Quasiclassical dynamics for the H+HS abstraction and exchange reactions on the 3A'' and the 3A' states Zhi Xin Duan a, b, Wen Liang Li a, Wen Wu Xu a, Shuang Jiang Lv *a, a State Key Laboratory of Molecular Reaction Dynamics, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian, Liaoning 116023, China b Department of Physics, DaLian JiaoTong University, Dalian, 116028, China Supplementary Information: In this supplementary information, we firstly plot the comparison of the QCT-GB (Gaussian binning) and QCT-HB (histogram binning) product rotational state distributions in the reaction H + H′S(v=0, j=0) for v’=1-3 at Ecol = 1.0 eV. In the calculations, a full-width-half-maximum for the Gaussian functions of 0.1 is used for the GB weighting. From the Fig.S1, one can see that the QCT-HB rotational state distributions are very similar to the QCT-GB ones for the HS +H′ channel (bottom panel), implying the binning procedure has only a small influence on the exchange reaction. However, for the H2+S forming channel, the QCT-HB method are not capable of reproducing the QCT-GB calculations, especially for products into lower vibational states. In particular, for v’=0, the HB procedure leads to cross section values which are lower than those from GB calculations, whereas for v′=1, the HB method overestimates the GB results. Secondly, we plot the product rovibational state distributions for abstraction and exchange processes for the 3A' PES. The Gaussian binning method is used to assign the final product’s states. Compared the vibrational state population shown in Fig.S2 with those obtained on the 3A'' PES [Fig.7 in the paper], we can conclude that both sets of vibrational state distribution exhibit the same general trends for all the collision energies considered in this work. However, the HS rotational state distributions for the exchange channel calculated on the 3A' PES exhibit different behavior, as shown in right panels of Fig.S3. At Ecol=2.0 eV, the HS rotational state distributions for all the final v’ states are similar to those calculated on the 3A'' PES. The ICS increases with j’ and reaches a maximum at an intermediate j’. In contrast, for Ecol=0.5 and 1.0 eV, the HS rotational state distributions are different in shape for lower v’ states, with the HS products are predominantly generated in the ground rotational state. The differences observed between the 3A'' and 3 A' PES at low Ecol may arise from the dissimilarities on the H-S-H non-linear regions of the potentials. As noted in the paper, the 3A' PES has a higher barrier height than the 3A'' surface when the H-S-H bond deviates from the linear arrangements. For example, the barrier height for 3A' PES is 20.74 kcal/mol, whereas the 3A'' surface is 9.39 kcal/mol when the H-S-H bond angle is equal to 150º. Finally, the state-to-state DCSs for abstraction and exchange processes for the 3A' PES at Ecol=1.0 and 2.0 eV are shown in Fig.S4 and S5, respectively. The corresponding results on the 3A' PES are similar to those obtained on the 3 A'' PES. In addition, the microscopic reaction mechanisms, either “rebound”/“stripping” for the abstraction reaction or “direct abstraction”/“migratory” for the exchange reaction, are also found for the title reaction when the 3A' PES is employed. Figure Captions Fig.S1 Comparison of the QCT-GB and QCT-HB product rotational state distributions in the reaction H + H′S(v=0, j=0) for v’=1-3 at Ecol=1.0 eV, calculated on the 3A'' PES. Top panel: for the abstraction channel; bottom panel: for the exchange channel. Squares: QCT-HB; open circles: QCT-GB results. Fig.S2 Product vibrational state distributions for the H + H′S(v=0, j=0) reaction calculated on the ground 3A' PES. (a) for the H′H+ S abstraction channel; (b) for the HS +H′ exchange channel. Fig.S3 Product rotational state distributions for the H + H′S(v=0, j=0) reaction at three collision energies calculated on the 3A' PES. Left panels (a-c): for the abstraction channel; Right panels (a’-c’): for the exchange channel. Fig.S4 The state-to-state DCSs calculated by QCT-GB method on the 3A' PES for the H+H′S → HH′+S reaction. The horizontal dotted lines represent the maximum j’ predicted for the direct mechanism by the kinematic model of Ref.42. Left panels: At collision energy of 1.0 eV; Right panels: at collision energy of 2.0 eV. Fig.S5 Same as Fig.4, but for the exchange reaction. Fig.S1 Fig.S2 Fig.S3 Fig.S4 Fig.S5