ACKNOWLEDGMENT There is no end to the persons I would like to thank. First and foremost, I would like to thank my parents, for their unfathomable patience and support. They truly have given me everything I am. Next, I would like to thank David Icke, whose words set me free and gave me the courage to face with enthusiasm the challenges of life. My acknowledgement of John Dash goes also beyond the academic and the professional into the personal. Working with him has been a learning experience at all levels. Without his patience and support I would truly not have gone past hooking up the first thermocouple. I would like to thank too the endearing help and advice I have received from John Warner, Hideo Kozima, Leroy Laush the Silicon God, Marc Nisenfeld, Steve Kaplan, Brian O’Leary, and countless others I have met along the way. I am also very thankful to Pavel Smejtek and Robert O’Brien for their invaluable comments and suggestions. This work was supported by the New York Community Trust. i TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................... vi LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................... viii INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 1 Historical overview........................................................................... 1 Previous experiments at PSU .......................................................... 6 The present project........................................................................ 12 MATERIALS AND METHODS ................................................................. 13 First experiment ............................................................................. 13 Second experiment........................................................................ 15 Post-experiment cathode Characterization methods .............................................................. 21 RESULTS................................................................................................. 22 Thermal results .............................................................................. 22 First experiment .................................................................. 22 Second experiment ............................................................. 23 ii Page Cathode characterization results ................................................... 25 Blank piece of unelectrolyzed palladium ............................. 25 Cathodes from first experiment ........................................... 27 H cell cathode .......................................................... 27 D cell cathode .......................................................... 29 Cathodes from second experiment ..................................... 30 H cell cathode .......................................................... 30 D cell cathode .......................................................... 33 DISCUSSION ........................................................................................... 38 Thermal factors.............................................................................. 38 Thermodynamic considerations .......................................... 38 Heat results......................................................................... 57 Chemical explanations .................................................................. 65 Nuclear explanations ..................................................................... 70 Related results that have been Reported by other researchers ...................................................... 75 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ........................................................... 82 iii Page REFERENCES ......................................................................................... 84 APPENDIX A: CALIBRATION OF THE TEMPERATURE SENSORS IN THE SECOND EXPERIMENT .................................................. 99 APPENDIX B: THERMAL EVOLUTION OF THE CELLS IN THE FIRST EXPERIMENT ..................................................... 100 APPENDIX C: DETAILED FOLLOW-UP OF SECOND EXPERIMENT ............................................................. 102 APPENDIX D: ADDITIONAL SPECTRA FROM UNELECTROLYZED PALLADIUM.............................................. 132 APPENDIX E: ADDITIONAL SPECTRA FROM THE H CELL CATHODE OF THE FIRST EXPERIMENT AFTER ELECTROLYSIS ........... 138 APPENDIX F: ADDITIONAL SPECTRA FROM THE D CELL CATHODE OF THE FIRST EXPERIMENT AFTER ELECTROLYSIS ........... 142 iv Page APPENDIX G: ADDITIONAL MICROGRAPHS AND SPECTRA FROM THE H CELL CATHODE OF THE SECOND EXPERIMENT AFTER ELECTROLYSIS .................... 148 APPENDIX H: ADDITIONAL MICROGRAPHS AND SPECTRA FROM THE D CELL CATHODE OF THE SECOND EXPERIMENT AFTER ELECTROLYSIS .................... 189 APPENDIX I: SUPPLIERS ..................................................................... 220 v LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1: Cell component description and mass at the start of the first experiment .................................................. 14 Table 2: Cell component description and mass at the start of the second experiment ............................................ 16 Table 3: Results of elemental analysis from X-ray Spectrum of FIG. 6 ............................................................... 26 Table 4: Analysis of X-ray spectrum of FIG. 6 for the metallic elements ................................................................ 26 Table 5: Analysis of X-ray Spectrum of FIG. 7 for all the elements ........................................................................ 28 Table 6: Analysis of X-ray Spectrum of FIG. 7 for the metallic elements ................................................................ 29 Table 7: Results of elemental analysis of spectrum of FIG. 11, from selected area in FIG. 10 ........................................................ 32 vi Page Table 8: Results of analysis of spectrum of FIG. 11, from selected area in FIG. 10, for the metallic elements .............. 33 Table 9: Results of elemental analysis of spectrum of FIG. 16, from selected area in FIG. 15 ........................................................ 37 Table 10: Results of analysis of spectrum of FIG. 16, from selected area in FIG. 15, (metallic elements) ........................ 37 Table 11: HEAT SUMMARY OF THE SECOND EXPERIMENT (FROM CELL MASS LOSSES) ..................................................... 62 Table 12: HEAT SUMMARY OF THE SECOND EXPERIMENT (FROM THE CURRENT) ............................................................... 64 vii LIST OF FIGURES Page FIG. 1: Appearance of H and D cells at the start of the second experiment .............................................................. 17 FIG. 2: Circuit diagram for the second experiment ................................... 18 FIG. 3: Photo of experimental setup for second experiment .................... 19 FIG. 4: Comparison of power inputs in the run of January 18, 2002 ........ 24 FIG. 5: Comparison of cell temperatures in the run of January 18, 2002 ....................................................................... 24 FIG. 6: Spectrum from selected area on unelectrolyzed Pd ..................... 25 FIG. 7: Spectrum from 2.1 mm x 2.1 mm selected area on H cell cathode, of the first experiment ...................................... 28 FIG. 8: H cell cathode before electrolysis, side of the spotweld (facing the anode) ......................................... 30 FIG. 9: H cell cathode after electrolysis, side of the spotweld (facing the anode) ......................................... 30 viii Page FIG. 10: 0.11 mm x 12 m fissure along edge of H cell cathode after electrolysis............................................................................. 31 FIG. 11: X-ray spectrum from selected area in FIG. 10 ............................ 32 FIG. 12: D cell cathode of the second experiment before electrolysis, side opposite the spotweld (looking away from the anode) ...................................................... 34 FIG. 13: D cell cathode of the second experiment after electrolysis, side opposite the spotweld (looking away from the anode) ...................................................... 34 FIG. 14: Tip of D cell cathode of the second experiment after electrolysis (edge-on view) .................................................... 35 FIG. 15: Tip of D cell cathode of the second experiment after electrolysis............................................................................. 36 FIG. 16: X-ray spectrum from selected area in FIG. 15 ............................ 36 FIG. 17: Crystal unit cell of -PdHx (or -PdDx) ........................................ 52 FIG. 18: Phase diagram of PdHx (or PdDx) at 1 atm ................................. 53 ix Page FIG. 19: General phase diagram of PdHx (or PdDx) ................................. 54 x