SAMPLE LABORATORY SESSION FOR JAVA MODULE B Calculations for Sample Cross-Section 2 1. User Input 1.1 Section Properties The properties of Sample Cross-Section 2 are shown in Figure 1 and are summarized below. Figure 1: Properties of Sample Cross-Section 2. 1 Concrete Properties Currently, the entire cross-section is assumed to be unconfined. The compressive stress-strain relationship of the unconfined concrete is determined using a method developed by Mander et al. [1]. The following user specified properties are needed: o Concrete compressive strength, f c ' 27.5 MPa o Concrete strain corresponding to peak stress ( f c ), co 0.002 The default value used by the module for co is 0.002 . Steel Properties o Steel yield strength, f y 400 MPa o Steel Young’s Modulus, Es 200000 MPa The default value used by the module for Es is 200000 MPa. Section Dimensions Currently, only rectangular cross-sections are allowed by the module. o Section height, h 60 cm o Section width, b 36 cm Reinforcement o Stirrup diameter, d s 0.95 cm o Number of layers of longitudinal bars, nl 2 o First layer : bottom layer Number of longitudinal bars = 4 Diameter of longitudinal bars, d b 1.91 cm 2 Distance to compression (top) face, d 54 cm o Second layer: top layer Number of longitudinal bars = 2 Diameter of longitudinal bars, d b 1.91 cm Distance to compression (top) face, d 6 cm The user input for the first layer of bars is shown in Figure 2. Figure 2: Reinforcement for Layer 1. Selected user-specified properties of the section are displayed in Window 1 as shown in Figure 3. 3 Figure 3: Window 1 representation of Sample Cross-Section 2. 1.2 Axial Forces The user input for the axial forces is shown in Figure 4. These axial forces (up to five forces) are used to generate moment-curvature relationships for Figure 4: Axial forces for Sample Cross-Section 2. the section. The largest compressive axial force that can be specified for a cross-section is equal to 0.85 f c Ac Ast f s , where f c is the concrete strength, 4 Ac is the concrete area, Ast is the total steel area, and f s is the steel stress corresponding to concrete crushing. The smallest compressive axial force that can be specified is zero. The module is not designed to consider tensile forces, i.e., negative axial loads. The module uses zero axial load as the default value. As shown in Figure 4, the number of axial forces specified for Sample Cross-Section 2 is three, namely, 0, 50 and 100% of the balanced failure load. Only 50% of the balanced load will be considered in the sample calculations below. 1.3 Strain Condition for P-M Interaction The module requires a user-specified maximum compression strain value to generate the P-M interaction diagrams. A strain value less than or equal to the concrete crushing strain may be used. The module uses the concrete crushing strain as the default value. A user-specified strain value of 0.003 is specified to generate the P-M interaction diagrams for Sample Cross-Section 2 as shown in Figure 5. Figure 5: Strain condition for P-M interaction. 5 2. Calculations and Equations The following sample calculations are based on the method employed by Java Module B. 2.1 Concrete Stress-Strain Relationship The equation for the unconfined concrete stress-strain relationship is [1]: f c xr fc , where r 1 xr x (1) c , c 0 0.002 co (2) The tangent modulus of elasticity, E c , is calculated using: Ec 4,741 fc MPa = 24,862.0 MPa (3) Esec , the secant modulus of elasticity, is the slope of the line connecting the origin and peak stress on the compressive stress-strain curve (see Fig. 6). Esec fc co = 13, 750.0 MPa (4) Then, r Ec = 2.24 Ec Esec (5) and, the concrete stress-strain ( fc c ) relationship is given as: fc 27.5( c 0.002 2.24 1 ( )(2.24) c 0.002 , ) (6) 2.24 The above fc c relationship is plotted in Figure 6. It is assumed that crushing of concrete occurs at a strain of cu 2 co 0.004 . 6 Figure 6: Concrete stress-strain relationship for Sample Cross-Section 2. In Fig. 6, Circle marker: assumed concrete linear-elastic limit at f c f el f c 1 f c and c el . 2 2 Ec Square marker: peak stress at f c f c and c co . Diamond marker: assumed ultimate strain at c cu 2 co . 2.2 Moment-Curvature Relationships Window 2 generates the moment-curvature relationships of the section for the userspecified axial forces. This is an iterative process, in which the basic equilibrium requirement (e.g., P Cc Fs 2 Fs1 Ct for a section with two layers of reinforcement) and 7 a linear strain diagram are used to find the neutral axis for a particular maximum concrete compressive strain, cm , selected (see Figure 7). Figure 7: Section strains, stresses, and stress resultants. The calculation of the following four points on a moment-curvature curve will be shown in this example: cm 0.25 cu cm 0.5 cu cm 0.75 cu cm cu (concrete crushing) Axial Load, P The axial load considered for these sample calculations is 50% of the balanced failure load. The balanced load, Pb , is computed as follows: The neutral axis, c cb d cu cu y , where y fy Es (7) With cu 0.004 and d 54 cm, this gives a value of cb 36.0 cm. The concrete compressive resultant, C c , is determined by numerically integrating under the concrete stress distribution curve. 8 cb Cc f cbdx 0 cu fcb 0 c cm d c 2, 795.6 kN, where f c is from Eq. (6) (8) The top and bottom steel forces, Fs 2 and Fs1 , respectively, are calculated using similarity to find the strains in the layers. Balanced failure condition, by definition, has strain values cm cu 0.004 for concrete and s1 y 0.002 for bottom steel. For the top steel, s 2 s1 c d' =0.0033 d c (9) which implies that the top steel is also at yield stress. Hence, Fs1 s1 Es As1 f y As1 458.4 kN (tension) (10) Fs 2 s 2 Es As 2 f y As 2 229.2 kN (compression) (11) where, As1 and As 2 are the total reinforcing steel areas in each layer. The module considers the concrete tensile strength in the tension region. ACI-318 [1] recommends the modulus of rupture to be taken as f r 0.62 fc MPa (12) for normal weight concrete. Thus, for f c 27.5 MPa, f r 3.3 MPa. The concrete tension force Ct 1 f r Act 6.96 kN 2 (13) where, Act is the area of concrete in tension calculated based on the linear strain diagram. Then, the balanced axial load is found from equilibrium as Pb Cc Fs 2 Fs1 Ct 2,559.4 kN. (14) Therefore, 50% of the balanced load used in the example is P 1279.7 kN. 9 Instant Centroid The module assumes that the axial load acts at an “instant” centroid location for the calculation of the moment-curvature relationship. The location of the instant centroid is determined by assuming an initial condition where only the user-selected axial load acts on the cross-section without moment. This loading condition produces a uniform compression strain distribution throughout the cross-section. Let the uniform compression strain be equal to ci . Then s1 s 2 ci and f si f s1 f s 2 Es ci f y (15) From equilibrium, fci Ac f s1 As1 f s 2 As 2 P 27.5( ci 0.002 2.24 1 ( )(2.24) ci 0.002 ) (16) ( Ac ) ( f si )( As1 As 2 ) P 1279.7 kN (17) 2.24 where Ac bh ( As1 As 2 ) 2143.0 cm2 (18) A trial-and-error solution on Eq. (17) is needed since it is not known in advance if the bars are yielding; from which the strain ci can be calculated as: ci 0.000227 fci 5.6 MPa and f si 45.4 MPa (bars not yielding). Then, the location of the instant centroid, x , from the top compression face is determined as x f ci Ac h / 2 As1 f si d As 2 f si d ' 30.48 cm f ci Ac As1 f si As 2 f si (19) 10 Point 1 The calculation of the first sample point on the moment-curvature relationship of the section can be summarized as follows: 1. cm 0.25 cu 0.001 2. Assume the neutral axis depth, a distance c 15 cm. 3. From the linear strain diagram geometry s1 (d c) cm s 2 (c d ) c 0.0026 (at yield stress) and (20) 0.0006 (below yield stress) (21) cm c 4. The steel stress resultants are Fs1 f y As1 458.4 kN (tension) and (22) Fs 2 s 2 Es As 2 68.8 kN (compression). (23) 5. Determine C c by integrating numerically under the concrete stress distribution curve. c Cc fcbdx 0 cm 0 f cb c cm d c 644.3 kN. (24) where f c is given by Eq. (6). The concrete that has not cracked below the neutral axis contributes to the tension force. Ct 1 f r Act 11.1 kN with f r 3.3 MPa from Eq. (12) 2 6. Check to see if P Cc Fs 2 Fs1 Ct (25) (26) But P 1271 kN 243.5 kN Cc Fs 2 Fs1 Ct 11 So, the neutral axis must be adjusted downward, for the particular maximum concrete strain that was selected in Step 1, until equilibrium is satisfied. This iterative process determines the correct value of c . Trying neutral axis depth c 32.92 cm gives: s1 0.00064 (below yield stress) and s 2 0.00082 (below yield stress). Fs1 146.7 kN (tension) and Fs 2 93.7 kN (compression). c Cc fcbdx 0 Ct cm 0 f cb c cm d c 1,369.2 kN. (27) 1 f r Act 26.0 kN. 2 (28) P 1279 kN 1285 kN Cc Fs 2 Fs1 Ct O.K. Section curvature can then be found from: cm c 0.001 1 3.04 105 32.92 cm (29) The internal lever arms for the resultant compression and tension forces of the concrete measured from the instant centroid are zc 19.15 cm and zct 4.39 cm, respectively. Then, the section moment can be calculated as M Cc zc Fs1 zs1 Fs 2 zs 2 Ct zct 318.5 kN-m. (30) Point 2 The calculation of sample point two on the moment-curvature relationship of the section can be summarized as follows: 1. cm 0.5 cu 0.002 2. Assume the neutral axis depth, a distance c 18 cm. 3. From the linear strain diagram geometry 12 s1 (d c) cm s 2 (c d ) 0.004 (at yield stress) and c cm c 0.0013 (below yield stress) 4. The steel stress resultants are Fs1 f y As1 458.4 kN (tension) and Fs 2 s 2 Es As 2 152.8 kN (compression). 5. Determine C c by integrating numerically under the concrete stress distribution curve. c Cc fcbdx 0 cm f cb 0 c cm d c 1200.7 kN. where f c is given by Eq. (6). The concrete that has not cracked below the neutral axis contributes to the tension force. Ct 1 f r Act 7 kN with f r 3.3 MPa from Eq. (12) 2 6. Check to see if P Cc Fs 2 Fs1 Ct But P 1271 kN 894.4 kN Cc Fs 2 Fs1 Ct So, the neutral axis must be adjusted downward, for the particular maximum concrete strain that was selected in Step 1, until equilibrium is satisfied. This iterative process determines the correct value of c . Trying neutral axis depth c 23.76 cm gives: s1 0.0025 (at yield stress) and s 2 0.0015 (below yield stress). Fs1 458.4 kN (tension) and Fs 2 171.3 kN (compression). c Cc fcbdx 0 cm 0 fcb c cm d c 1,585.1 kN. 13 Ct 1 f r Act 9.4 kN. 2 P 1279 kN 1288 kN Cc Fs 2 Fs1 Ct O.K. Section curvature can then be found from: cm c 0.002 1 8.42 105 23.76 cm The internal lever arms for the resultant compression and tension forces of the concrete measured from the instant centroid are zc 21.6 cm and zct 5.7 cm, respectively. Then, the section moment can be calculated as M Cc zc Fs1 zs1 Fs 2 zs 2 Ct zct 491.6 kN-m. Point 3 The calculation of sample point three on the moment-curvature relationship of the section can be summarized as follows: 1. cm 0.75 cu 0.003 2. Assume the neutral axis depth, a distance c 20 cm. 3. From the linear strain diagram geometry s1 (d c) cm s 2 (c d ) c cm c 0.0051 (at yield stress) and 0.0021 (at yield stress) 4. The steel stress resultants are Fs1 f y As1 458.4 kN (tension) and Fs 2 f y As 2 229.2 kN (compression). 5. Determine C c by integrating numerically under the concrete stress distribution curve. 14 c Cc fcbdx 0 cm f cb 0 c cm d c 1525.3 kN. where f c is given by Eq. (6). The concrete that has not cracked below the neutral axis contributes to the tension force. Ct 1 f r Act 5.3 kN with f r 3.3 MPa from Eq. (12) 2 6. Check to see if P Cc Fs 2 Fs1 Ct But P 1271 kN 1290.8 kN Cc Fs 2 Fs1 Ct So, the neutral axis must be adjusted upward, for the particular maximum concrete strain that was selected in Step 1, until equilibrium is satisfied. This iterative process determines the correct value of c . Trying neutral axis depth c 19.86 cm gives: s1 0.0052 (at yield stress) and s 2 0.002 (at yield stress). Fs1 458.4 kN (tension) and Fs 2 229.2 kN (compression). c Cc fcbdx 0 Ct cm 0 f cb c cm d c 1,514.6 kN. 1 f r Act 5.2 kN. 2 P 1279 kN 1280 kN Cc Fs 2 Fs1 Ct Section curvature can then be found from: cm c 0.003 1 1.51104 19.86 cm 15 O.K. The internal lever arms for the resultant compression and tension forces of the concrete measured from the instant centroid are zc 22.33 cm and zct 10.0 cm, respectively. Then, the section moment can be calculated as M Cc zc Fs1 zs1 Fs 2 zs 2 Ct zct 501.6 kN-m. Point 4 The calculation of sample point four on the moment-curvature relationship of the section can be summarized as follows: 1. cm 1.0 cu 0.004 2. Assume the neutral axis depth, a distance c 21 cm. 3. From the linear strain diagram geometry s1 (d c) cm s 2 (c d ) 0.0063 (at yield stress) and c cm c 0.0029 (at yield stress) 4. The steel stress resultants are Fs1 f y As1 458.4 kN (tension) and Fs 2 f y As 2 229.2 kN (compression). 5. Determine C c by integrating numerically under the concrete stress distribution curve. c Cc fcbdx 0 cm 0 f cb c cm d c 1630.4 kN. where f c is given by Eq. (6). The concrete that has not cracked below the neutral axis contributes to the tension force. Ct 1 f r Act 4.1 kN with f r 3.3 MPa from Eq. (12) 2 16 6. Check to see if P Cc Fs 2 Fs1 Ct But P 1271 kN 1396.7 kN Cc Fs 2 Fs1 Ct So, the neutral axis must be adjusted upward, for the particular maximum concrete strain that was selected in Step 1, until equilibrium is satisfied. This iterative process determines the correct value of c . Trying neutral axis depth c 19.48 cm gives: s1 0.0071 (at yield stress) and s 2 0.0028 (at yield stress). Fs1 458.4 kN (tension) and Fs 2 229.2 kN (compression). c Cc fcbdx 0 Ct cm 0 f cb c cm d c 1,512.4 kN. 1 f r Act 3.8 kN. 2 P 1279 kN 1279.4 kN Cc Fs 2 Fs1 Ct O.K. Section curvature can then be found from: cm c 0.004 1 2.05 104 19.48 cm The internal lever arms for the resultant compression and tension forces of the concrete measured from the instant centroid are zc 21.82 cm and zct 10.6 cm, respectively. Then, the section moment can be calculated as M Cc zc Fs1 zs1 Fs 2 zs 2 Ct zct 493.5 kN-m. 17 Plots The three axial forces specified to generate the moment-curvature relationships for Sample Cross-Section 2 are represented as P1, P2 and P3 in Window 2 as shown below. The M and pairs calculated for the four points above are plotted on the moment-curvature curve for P2 0.50 Pb . Figure 8: Sample Cross-Section 2 moment-curvature relationships shown in Window 2. 2.2 Axial-Force-Bending-Moment Interaction Diagram Window 3 generates P-M interaction diagrams for the user-defined cross-section by determining the axial load and moment pairs of the section for a user-specified maximum concrete compression strain, cm . The P-M interaction diagram for each cross-section is generated by selecting successive choices of the neutral axis distance, c , from an initial small value to a large one that gives a pure axial loading condition. The initial neutral axis value, co , corresponds to the pure bending condition (i.e., no axial force) of the crosssection. 18 The calculation of the following three points on the P-M interaction diagram of Sample Cross-Section 2 will be shown in this example. c co c 1.5co c 3co Figure 9: Section strains, stresses, and stress resultants for P-M interaction. Instant Centroid The module calculates an “instant” centroid for P-M interaction, similar to the instant centroid used for the section moment-curvature relationship. The axial load is assumed to be applied at the instant centroid, which is determined from a uniform compression strain distribution over the section, equal to the user-specified maximum concrete strain, cm , for P-M interaction. For Sample Cross-Section 2, the user-specified maximum concrete compression strain cm 0.003 (see Figure 5). Thus, ci 0.003 f ci 24.83 MPa [from Eq. (6)] and si ci 0.003 f si 400 MPa (at yield). 19 With Ac bh ( As1 As 2 ) 2143 cm2 , the location of the instant centroid, x , from the top compression face is determined as f ci bh 2 / 2 As1 f si d As 2 f si d ' x 30.91 cm f ci bh As1 f si As 2 f si Point 1 The calculation of the first sample point on the P-M interaction diagram of the section is described below. The initial neutral axis location, co , corresponding to pure bending is determined as follows: s1 cm d co c d and s 2 cm o co co (31) where the user specified cm 0.003 Then, f s1 s1 Es f y and f s 2 s 2 Es f y (32) Since P 0 , from equilibrium: Cc f s 2 As 2 f s1 As1 Ct (33) Substituting for the concrete and steel stress resultants gives the following equation cm f cb 0 co cm d c f s 2 As 2 f s1 As1 1 f r Act 2 (34) An iterative solution of Eq. (34) is needed (since the yielding bars are not known in advance), from which the value of the neutral axis can be obtained as co 6.01 cm. The internal forces can then be calculated as: Fs1 458.4 kN (tension, at yield) and Fs 2 0.57 kN (compression, below yield). co Cc fcbdx 0 cm 0 f cb co cm d c 458.4 kN 20 Ct 1 f r Act 1.6 kN 2 The internal lever arms for the resultant compression and tension forces of the concrete measured from the instant centroid are zc 28.46 cm and zct 24.72 cm, respectively. Then, the section moment can be calculated as M Cc zc Fs1 zs1 Fs 2 zs 2 Ct zct 236.1 kN-m. Point 2 The calculation of the second sample point, c 1.5co , on the P-M interaction diagram of the section is described below. s1 cm d c c d and s 2 cm c c The neutral axis is c 9.02 cm. The internal forces can then be calculated as: Fs1 f y As1 458.4 kN (tension, at yield) and Fs 2 s 2 Es As 2 115.1 kN (compression, below yield). c Cc fcbdx 0 Ct cm 0 f cb c cm d c 687.5 kN 1 f r Act 2.4 kN 2 Then, the section axial force can be calculated as P Cc Fs 2 Fs1 Ct 341.8 kN. The internal lever arms for the resultant compression and tension forces of the concrete measured from the instant centroid are zc 27.21 cm and zct 21.6 cm, respectively. Then, the section moment can be calculated as 21 M Cc zc Fs1 zs1 Fs 2 zs 2 Ct zct 321.1 kN-m. Point 3 The calculation of the third sample point, c 3.0co , on the P-M interaction diagram of the section is described below. s1 cm d c c d and s 2 cm c c The neutral axis is c 18.03 cm. The internal forces can then be calculated as: Fs1 f y As1 458.4 kN (tension, at yield) and Fs 2 f y As 2 229.2 kN (compression, at yield). c Cc fcbdx 0 Ct cm 0 fcb c cm d c 1,375.1 kN 1 f r Act 4.7 kN 2 P Cc Fs 2 Fs1 Ct 1141.2 kN The internal lever arms for the resultant compression and tension forces of the concrete measured from the instant centroid are zc 23.52 cm and zct 12.35 cm, respectively. Then, the section moment can be calculated as M Cc zc Fs1 zs1 Fs 2 zs 2 Ct zct 485.8 kN-m Plots The M and P pairs calculated for the three points above are plotted on the interaction diagram shown in Figure 10 below. 22 Figure 10: Sample Cross-Section 2 interaction diagram shown in Window 3 23