September 17, 2008


Cosumnes River College (Approved 10/1/08)


September 17, 2008




Faculty : (18)

Dan DuBray (Chair)

_____________ (Co-chair)

Cori Burns

Lynn Fowler

Cheri LaDue

Michael Lawlor

Lap Ly

Sue Palm

Lance Parks

Amanda Paskey (Wolcott)

Marjorie Schreiber










Kathryn Smith

Chris Wagner



Jennifer Zmuda (adjunct) Pr

Administration : (4)

Whitney Yamamura (Executive Sec’t.) Pr

Judy Beachler

Pat Blacklock



Liz Belyea


Janet Shaw



Student(s): (4)

John-Paul Pham

Drew Carlson, BJ Snowden


Dan DuBray called the meeting to order at 3:03 p.m. in BS-148.

The minutes for September 3, 2008 were approved by consent.




Chair’s Report

The Chair distributed a document of “New Graduation Competency Requirements in

Regulations and How to Proceed Locally at CRC,” that was discussed at the CRC

Academic Senate meeting of 9/12/08, as well as a similar discussion at the DCCC meeting of 9/5/08. The DCCC will consider proposed changes to LRCCD Regulations (3412 and

7241) and set forth policy and procedure for the District Competency Committee to consider changes in the graduation competency requirements. Sue Palm, Judy Beachler and other committee members clarified how the policy changes may impact our committee’s procedures. Our committee will, most likely, need to coordinate with faculty in the Mathematics and English departments to facilitate changes in the graduation competency requirements printed in the next college catalog, including revisions in graduation requirements to delete courses below the newly established levels of ENGWR

300 and MATH 120. With district guidelines and changes to adjust to the new graduation competency requirements, the Curriculum Committee will need to be ready to facilitate changes during this semester to ensure the next catalog is current. (Summarized by the chair)


Office of Instruction Report

Judy reported the new Pharmacy Technology and Equine Science programs have been approved by the North/Far North Regional Consortium and will go to the Board tonight.


Distance Education – Course Proposals - None at this time

Requisite – Course Proposals – Michael distributed a Requisite Committee Report recommending requisite approval for each of the following courses: ACCT 153, ADT 302,

310, 312, 314, 316, 318, 337; CISN 300, 301; ENGRD 15, 110; GEOG 300, 335, 335.1;

HCD 310; MATH 112; and MUP 360. It was M/S/P (Wagner/Burns) to approve the requisites.

Consent/FYI – Course Proposals

--Stage 2 SLO Clean Up Consent Items:

The following course proposals were approved by consent.

FITNS 355, Workforce Fitness

MATH 30, Pre-Algebra Mathematics

MATH 83, Self Study Mathematics Modules

MATH 125, Intermediate Algebra with Applications

SPAN 401, Elementary Spanish

The following course proposals were tabled while further changes are considered.

MATH 81, Academic Skills in Mathematics

MATH 82, Academic Skills in Mathematics (title)

MATH 370, Pre-Calculus Mathematics (corrections)

--Stage 2 Program SLO Clean Up Consent Item:

The committee agreed to look at the following Program SLO cleanup.

There was another minor cleanup recommended by the committee. The item was tabled until the faculty developer could address the revision in the SLOs.

DEGREE: A.A. – Broadcast Journalism No change to Catalog


Minor program cleanup was approved by consent.

DEGREE: A.A. – Film and Media Studies

Second Reading – Course Proposals

No change to Catalog

It was M/S/P (Fowler/Ly) to approve ECE 455.

ECE 455, Environmental Rating Scales in Early Childhood Program New to College

(Standalone course)

The following course proposal was tabled.

New to District RTVF 313, Freshman Seminar

(Note: B.J. Snowden requested the consideration of the 2 nd Reading of the course, RTVF 313, by the committee members as he and those faculty involved with the Freshmen Seminar course and project (per an Educational Initiative) are concerned with a means to offer the course in a department or program so that it is feasible for faculty to offer the course to obtain sufficient enrollment and continue the project. The committee members provided feedback to

B.J. in terms of the complexity of offering the RTVF 313 course as a “same as” course to

INDIS 313, such that a proliferation of course offerings may reduce student enrollment in any given department and make enrollment difficult to be sufficient to sustain course sections.

The “same as” course proposal may be confusing to students as well, not knowing which

Freshmen Orientation course to select for enrollment. There was a concern that a practice of

offering the Freshmen Orientation as separate and different courses by “discipline” may be problematic because only a third of the course topics are unique and the remainder is duplicate content in course topics for each course. There was a concern that the INDIS 313 course that is approved and in the catalog is sufficient to offer Freshmen Orientation, and that creating additional Freshmen Orientation courses that are discipline-specific could have the impact of drawing students away from HCD courses that pertain to student success. The committee members suggested an option to have a 2 unit course for the Freshmen Orientation components, and then offer 1 unit courses that focus on discipline-specific elements of freshmen orientation. A suggestion was offered that B.J. Snowden and other interested faculty could arrange a meeting with Judy Beachler and Whitney Yamamura within the Office of Instruction to discuss how the INDIS 313 course could be included in administrative support and efforts to offer the course. B.J. Snowden volunteered to “table” the course at 2 nd

Reading until he considered these options and could pursue a discussion with administrative representatives. Summarized by the chair .)

Second Reading – Program Proposals

None at this time

First Reading – Course Proposals

AMT 305, Survey of Alternative Fueled & Hybrid Vehicles New to District

COMM 301, Introduction to Public Speaking Prerequisite/Description

COMM 315, Persuasion Description

COMM 331, Group Discussion Prerequisite

MATH 20, Arithmetic No change to Catalog

PHOTO 330, Advanced Color Photography Deletion

First Reading – Program Proposals

None at this time


A. Subcommittee Reports

GE – no report

Multi-Cultural – no report

DE – no report

Requisites – subcommittee recommendations – see curriculum proposals above

Technical Review – no report

Curriculum Handbook Update – no report

B. Other

1. CC Member Assignments – next meeting

2. CC Goals for 2008-09 – next meeting

3. Liaisons, acquire from Area Deans and Faculty incoming curriculum proposals for

2008-09 – next meeting

4. Mandatory Stand Alone Course Approval Process – Curriculum Committee members received the mandatory training for Stand Alone Course Approval.

5. Other – Lynn submitted the following two articulation reports to the committee for information: “Articulation Report (9/17/08),” and “LDTP Articulation Decisions Report for CRC,” from the CSU System Office.

V. ADJOURNMENT at 5:08 p.m.

Submitted by Neva Conner
