Atomic Structure: Bohr Model & Quantum Mechanics

13) According to the Bohr atomic model, why do atomic emission spectra contain only
certain frequencies of light?
Because only certain atomic energies are possible,
only certain frequencies of radiation can be emitted
from an atom.
14) Why is the wavelength of a moving soccer ball not detectable to the naked eye?
It is too small to see or detect
15) What sublevels are contained in the hydrogen atom’s first four energy levels? What
orbitals are related to each s sublevel and each p sublevel?
Energy level
s, p
s, p, d
s, p, d, f
Each s sublevel is related to a spherical s orbital.
Each p sublevel is related to three dumbbell-shaped
orbitals (px, py, and pz).
16) Use de Broglie’s wave-particle duality and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle to
explain why the location of an electron is an atom is uncertain.
An electron has wave-particle characteristics and
does not have a single, definite location in space.
The Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that it
is fundamentally impossible to know precisely both
the velocity and position of a particle at the same
17) Compare and contrast the Bohr model and quantum mechanical model of the atom.
Bohr model: the electron is a particle; the hydrogen
atom has only certain allowable energy states.
Quantum mechanical model: the electron is a
wave-particle phenomenon; an electron’s energy is
limited to certain values. Also, the quantum
mechanical model makes no assertions regarding
the electron’s path around the nucleus.