Customized RE training modules for all users

Customized RE training modules for all users
Module 1 – RE Overview
Duration = One and a half hours
1. Basic Principles
Access issues – including data security and confidentiality
Login – including CITRIX
RE record layout and navigating in RE
2. Searching for records
Searching for constituents – Wildcards and aliases
i. Using wild cards such as “*” to search
ii. How to change your search - “exact match”, “Check Nickname” “Check Contact
name” and “Display inactive constituents”
Module 2 – Basic data entry- Constituent Management
Duration = One hour
1. Basic Editing
Adding an individual’s preferred name and changing their surname
Changing an organisation’s name
2. Addresses
Adding additional/alternative addresses
Amending addresses, including invalidating returned mail
Preferred phone/contact conventions
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Module 3 – Relationship Management
Duration = One hour
1. Individual Relationships
Adding a spouse that is a constituent in RE
Adding a spouse that is not a constituent
Adding a familial relationship
Editing an individual relationship
2. Individual to Organisation Relationships
Adding an organisation relationship from an individual’s record
Adding an individual relationship from an organisation’s record
Editing individual and organization relationships
3. Organisation to Organisation Relationships
Adding an organisation relationship from an organisation’s record
Editing organisation relationships
Module 4 – Contact Reports, Actions and Notes
Duration = half an hour
Key concepts
i. Understanding actions and contact reports and its integration with RE and other
Microsoft applications
Contact Reports
i. Communicating with constituents by letter
ii. Communicating with constituent by email
iii. Recording contact reports from a meeting or telephone call
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Module 5 – Queries – Creating a Query and Exports
Duration = 2 and a half hours
Key concepts
i. Query types
ii. Dynamic VS Static Queries
Creating queries
Exporting queries results through the Export function and Mail
Module 6 – Events
Duration = 2 hours
1. Creating an Event
Creating a new event in RE
Adding event information
i. Prices
ii. Expenses
iii. Media
2. Adding Participants and Guests
Globally adding participants
Adding additional participants and guests
3. Event Exports, Name Tags and Placecards
Event Exports – responses, participants etc
Creating name tags and place cards through Exports
Creating name tags and place cards through the Event
4. Post Event – Tagging Participants as Attended and Event Reports
Tagging participants who attended
Preparing Event reports
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Module 7 – RE Financials
Duration = 2 hours
Raiser’s Edge Financial Structure and it’s relationship to PeopleSoft
o Campaign
o Appeal
o Fund
o Memberships
Gift information – Define
o One off donation
o Pledges, Pledge Payment
o Gift in Kind
o Matching gift
o Soft credit
o Event payment
o Membership
o Difference between Donation, Sponsorship, Scholarship – GST issues
RE Standard reports
o Monthly reports – layout and information included in it
o How to define special reports – date ranges, campaigns and funds
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