Modelling of the Unresolved Spectrum of the Earth P.G.J. Irwin Very Preliminary Report 24/10/01 Model Outline. Disk-averaged spectra were calculated using a correlated-k radiative transfer model from 500-1700 cm-1 at a spectral resolution of 1cm-1. Spectra were calculated for different months of the year and with the sub-spacecraft point at a range of latitudes and longitudes. The modelling required to do this contained the following elements: 1. A climate model was used to estimate the T/P/v.m.r. profiles and ground properties for all latitudes and longitudes. 2. The observable disk was split into a number of bins of roughly equal areas. 3. For the chosen sub-spacecraft latitude and longitude, the zenith and azimuth angle of each geographical position was calculated, and each profile (if on the visible disk) averaged into the appropriate bin. 4. The averaged profile in each viewing bin was split into a number of layers with appropriately placed cloud decks and path amounts calculated for the average emission angle of each bin. 5. The thermal emission spectrum from each bin was calculated using the correlated-k radiative transfer model. 6. The spectra from each bin were averaged using the projected area as a weight. 1. Climate Model. 1.1 Sources of Data Climate data for this study comes mainly from the Goddard Distributed Active Archive Center (GDAAC) Climatology Interdisciplinary Data Collection (CIDC). This contains monthly means of over 70 physical parameters and comes on 4 CDs. The data contained in the CIDC come from a variety of sources (which are described below for those that were actually used) and are averaged into months over a number of years. In all cases the data were further averaged for each month from 1980 to 1993 using an IDL routine Additional data for Ozone comes from the NASA/MSFC Global Reference Atmospheric Model-1999 Version (GRAM-99) "atmosdat" data set. Reference T/P/v.m.r. profiles for tropical, mid-latitude summer, mid-latitude winter, subarctic summer, sub-arctic winter come from AFGL (Anderson et al. (1986) (AFGL-TR86-0110). 1.2 Specific data choices for profiles Ground temperature, ground pressure, near-ground temperature, near-ground specific humidity. These data come from the Goddard Data Assimilation Office (GDAO) data set (covering the period 3/80 - 11/93). Temperature profile. The temperature profile as a function of pressure in the lower troposphere also comes from GDAO data set (at 8 pressure levels between 1000 and 200 mb). The profile is truncated at the lower end for pressures greater than the estimated ground pressure. The upper part of the temperature profile is set to the AFGL reference profile closest in season and latitude with vertical smoothing in the transition region to prevent excessive vertical temperature gradients. The heights are then calculated assuming hydrostatic equilibrium, setting the base height to 0 km. CO2, CH4, CO, N2O and O2 profiles. The v.m.r. profiles of CO2, CH4, CO, N2O and O2 are interpolated from the nearest AFGL reference atmosphere to the pressures of the T/P profile. Water vapour profile. In the lower troposphere, these data come from the GDAO specific humidity data set. At pressures below 200mb, they come from the nearest AFGL profile with a smoothed transition between the two sources. Ozone profile. The ozone column amount in Dobson Units (where available) comes from the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer data set covering the period (11/78 - 5/93). The vertical profile between 0.01 and 20mb comes from the "atmosdat" GRAM-99 data set which is zonally averaged in 10-wide latitude bins for all 12 months. The ozone profile for pressures outside this range in the T/P profile are set to the nearest AFGL reference profile, with smoothing at the transition. Once the vertical profile of ozone is established, the column amount is calculated and compared to the TOMS estimate, where this is available. If TOMS has a valid Column Amount estimate, then the ozone profile is scaled to give the same. If TOMS did not measure a column amount (e.g. in polar winter) then the profile is left unadjusted. Clouds. Cloud data come from the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) D2 (new version) data set covering the period(1/86-1/87) and (1/89-12/93). The particular cloud products used were: IR low cloud fraction(%), cloud top pressure (mb), cloud top temperature (K) IR mid cloud fraction(%), cloud top pressure (mb), cloud top temperature (K) IR high cloud fraction(%), cloud top pressure (mb), cloud top temperature (K) 2. Binning Scheme Definition The observable disk is taken as being a perfect circle and the disk is split into a number of sectors as shown in the figure below. The radius R of the central circle is entered (as a percentage of the total radius). The number of concentric rings is then calculated as INT((100-R)/R). Each ring is then split up into a number of sectors where each sector has approximately the same area as the central disk. Thus for the ring between radii r1 and r2, the number of sectors is: NS = INT((r22- r12)/Acentral) The binning scheme is defined by the IDL procedure 3. Binning of data. In order that both the zenith and azimuth of each geographical position in the climate data set may be calculated, the latitude, longitude coordinates must be rotated twice. For the sub-spacecraft latitude, longitude of lat_S, lon_S, the latitude-longitide coordinates of each point in the climate data set (90-, ) are first rotated by an angle lon_S about the z- axis, followed by a rotation of (90-lat_S) about the y-axis. The transformed zenith angles and azimuth angles then identically the new coordinates (', '). This transformation is performed by the IDL procedure The calculated zenith and azimuth angles for all points on the globe with respect to a satellite over (45 N, 0 E) and at infinite distance is shown below. If '<90 then the data are allocated to the appropriate disk-bin and co-added with any other data that are allocated to that bin. The average emission angle and geographical latitude of each bin is calculated in the same way. This long process is performed by the IDL program Once the data is averaged for each bin the following output files are produced: mon.dat ASCII file containing the number of rings and sectors of the binning scheme used and the averaged climate data variables allocated to each bin. N.B. mon = jan, feb, mar, etc. monSectorN_M.prf Averaged radtran profile .prf file for ring N, sector M. The central disk has N=1, first ring has N=2 etc. The central ring has only one sector M. monSectorN_N.pat Averaged radtran path .pat file for each disk bin. File contains the cloud top temperatures, pressures and cloud fractions and also the ground temperature and layering scheme (described in the next section). 4. Layering scheme Once the data have been averaged into each disk-bin, the atmospheric profile is split into a number of layers to facilitate the radiative transfer calculation. The layering scheme is defined by the monSectorN_N.pat file via a new layering definition: muselayer. In this scheme the T/P profile is first interpolated to the low, mid and high cloud top temperatures to calculate the cloud top pressure most consistent with the averaged data set. Three clouds are then placed (assumed to be of width 0.1km) with their tops at these pressure levels and with their optical thickness set to -log(1-cloud_fraction/100). The vertical gaps between the clouds are split into 2 equally thick levels (in log(pressure) coordinates). The gap between the bottom of the lower cloud and ground is split into 4 equal log(pressure) layers and the region above the clouds is split into 16 equal log(pressure) layers. An extra 'cloud' layer of optical depth 1020 is substituted at the ground and the temperature is set to that of the ground. The layer and path amounts are then calculated using the usual Radtran path routines within the combined layering and radiative transfer FORTRAN program Muse. 5. Radiative Transfer Calculation This is done with using correlated-k and assuming thermal emission only. The pretabulated k-tables for each gas of interest cover the pressure and temperature range reached by the terrestrial atmosphere and are tabulated in bins of width 1 cm-1, with step 1 cm-1. The clouds are assumed to be non-scattering and to have no variation of absorption cross-section with wavenumber. The program Muse takes the averaged .prf and .pat file for each disk bin, runs the path routines to set up the .drv driver file and calculates the spectrum which is output to an ASCII format .idl file. 6. Disk-averaging This is done with the IDL routine The program reads all the output spectra files monSectorN_M.idl and also the binning definition file mon.dat. The program then calculates the projected area of each bin and co-adds the individual spectra using the projected area as the weight. 7. Very Preliminary Results Once the initial debugging was complete a test run was set up as follows. Month: July Radius of central disk: 20% of total radius. Satellite longitude: 0 E. Satellite latitudes: 90 S, 45 S, 0, 45, 90 N. The disk-averaged spectra for these 5 cases is shown below. Now the good news is that these look like the Voyager IRIS measurements of the Earth. The bad news (if it is bad news for MUSE) is that they look almost identical! There are small differences, but these are second order. In order to get inverted CO2 and O3 peaks we clearly need the ground to be colder than the stratosphere. Also, we ideally want no clouds since under these conditions of a temperature inversion, the cloud tops are slightly warmer than the ground itself. On first inspection, this doesn't seem to happen too often, although examples exist. If we consider the case where we are looking directly down on the South Pole, and split the disk into rather more bins, setting the central radius to be 10% of the total radius, then cases of inversion are found: However such areas seem rather small and are swamped by the radiance from the rest of the planet which shows the O3 and CO2 features in absorption. To show this I have plotted the averaged ground temperature in July as seen from above the South pole. You can just see the 220 K contour line which is well inside of Antarctica. In the absence of cloud cover this region should, and does, have CO2 and O3 in emission. To see how the binning scheme averages things, the plot below shows the average ground temperature in each bin for the later case where R=10%. Hence the binning scheme seems to work and reasonably represents the spatial variation of the ground temperature. Even with this much finer binning scheme however, the average remains very similar to the lower resolution R=20% case shown above. Hence it would appear unlikely that for disk-averaged spectra we will ever in fact get cancellation of the CO2 and O3 features, although I will continue working on this. One area of the modelling which does worry me is that the climate data temperature profiles only go up to 200mb and hence the stratosphere temperature profile does not vary much from place to place. I am considering folding TOVS data (also form CIDC) which contains estimates of the temperature in a layer 100-30mb. This may be important although I get the feeling that the variable ground conditions are more important and these should be well-modelled. Of course I may have overlooked something else so I would appreciate any comments you might have on this.