Beverley Manor Middle School 6th Grade Exploring Music Syllabus Ms. Lindsey Wilson Email: School Phone: 540-886-5806 What Will We Do? Welcome to 6th grade music class! This class is designed to explore the exciting musical opportunities that are offered here at BMMS. Students will create music through various means such as Orff instruments, singing, and the guitar. Students will learn what it means to create music as part of an ensemble and strengthen their music reading skills. During the last week of the class, we will have a mini recital to show off our musical accomplishments. *All of the VA Music SOLs for Grade Six General Music will be covered in this course and a detailed pacing guide is available upon request. What Do I Need to Bring to Class? 1. Pencil 2. Planner 3. Your binder How Will I Be Graded? Grades will be calculated using the following percentages: Class Participation: 50% Recital Participation: 20% Tests, Assessments, and Quizzes: 25% Classwork and Homework: 5% *Your daily participation (including your effort, preparation, and attitude) will be recorded on a daily basis and will affect your grade. What are the Rules and Expectations? 1. Be respectful. Respect the teacher, your peers, yourself, the instruments, and this classroom. 2. Listen, follow directions, and participate. Remember that your effort, preparation, and attitude are on display. 3. Be prepared and positive. Bring all your materials and a positive, cooperative attitude to class every day. 4. Raise your hand and talk at the appropriate time. Do not talk when the teacher is working. 5. Be nice. Treat others the way you want to be treated and mind your manners. *This music classroom is a NO gum, food, candy, or drinks zone! **ALL BMMS school rules, codes of conduct, and policies will be followed in this class. What are the Consequences for Breaking the Rules? Consequences for breaking the rules include: 1. Reminder of rule 2. “Rest Area” in music room 3. Individual meeting and parent contact likely 4. First time out and parent contact 5. Second time out and parent contact 6. Referral to the office When is the Recital? (When Do We Get to Show Off?) There will be an IN-CLASS recital at the end of the six weeks to showcase all that we have accomplished together! This recital date is ________________________________ and will be held in the BMMS choir room. If you are in 5th period music your recital will begin promptly at 11:40 am. If you are in 6th period music your recital will begin promptly at 12:28 pm. *These dates and times may be adjusted and/or rescheduled depending on snow days and alternate school schedules such as delays. *Please feel free to call or email me with any questions you may have! "Why I teach music: Not because I expect you to major in music, not because I expect you to play or sing all your life, not so you can relax or have fun, but so you will be human... so you will recognize beauty, so you will be sensitive, so you will be closer to an infinite beyond this world, so you will have something to cling to, so you will have more love, more compassion, more gentleness, more good… in short, more life. Of what value will it be to make a prosperous living unless you know how to live?" -Anonymous 6th Grade Exploring Music Parent / Student Agreement Form *Please return this page with all of the appropriate signatures to Ms. Wilson by ________________ for your first 100 grade on a homework assignment! We have read the syllabus for 6th Grade Exploring Music class and understand the rules, expectations, consequences, recital information, what to bring to class every day, and all other information found in this syllabus. Student Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ___________________ Print Student Name Here: ________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________ Primary/Most Convenient Phone Number: ____________________ Email: ________________________________________________ Date: ___________________