
Quick Start on PSY100 Experiments
What is this website about?
What kind of experiments are posted?
How do I register?
How do I sign up for an experiment?
I do not see the posted PSY100 experiments. Where are they?
What do I do if I forget my password?
I forgot when I was supposed to show up for the experiment.
I forgot where the experiment is being conducted.
How do I cancel my appointment for an experiment?
I have a question/problem that is not listed here.
Q U I C K S T AR T O N P S Y 1 0 0 E X P E R I M E N T S
The following steps summarize how to sign up for PSY100 experiments:
First time, create your account. To create your account you must register.
Once registered:
 To see the list of experiments available for PSY100Y5 credit , click 'PSY100'
on the home page menu bar and then click 'PSY100 experiments'.
 To get information about an experiment or to sign up for it, click on its title.
 Choose an appointment time slot if a schedule is provided.
 Enter your username and password, and click 'submit'.
That's it!
What is this web site about?
This database is a forum for people wanting to participate in experiments at UTM
and for researchers in the Psychology Department , looking for people who would
like to be in their experiments.
What kind of experiments are posted?
All experiments posted at this site are run in the Department of Psychology at UTM.
The researchers have confirmed that the experiments have approval from the Ethics
Review Unit at UofT. There are two types of exper iments:
PSY100 experiments
These experiments are meant for students who are enrolled in PSY100 Y5.
There is no payment for participation. Students can receive credit in
PSY100Y5 upon completion of an experiment . A credit is worth 1% of the
final mark. The maximum number of credits a student may earn is four . The
penalty for missing an experiment appointment is a credit value of zero
(0%), which cannot be replaced by doing more experiments .
'Regular' experiments
These are all other non-PSY100 experiments that are currentl y being run at
How do I register?
To register click on the register link located in the 'Login' menu. Two choices will
show up:
 regular experiments and
 PSY100 experiments
Click on the button that corresponds to the kind of experi ment in which you would
like to participate. This leads to creating an account. Note that you CANNOT use a
PSY100 account to sign up for a regular experiment. Neither can you use a regular
account to sign up for a PSY100 experiment. You need two sep arate accounts for
PSY100 and regular experiments!
Enter all the information requested and click on the 'register' button.
For PSY100 experiments you need to enter the password that you were given in
Your name is required so that th e experimenter knows how to address you.
Your email address is also required.
Your login name and registered password are the information that you need for
signing up for experiments.
An email with your account in formation will be sent to you.
I d o n o t s e e t h e p o s t e d P S Y 1 0 0 e x p e r i m e n t s . W h e r e a r e t h e y?
You can find the PSY100 experiments by clicking 'PSY100' on the home page menu
bar and then click 'PSY100 experiments'.
How do I sign up for an experiment?
 Click on the title of the experiment in which you would like to participate.
 Is there a button that says 'Specify testing times'? If no , go to the next step. If
yes, specify when you would like to participate i n the experiment. Click the button
and check the checkbox that corresponds to your desired appointment time. To see
the appointment times of the following or previous week, click on the arrows ('<',
'>') that are located before and after the date at the top of the schedule.
 Enter your login name and your password. (You cannot sign up if you have not
yet registered )
 Click on the 'submit' button
You will receive an email with all the important information about the experiment
including whom to contact if you have questions about it.
What do I do if I fo rget my password?
If you forgot your password you can either try to recover the email with the account
information and get the information from there,
...or you click on 'login' in the Login menu. Then click on the link that says 'Forgot
your login/password'. Enter the email that you us ed when you registered and click
on the submit button. The login/password information will be s ent to this email
I forgot when I was supposed to show up for the experiment.
I forgot where the experiment is.
To get information about the experiment(s) for which you have signed up, click on
'login' in the Login menu. Enter your login name and password. Make sure that you
have selected 'default' (otherwise you will get an error message).
All the experiments that you have signed up for will be listed. You have the option
to cancel an appointment for an experiment (only possible if you want sign out 24
hours before the appointment). Click on the title of the experiment in order to see
the information about it, i.e. location, description, etc.
How do I cancel an appointment for an experiment?
You can cancel an appointment for an experiment if you login to see the
information about your sign ups.
Then simply check the checkbox of the experiment which you would like to sign out.
 It is not possible to sign out within one day before the experiment. Sign outs
have to be made more than 24h before the experiment takes place.
 Do not sign up for an experiment when you know in advance that you cannot
make it to the experiment, but you want to save the spot 'just in case'! This is
unfair to the people who try to finish their studies. Also unfair to the other
people who could have actually made it to the experiment but could not do it
because you did take the spot already.
I have a question/problem that is not listed here.
If you found a bug or error, have technical prob lem/question about this database,or
have suggestions or ideas for this database, please contact