main load of the ODPT is applied as a uniform internal pressure. It was decided that the calculations would be limited to the first rise ODPT-1 and decrease of pressure. The distribution of tension along the tendons has been calibrated with available monitoring data. Since only one half of the real structure has been considered, this entailed several calculations to estimate what tension to apply at the “fictitious” extremities of the cable that was cut by the plane of symmetry. The elastic modelling had revealed the areas where cracks may occur, considering the values of computed stresses in concrete. The results of the non-linear modelling, taking into account damage and cracking, have been compared with the results of the acoustic emission survey performed with the Sound Print system, as well as the visual inspection. When the non-linear model was made, the damage model was activated in the concrete elements. However, behaviour has remained under the yield threshold in the structural steel elements (reinforcement, pre-stressing bar and tendon). Considering the global deformation of the structure (Figure 27 and 28), it can be said that it is qualitatively consistent with that shown by the instrumentation measurements. This qualitative agreement is also true at a local level. From a quantitative point of view, it appears that the FEA gives lower 20 displacements than monitoring. One can infer that the, global rigidity of the mock-up is overestimated by the model. It must be kept in mind that the structure is considered to be “healthy”, i.e. no cracks, at the beginning of the calculations. However, previously induced cracks exist before the ODPT. This confirms that the structure has been assumed to be stiffer than it was during the pressure test. The comparison between the damage variable of the model (which stands for cracking) and the locations of acoustic events enables the reliability of our FEA tools to be assessed. This comparison has been done near a penetration, near the buttress and in the area that was opposite to the penetration. Around the penetration (quadrant 1), both FEA and NDE exhibit crack initiation and development. The crack patterns are quite similar (Figure 29). Near the buttress (quadrant 2), FEA prediction and NDE measurements are also in good agreement. For the purpose of a more in-depth comparison, it would have been of great interest to compare acoustic intensity (or energy dissipated by the opening of cracks) with the amplitude of damage evaluated by FEA. Nevertheless, FEA did not manage to detect any crack initiation remote from buttress or pipe entry, at 180° azimuth angle of the penetration. This is consistent with the conclusions stated previously for the axisymmetrical modelling. In fact, acoustic events could, be assumed to have been created by cracks already generated by previous tests on the mock-up that have grown with ODPT loading. A link could be made with the previous observation on displacement and the actual stiffness in relation to cracking. 5.5 Demonstrator 2 – Conclusions (EDF) Numerical modelling for reinforced and pre-stressed concrete structures (containment vessel alike) has been carried out. These calculations allow a comprehensive prediction for the behaviour of the structure, as well as the prediction of initiation of new cracks (generated by simulated loading) together with their localisation, as shown by comparisons with NDE and monitoring data. The initial state seems to have an important influence on local behaviour (opening/closure of existing cracks under applied loading). If the purpose is to estimate leak rate through a prestressed reinforced concrete wall, knowledge of crack configuration and more sophisticated analysis are required (see CESA report) to get an overview of such analyses. Current EDF studies are dedicated to initial state assessment in structures that have undergone complex loads for several years. A Bayesian approach can help in this way. Another point to stress is the use of smeared crack concepts. It is well known that engineers using them should be very careful with mesh dependency or localisation, once convergence difficulties are overcome (see chapter 5). A simple isotropic damage model such as Mazars’ one is only a first step to better understanding and predicting the behaviour of structures. More realistic models are also less easy to handle and easily become unsuitable for engineering purposes. Because of the restricted time allocated for CONMOD, it was not possible to apply the whole CONMOD Methodology at the MAEVA mock up case with the ODPT loadings. A second run of calculations would be useful, for example, it would have been interesting to adjust the elastic modulus of HPC to better fit with displacement measurements. Also, it would have been interesting to attempt some modelling on the long term effects of initial state induced stresses, e.g. cracks formed during the first test campaigns or at the early age, not 21 taken into account in the present modelling. It includes being able to simulate the effect of different phenomena in the same modelling, which is currently a specific issue for EDF. 6 CONMOD – Conclusions and recommendations During the course of this project, which has spanned a relatively short time, four major advances have been made on the course to producing workable solutions to the problem of ageing management of concrete containment structures: 1) co-operation on a trans-european scale 2) increased awareness among the theoretical sphere of the possibilities and necessity of NDE 3) increased awareness in the practical NDE sphere of the possibilities and necessity of FEA 4) reduced reticence and in some cases full co-operation from the nuclear utilities on several important issues This together with the fact that CONMOD has become an example to the industry on a much wider scale are a measure of the success of the project. On the purely technical side the project has been a demonstrator of the important issues applicable to Scandinavian containment structures and other structures in general. It has been shown that the tools are available today to obtain the required information about the structures and that this information can be effectively used with the available analysis methods. A methodology has been defined for condition assessment and ageing management using FEA and NDE. The objective of finding a means of predicting the condition and behaviour of concrete containments under loading and the effects of ageing has not been fully achieved and validated. A methodlogy and suitable toolbox of NDE techniques has however been identified. This includes mergence of NDE and FEA in a several stage process. These have been partly demonstrated in the work carried-out at Barsebäck and MAEVA. The Barsebäck and MAEVA projects were somewhat ”out of phase” in terms of time and planning, which has restricted the mutual benefits of these objects. On the other hand, the independance of these two projects has given a certain amount of objectivity. This may not have been the case if the projects were conceived and planned together. In terms of important issues relating to concrete structures like nuclear containments, it has been confirmed very clearly that as-built compliance, original quality and condition, as well as ageing are all significant. It could be said that as-built compliance and quality (original condition) are the major issues, at least in many cases. For structures that are a certain age before inspection, then it is vital to determine both as-built compliance, condition and geometry. A dependance on NDE and FEA in managing this kind of structure requires that 22 both geometry and detail be known before condition and time-dependant changes in conditon can be predicted and characterised. The Barsebäck and MAEVA work were different in the respect that little was known about the actual conditon of Barsebäck, while the MAEVA mock-up was very well documented. The MAEVA mock-up does not have unknown characteristics such as those inevitably introduced by workmanship, nor does it have trends associated with ageing. The MAEVA mock-up can therefore be dealt with in a simpler manner, perhaps not requiring all the stages in the CONMOD methodology. An older structure like the Barsebäck containment is on the other hand a veritable pandoras box of different conditions and unknowns, requiring the full CONMOD procedure and methodology. The MAEVA project would have benefitted from a combination of seismic profiling, acoustic monitoring and FEA-modelling. One obvious benefit would have been to confirm and map the existence of cracks in the structure prior to ODPT using seismic techniques. The potential of seismic techniques has perhaps been underestimated for this purpose. The techniques available today in combination with advanced FEA-modelling of seismic responses, can determine and characterise condition change, such as cracking. If cracking can be predicted in a FEA-model, as demonstrated in MAEVA, then the seismic response changes associated with the growth of the cracks can also be predicted using FEA-modelling techniques. These changes can also be measured, preferably using a combination of seismic techniques. If the cracks can be predicted than they must follow a pattern and such patterns should be recognisable using NDE. The pattern and extent of mechanical changes to the concrete and the increasing frequency and growth of cracks will affect the amount of detail that seismic techniques can determine about them. The use of seismic techniques for crack characterisation has not been fully demonstrated in this project due to lack of time and suitable objects. The technique finally adopted, MASW, has shown itself to be a robust method with great repeatability. Also, the method provides a spectrum of different data, e.g. both surface and standing wave patterns. In terms of crack growth monitoring then there is potential in exploring the possibilities of using this combined information with frequency-dependant attenuation of surface and compression waves. A clearer definition is required of the term ”ageing” of concrete. The different kinds of ageing should be clarified, e.g. long-term and progressive changes such as strength gain and drying or crack initiation and growth due to periodic load testing. These need to be defined more clearly in their context in order for a management methodology to be defined for each case. The ageing problem should also be recognised as being very much dependant on original quality and compliance. Recommendations There is a degree of urgency in developing ageing management programmes that can be usefully applied in practice considering the present age of many concrete containments and their expected remaining lifetimes. Also, given that all concrete structures are unique then there is no universal solution to the problem of ageing management and action should not be delayed in expectance of this. There may be a tendency for some utilities to stand off until it is considered that a sufficiently useful and reliable technology has been developed. However, such a technology cannot be fully developed and validated that has universal application. A logical starting point towards real progress would therefore be to initiate a broad programme of 23 investigative studies at many sites focussed on a several stage process. This would involve an inventory of the structures and construction of their profiles along the lines outlined in CONMOD as a first step. Parallel studies of ageing mechanisms specific to these structures could then be made, using methods that give best effect, i.e. with less focus on the (NDE) method but more focus on the problem and solving it correctly. The important issues specific to each structure could then be identified and dealt with using the best available methods. The ageing management programmes could therefore be built on the principle of CONMOD and customised for specific needs. This would be the first and necessary major step in introducing real investigative concrete management to nuclear containments and hopefully a release from what is today largely a theoretical discussion forum without visible solution. It must be shown by example that concrete structures are rarely as design, that the quality is heavily influenced by workmanship and that condition and changes to condition cannot be described by what can be seen on the surface. Nor can these changes in condition always be detected by traditional in-service inspection methods, such as leak-rate tests and deformation measurements. It must also be recognised that ageing of concrete is not necessarily a detrimental thing, since concrete normally gains in strength with age and a natural drying process can, for example, reduce the risk of potentially damaging mechanisms such as corrosion and asr. It must be shown that each structure, particularly older structures, must be given a diagnosis in order that their continued safe and efficient operation can be guaranteed. This can only be possible if there is an open willingness of the operator to allow thorough investigations to be made at their site. This would have the effect of averting a new culture of ageing prediction based on theory, which we have seen tends to circumnavigate the really important issues in pursuit of a subject which may be both abstract and irrelevant to the structure in question. The introduction of a new culture to site management of concrete structures would have many beneficial effects, not least in the form of establishing expertise at the plants. The problem of concrete ageing is one that is described by mechanical changes to the concrete, be it slow and progressive or sudden. The changes apply both to the concrete as well as the steel embedded in the concrete and how the concrete and steel interact. These conditions and changes can be described by seismic testing methods, if they are backed up by advanced scientific modelling techniques. The potential of these techniques in characterising concrete changes needs to be further investigated and procedures developed that adapt the technology to specific types, i.e. patterns of concrete change, such as natural changes or deterioration. A bridge between ageing prediction using FEM modelling techniques and prediction of seismic response to these changes using similar FEM techniques is required. There is potential in examining wave velocity profiles, reflection patterns and frequency-dependant attenuation in recognising and characterising crack growth. The ageing mechanisms need however to be defined more clearly and modified to include the effects of original quality and compliance. The initial or passive state of the structures should be modelled to determine the long-term effects of initial state-induced stresses. This would include cracks that have previously been formed and other factors relating to (original) condition and geometry. The methods used to investigate such as NDE are based on principles which have been known for a very long time. A concrete structure such as a containment wall is not particularily complicated, at least considering the large areas of plane section that are undisturbed by edges and changes in thickness. Yet, several observations have been made in the course of CONMOD that highlight the fact that little has been done to understand basic seismic wave 24 motion in these structures. Examples are the effects on wave dispersion dependant on the relationship between wavelength and wall thickness, various wave modes dependant on the interaction between concrete and steel and the effects of low-velocity surface layers. In order that seismic methods can be more widely introduced as a reliable method of monitoring concrete condition, then these phenomena must be more clearly defined as reference to the user. This can be achieved through the use of digital mock-ups combined with the collection of empirical data on both physical mock-ups as well as actual structures. This could for example include, a data-bank of seismic responses for several containment structures of similar and varying ages. A Handbook of Seismic Responses together with a description of testing procedures and procedures for secondary checks is required. This Handbook should include finite element modelling techniques to plan test set-ups for specific structures and problem cases with sensitivity analyses to determine which parameters can be determined using a given technique. Seismic testing offers the possibility of periodic checks of concrete condition or even continual monitoring. This requires a very high degree of test repeatability, particularily if, for example, wave attenuation is an important parameter. New methods of sensor technology should be tried to improve test repeatability, for example the use of non-contact microphones as an alternative to transducers attached to the concrete surface. The diagnosis that will enable lifetime predictions of concrete structures and effective management of these is to large extent dependant on non-intrusive investigation, NDE. The physical condition of concrete and how this, changes with time can be monitored using seismic methods, and it seems that this is the only NDE method that is capable of providing this information. Seismic methods are in turn dependant and limited by the geometry, size, accessibility and material properties of the concrete. For example, the amount and quality of data that can be obtained using ultrasonic pulse echo techniques is greatly dependant on the maximum size of the aggregates used in the concrete – smaller aggregates allowing greater penetration and resolution. The workmanship quality of concrete also has an enormous impact on the amount and quality of information that can be obtained non-destructively. Indeed there is a general rule that the better the concrete then the better non-destructive testing techniques will perform. If we strive towards better concrete that make, structures more amenable to NDE then we have achieved two goals – improved concrete and improved NDE. There are further improvements that can be made in the design and detailing of a structure to make the process of extracting information easier, for example reinforcement configurations and surface treatments and coverings. It is a novel concept yet a very practical one to build components into a structure that can be used as targets and references when later studying crack movement and seismic wave velocities. These are as yet unheard of yet would be very simple and quite practical. Further development for new containment structures should focus on establishing some simple rules, designs and novel ideas on how to vastly improve the “accessibility” of concrete structures to future diagnostic investigation. Finally The CONMOD project has been a pioneering work and has shown the way to a new approach to the problem of condition assessment and ageing management. It is however, largely a feasibility study and their remains a lot to do in the process of qualification, validation 25 and standardisation of investigative methods and diagnostic tools and analysis. A continuation of this work has great potential in providing a realistic and pragmatic solution to this issue and the time is critical in order to maintain the momentum that has been created, not least the awareness developed amongst utilities. 7. References [1] Shaw P, Rasmussen J, Pedersen T.K, Force Technology report – A Practical Guide to Non Destructive Examination of Concrete (2004) [2] Rydén N, Lund Institute of Technology, Doctoral Thesis – Surface Wave Testing of Pavements (2004) [3] Rydén N, Lund Institute of Technology, Licentiate Thesis – A Novel Concept for Seismic Pavement Testing (2002) [4] Shaw P, Rasmussen J, Pedersen, Force Technology, CONMOD Interim Project reports – Non-Destructive Testing of Concrete Containment (2002-2005) [5] Rasmussen J, Non Destructive Testing methods for Integrity Determination of Concrete Structures – Licentiate Thesis, Luleå University, Division of Applied Geophysics (2003) [6] Shaw P, Force Technology, A Study of NDE Performance in the Condition Assessment of Concrete Structures – rilem proceedings PRO 16 Life prediction and Ageing Management of Concrete structures (2001) [03-01-EDF] EDF technical specification ENESMS/02-2103-A – Spécifications techniques pour la modélisation du comportement de la maquette MAEVA lors d’un essai en air audelà de la pression de dimensionnement – Author : G. Heinfling – 17/03/2003 – In French – (Technical specifications for the modelling on MAEVA mock up behaviour during ODPT) [03-02-EDF] ADVITAM report F050 OE DOC 03 – Maquette MAEVA – Essais en air à 9.75 bars – Séquence 7 – Auscultation acoustique – Compte rendu d’essai – Author : Advitam –28/04/2003 – In French – (MAEVA Mock Up – Pressure Test with dry air – 7th sequence – acoustic survey – Test Report) [03-03-EDF] SOCOTEC Industrie report AME/KVR/03.01.019/N2 Calcul tranche élastique – Author : S. Kevorkian – 20/11/2003 – In French – (Axisymmetrical elastic modelling) [03-04-EDF] SOCOTEC Industrie report AME/KVR/03.01.019/N3 Calcul tranche Mazars – Author: S. Kevorkian – 25/11/2003 – In French – 26 (Axisymmetrical non linear modelling) [04-01-EDF] SOCOTEC Industrie report AME/KVR/03.01.019/N5 Calcul élastique du demimodèle 3D – Author : S. Kevorkian – 13/01/2004 – In French (3D Elastic modelling of the ODPT) [04-02-EDF] SOCOTEC Industrie report AME/KVR/03.01.019/N6 - Modélisation 3D de l’essai en air de la séquence 7 en considérant un comportement non linéaire du béton (modèle d’endommagement de Mazars) - Author : S. Kevorkian – 18/02/2004 – In French – (3D modelling of the ODPT taking into account non linear behaviour of the concrete (Mazars isotropic damage model)) [04-03-EDF] SOCOTEC Industrie report AME/KVR/03.01.019/N7 – Synthèse des études du comportement mécanique de la maquette MAEVA lors d'un ess ai en air au-delà de la pression de dimensionnement - Author : S. Kevorkian – 15/03/2004 – In French – (Synthesis of F.E. modelling studies of the MAEVA mock-up mechanical behaviour during ODPT) [05-01-EDF] EDF report ENGSDS050092, Synthèse des contributions SEPTEN/DS au Rapport de Synthèse du Projet Européen CONMOD - Author : Alexis Courtois – 2005 (Synthesis of contribution of SEPTEN/DS group to CONMOD final reports) [02-01-SCT] Scanscot Technology report 02401/TR-01 – CONMOD-Evaluation of the containment at Barsebäck Unit 1. Step 1: Initial structural analysis – Authors: O. Jovall – et al.– 20/12/2002 – In English [02-02-SCT] Scanscot Technology report no. 02403/TR-01 – Barsebäck NPP 1. Pressurization and leakage test – Authors: T. Lindberg – et al.– 08/03/2002 – In English [02-03-SCT] Scanscot Technology report CON/3.1/SCTE/09 – CONMOD WP No. 3: Pressure and leak-tightness programme Barsebäck NPP 1: Questionnarie: Pressure test and concrete testing – Authors : O, Jovall – 12/07/2002 – In English [02-04-SCT] Scanscot Technology report CON/3.1/SCTE/01 – CONMOD WP No. 3: Pressure and leak-tightness programme Barsebäck NPP 1: Övergripande aktivitetslista för planering och genomförande av täthets- och deformationsmätning vid Barsebäck 1 – Authors : O. Jovall – 05/04/2002 – In Swedish (CONMOD WP No. 3: Pressure and leak-tightness programme Barsebäck NPP 1: Planning of leak-tightness and deformation measurements, general activity list) 27 [04-01-SCT] Division of Structural Engineering, Lund University report TVBK-3051 – Assessment of material property data for structural analysis of nuclear containments – Authors: S. Thelandersson – 20/12/2002 – In English [05-01-SCT] Scanscot Technology report 03402/TR-01 – ISP 48: Posttest analysis of the NUPEC/NRC 1:4-scale prestressed concrete containment vessl model – Authors: O. Jovall – M. Pålsson – B. Svärd – 23/02/2005 – In English [05-05-SCT/EDF] Scanscot Technology / Electricité de Francenreport 02401/TR-05 CONMOD-Finite element analysis – Authors O. Jovall - A. Courtois - G. Heinfling 29/04/2005 - In English Table I Part of structure Type of Object of inspection inspection Pipe entry x-ray Voids in concrete (concrete above) Surrounding wall x-ray Radar Impact Echo MASW Weisele probe Cores Wall thickness Result of inspection Positive (void 350 x 200 x 30 mm) Positive ( 15 % greater than design) condition No voids observed Concrete (voids) Cable duct filler (voids) Cables inside ducts Reinforcing details (size, position (lateral), type) Reinforcing condition Reinforcing details (depth and position) No voids observed No damage observed As design No damage observed Depth greater than design (200 contra 40 mm). Position as design Cable duct details (depth Depth greater than design and position) (360 mm contra 160 mm). Position as design. Concrete thickness Suspect > design Concrete condition OK. Some near-surface anomalies Bond between liner and Yes concrete Concrete thickness Suspect > design Concrete condition Typical LCW Concrete wave velocities Typical LCW Bond between liner and Yes concrete Concrete rH Typical LCW Concrete condition Typical LCW. Near surface (<250 mm) anomalies 28 Pipe entry Peep hole Suspect void in concrete & fibre- above optic Thickness of pre-stressed wall Condition of liner plate (visual) Weisele RF in air-filled void probe Confirmed void 140 mm greater than design OK. 82.1% Table II Observation Void above Pipe entry* Category CQ Effect on ageing Possible Wall thickness* AC Affects drying process No Specify possible damage Corrosion to liner plate. Unlikely to occur in the future if no corrosion observed after 30 years. None Cable duct AC position* Reinforcing AC No position* Concrete CQ None identified condition near surface (slipforming)* Concrete A Affects drying Risk of cracking and cracking (dryingprocess increased creep and shrinkage)* shrinkage Local high AC, CQ Affects drying Increased risk of local moisture content process corrosion and/or asr CQ Condition and Quality; AC As-Built Compliance; A Ageing List of observations (B1) and possible effects on ageing. Note that these also have an effect on structural behaviour* which is not defined here. Table III Method Radar SASW Parameter Depth to reinforcing (mm) Depth to cable ducts (mm) Rayleigh wave velocity (m/s) Predicted value 40 (mm) Measured value 170-200 (mm) 160 (mm) 270-300 (mm) 2500 (m/s) 2100-2400(m/s)** 29 Impact Echo Compression wave 4500 (m/s) 3900 (m/s)** velocity Radiography Wall thickness 1000 (mm) 1150-1180 (mm) Comparison of predicted (theoretical) and measured responses for various NDE methods w.r.t. inital site investigation. ** Apparent velocities Fig.1: The structure and its ageing processes are first described on the basis of already-known facts and theory. Then, with the help of NDE and FEM the Profile (ageing and condition) of the structure is established. This information is used to model and understand the ageing processes and their possible consequences. Modelling is used in the final stages to predict NDE responses, which describe the condition and expected changes in condition with time. 30 Fig.2: Preliminary FEA models of structural behaviour and identification of critical sections are made. The reactor containment is a cylindrical construction and is a suitable object for preliminary analysis with the help of an axi-symmetrical model to study the global behavior in the event of pressurisation. However, the axi-symmetrical model must be complemented with a plane-strain model and a local three-dimensional penetration model in order to understand the effects from penetrations and vertical buttresses respectively. In the final analysis, and in design or structural verification, a fully three-dimensional model should be used to accuratly capture the true behaviour of a, pre-stressed reactor containment. Fig. 3(a): Compliance – reinforcing and cable ducts radar scan showing Fig. 3(b): Compliance and Condition – radiography of containment wall to describe internal details and condition 31 Fig. 3(c): Condition and ageing – seismic response of the containment wall, which is dependant on the geometry, internal details, condition and ageing of the concrete. In this figure the surface wave phase velocity for wavelengths up to equivalent wall thickness are shown. 32 Fig. 4: Establishing a Profile of the containment structure by combining NDE and FEA techniques. A series of normal NDE responses are established which describe trends that are typical for the structure in question. In addition, a series of special responses may be established for conditions that are exceptional, e.g. as determined by local environmental conditions or damage that may have occurred. 33 Fig. 5(a): Graphic presentation of radiographic beam from Betatron at pipe entry (left); Betatron in position on outside of containment (right). Fig. 5(b): Radiographic image of wall above pipe entry showing void. Fig. 5(c): Void as seen from fibre-optic (left); liner plate in void Fig. 5(d): X-section of wall at pipe (centre) with thin covering of material; injection (black) and entry showing void and fibre-optic drainage (light) pipes inside void (right). inspection point (arrow). 34 Fig. 6 : Graphic profile of the containment wall. The outside of the containment is to the right. The concrete across the wall section varies in condition due to the effects of drying, long-term hydration and also due to some damage caused by the slip-forming process. In the outer (approx.) 200 mm there are ”tears” with inward and inclined orientation caused by slip-forming and plastic settlement of the concrete. The strength and elastic modulus of the concrete increases with depth from ”normal” at the surface to very high at depth. The relative humidity of the concrete is at ambient condition near the surface and increases to approx. 90% near the liner (average about 75%). The upper curve in the figure shows the variation of dynamic elastic modulus and the lower figure shows the relative humidity of the concrete. Fig. 7: The profile of the structure is described by the four normal seismic responses. These are for the lower and upper cylindrical wall and corresponding horizontal and vertical profiles. 35 Fig. 8: Expected (upper) theoretical dispersion curves for the containment wall assuming details as drawing and no other condition trend in the concrete. Compare with normal (lower) dispersion curve measured for the lower cylindrical wall. Fig. 9: (Top curve) SASW dispersion curve for horizontal profiles on upper cylindrical wall. Average VR = 2428 m/s for all profiles. (Bottom curve) SASW dispersion curve for horizontal profiles on lower cylindrical wall. Average VR = 2083 m/s for all profiles. 36 Fig. 10: Predicted surface wave dispersion curve based on nominal data (wall thickness 1000 mm). The surface wave velocity is assumed to be 2200 m/s based on preliminary tests. Otherwise, the expected Rayleigh wave velocity was 2400 m/s or higher (Fig 1.) Here the A0 dispersion curve is zoomed in on the portion that is most likely to be measured with SASW or MASW. The dispersion curve should theoretically be straight all the way down to a wavelength of about 0.44 m if the concrete has the same stiffness all the way through the thickness as in reference model 1. The curve will drop at greater wavelengths due to the effect of the wall thickness. Fig. 11: The effect on the A0 dispersion curve from a change in shear wave velocity of the first 100 mm from the outer wall surface. A low velocity zone near the surface is added to reference model 1. The shear wave velocity of the first 100 mm from the outer surface of the wall is set to vary from 2416 m/s to 1966 m/s in steps of 50 m/s. It can be concluded that the phase velocity for a wide range of frequencies or wavelengths are affected by this change. 37 Fig. 12: Containment and position of test – Pipe entry and surrounding wall. The method of seismic data collection is shown to the right. Fig. 13: MASW data was collected at Level 4 on the outside surface of the pre-stressed wall (data in x-t domain). A total of 100 points were measured over a horizontal line 5 m long. The results are shown above. From this the P and R wave velocities can be calculated.The estimated P wave velocity is shown. 38 Fig. 14: Left: Phase velocity spectrum for the containment wall. The average phase velocity (apparent surface wave) is around 2200 m/s. The horizontal axis represents a x-section of the wall. Right: Standing waves induced in the containment wall (P-waves). This information is available in the frequency:phase velocity data. The prominent standing waves have frequencies from 2.4 to 2.7 K Hz, i.e. back side and liner echoes. Fig. 15: Measured and theoretical phase velocity spectra for the containment wall. 39 Fig. 16: (Left upper and lower): Phase velocity/wavelength of measured and best fit synthetic data. (Upper right): Mismatch as a function of parameter value. The x-axis represents the pre-defined search range of each parameter. Convergence to the true value is eventually achieved – in this case the shear wave velocity of around 2500 m/s. (Lower right): best matching layer model for containment wall. Fig. 17: The layer model obtained matches well the true conditions. 40 Fig. 18(a): Measurement of wall thickness using HECR. Calculation of thickness is independant of wave velocities. Fig. 18(b): Results of wall thickness measurements using HECR. The apparent as-built wall thickness data was used in the model. The thickness is thought to vary from about 1100-1200 mm. Fig.19: FE analysis of horisontal part of Barsebäck unit 1 containment wall, including pipe entry. Analysis based on nominal data from drawings. 41 a) Yiedling in linerat P = 720 kPa b) Yielding in liner at 690 kPa Fig.20: FE analysis of Barsebäck Unit 1 containment wall, including pipe entry. (a) Initial analysis based on nominal data (b) Analysis based on up-dated data obtained using NDE, i.e. a void is introduced in to the model. Fig. 21: Barsebäck Unit 1. Radial deformation during over-pressurization, with and without increased wall thickness (egg-shaped and circular section respectively) 42 Fig. 22: Assumed wall profie consisting of a low and high velocity layer in the pre-stresses outer part. Inset: plane section of outer 250 mm core from wall showing cracking induced by slip-forming (lower). Fig. 23: In the phase velocity/frequency figure the surface wave plot can be seen as can the high-amplitude standing waves from the liner (F = 2.76 k Hz). In this case it appears that there is no bond between the liner and the concrete. 43 Fig. 24: The figure represents a concrete wall with embedded reflector. This could be a crack or a liner plate with poor bond. The impact at the surface causes wave reflection which has been modelled in this example. The seismic events could be registered with an array of transducers placed on the concrete surface. At the present a single transducer is used. Fig. 25: MAEVA mock-up 44 Fig. 26: MAEVA – Detection of crack events during over-design pressure test ODPT-1 and ODPT-2. Fig. 27: Global deformed shape of the main part of the mock up at applied pressure P > Pdesign. Fig. 28: Global 3D deformed shape of MAEVA. 45 Fig. 29: Quadrant 1 - Comparison between damage zone deduced from FEA and acoustic events from NDE around the penetration projected on a plane. Fig. 30: Quadrant 2 - Comparison between damage zone deduced from FEA and acoustic events from NDE near the butress. Fig. 31: Quadrant 3 - Comparison between damage zone deduced from FEA and acoustic events from NDE in a standard area of the cylinder. 46