Dummy Variable Approach for Wage Determination Process Data 7-2 Is there “gender discrimination” against female salaries? wage= dependent variable Quantitative Variables: educ= years of education beyond eight grade exper= number of years at the company age= age of the employee Qualitative Variables: Gender=1 for male, 0 for female Race= 1 for white and 0 for non-white Clerical= 1 for clerical workers and 0 for others Maint= 1 for maintenance workers and 0 for others Crafts= 1 for craftsmen, 0 for others Basic Model (with only quantitative variables) after eliminating the insignificant ones . reg lnwage exper educsq Source | SS df MS -------------+-----------------------------Model | 1.69561118 2 .847805588 Residual | 2.99911484 46 .065198149 -------------+-----------------------------Total | 4.69472601 48 .097806792 Number of obs = 49 F( 2, 46) = 13.00 Prob > F = 0.0000 R-squared = 0.3612 Adj R-squared = 0.3334 Root MSE = .25534 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------lnwage | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------exper | .0236809 .0061404 3.86 0.000 .011321 .0360408 educsq | .0050225 .001171 4.29 0.000 .0026654 .0073796 _cons | 7.023367 .0924574 75.96 0.000 6.83726 7.209474 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Adding Gender Dummy to the Basic Linear Model reg lnwage exper educ gender reg lnwage exper educ gender Source SS df Model Residual 2.15709294 2.53763307 3 .71903098 45 .056391846 Total 4.69472601 48 .097806792 lnwage exper educ gender _cons Coef. Std. Err. MS t P>t .0192786 .0058033 3.32 0.002 .0600155 .0150724 3.98 0.000 .2297216 .069301 3.31 0.002 6.789133 .1238352 54.82 0.000 Number of obs= 49 F( 3, 45) = 12.75 Prob > F = 0.0000 R-squared = 0.4595 Adj R-squared= 0.4234 Root MSE = .23747 [95% Conf. Interval] .00759 .0296581 .0901424 6.539716 .0309671 .0903729 .3693009 7.03855 Adding GenEd and GenExp Interactive Dummies to the Basic Linear Model reg lnwage exper educ gender gened genexp Source SS df MS Number of obs= F( 5, 43) = Prob > F = R-squared = Adj R-squared = Root MSE = Model 2.39836316 5 .479672632 Residual 2.29636285 43 .053403787 Total lnwage 4.69472601 48 .097806792 Coef. Std. Err. exper .0268629 educ .0098199 gender -.1054502 gened .064992 genexp -.0083474 _cons 7.038487 t P>t .0097107 2.77 .0287639 0.34 .2527238 -0.4 .0337371 1.93 .0120494 -0.69 .1954133 36.02 [95% Conf. 0.008 0.734 0.679 0.061 0.492 0.000 49 8.98 0.0000 0.5109 0.4540 .23109 Interval] .007279 -.048188 -.6151164 -.0030454 -.0326474 6.644399 .0464465 .0678279 .404216 .1330293 .0159526 7.432576 2 Adding Race and Other Dummies and Interactive Dummies to the Basic Linear Model reg lnwage age exper educ gender gened genexp clerical maint crafts race Source SS df MS Number of obs= F( 10, 38) = Prob > F = R-squared = Adj R-squared = Root MSE = Model 3.69282737 10 .369282737 Residual1.00189865 38 .026365754 Total 4.69472601 lnwage Coef. age -.0013289 exper .0048438 educ .0066917 gender -.0377357 gened .0181287 genexp .0176315 clerical -.5142417 maint -.5633304 crafts -.3567004 race .1055984 _cons 7.624819 48 .097806792 Std. Err. t .0027404 -0.48 .0087836 0.55 .0226602 0.30 .2030467 -0.19 .0265796 0.68 .0099173 1.78 .0884251 -5.82 .1073432 -5.25 .0901508 -3.96 .062659 1.69 .1815666 41.99 49 14.01 0.0000 0.7866 0.7304 .16238 P>t [95% Conf. Interval] 0.631 0.585 0.769 0.854 0.499 0.083 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.000 -.0068766 -.0129377 -.0391814 -.4487822 -.0356789 -.002445 -.6932489 -.7806354 -.5392012 -.0212482 7.257257 .0042188 .0226253 .0525647 .3733107 .0719363 .0377079 -.3352344 -.3460254 -.1741996 .232445 7.992382 . test educ gender ( 1) educ = 0 ( 2) gender = 0 F( 2, 38) = 0.15 Prob > F = 0.8615 reg lnwage gened genexp clerical maint crafts race Source | SS df MS -------------+-----------------------------Model | 3.65760234 6 .609600391 Residual | 1.03712367 42 .024693421 -------------+-----------------------------Total | 4.69472601 48 .097806792 Number of obs = 49 F( 6, 42) = 24.69 Prob > F = 0.0000 R-squared = 0.7791 Adj R-squared = 0.7475 Root MSE = .15714 3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------lnwage | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------gened | .013453 .0075845 1.77 0.083 -.0018532 .0287591 genexp | .0199126 .0045951 4.33 0.000 .0106393 .029186 clerical | -.5351982 .0738917 -7.24 0.000 -.6843177 -.3860787 maint | -.6144296 .0875577 -7.02 0.000 -.7911281 -.4377311 crafts | -.3819542 .077238 -4.95 0.000 -.5378267 -.2260816 race | .1077367 .0545172 1.98 0.055 -.0022835 .2177568 _cons | 7.660213 .0687767 111.38 0.000 7.521416 7.79901 reg lnwage exper educ gened agecraft agemaint edcler edcraft edmaint expcraf > t agesq maint race educsq Source | SS df MS -------------+-----------------------------Model | 3.98540838 13 .306569875 Residual | .709317637 35 .020266218 -------------+-----------------------------Total | 4.69472601 48 .097806792 Number of obs = 49 F( 13, 35) = 15.13 Prob > F = 0.0000 R-squared = 0.8489 Adj R-squared = 0.7928 Root MSE = .14236 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------lnwage | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------exper | .0137896 .0050352 2.74 0.010 .0035675 .0240116 educ | .2113221 .0661564 3.19 0.003 .0770174 .3456267 gened | .0300098 .0100945 2.97 0.005 .0095169 .0505026 agecraft | .0072451 .0039235 1.85 0.073 -.00072 .0152103 agemaint | .0102473 .0052486 1.95 0.059 -.0004079 .0209025 edcler | -.065343 .0096492 -6.77 0.000 -.084932 -.045754 edcraft | -.1013973 .02062 -4.92 0.000 -.1432582 -.0595364 edmaint | -.1104274 .0608454 -1.81 0.078 -.23395 .0130953 expcraft | .0129875 .0093965 1.38 0.176 -.0060885 .0320635 agesq | -.0000689 .0000312 -2.21 0.034 -.0001322 -5.62e-06 maint | -.2492969 .3247454 -0.77 0.448 -.9085651 .4099713 race | .0429904 .0569947 0.75 0.456 -.0727151 .1586958 educsq | -.0110515 .0046948 -2.35 0.024 -.0205825 -.0015205 _cons | 6.770712 .1980037 34.19 0.000 6.368744 7.172681 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------test race maint ( 1) race = 0 4 ( 2) maint = 0 F( 2, 35) = 0.55 Prob > F = 0.5818 Drop maint and race! FINAL MODEL reg lnwage exper educ gened agecraft agemaint edcler edcraft edmaint expcraft > agesq educsq Source | SS df MS -------------+-----------------------------Model | 3.96311104 11 .360282822 Residual | .731614976 37 .019773378 -------------+-----------------------------Total | 4.69472601 48 .097806792 Number of obs = 49 F( 11, 37) = 18.22 Prob > F = 0.0000 R-squared = 0.8442 Adj R-squared = 0.7978 Root MSE = .14062 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------lnwage | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------exper | .0135265 .0049286 2.74 0.009 .0035401 .0235128 educ | .2361181 .0605299 3.90 0.000 .1134729 .3587632 gened | .0310887 .0098963 3.14 0.003 .0110369 .0511405 agecraft | .0078834 .0038282 2.06 0.047 .0001267 .0156401 agemaint | .0082571 .0043899 1.88 0.068 -.0006377 .0171519 edcler | -.0635395 .0093327 -6.81 0.000 -.0824493 -.0446298 edcraft | -.1078185 .0190925 -5.65 0.000 -.1465036 -.0691333 edmaint | -.1449785 .0438091 -3.31 0.002 -.2337442 -.0562128 expcraft | .014498 .008992 1.61 0.115 -.0037216 .0327175 agesq | -.0000632 .0000302 -2.09 0.043 -.0001244 -2.00e-06 educsq | -.0124626 .0044185 -2.82 0.008 -.0214152 -.0035099 _cons | 6.687347 .1790647 37.35 0.000 6.324528 7.050167 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Note that educsq has a negative sign, i.e. the marginal effect of schooling diminishes with additional schooling. This is indicative of “diminishing returns to education.” With female and male employees who are similar in other characteristics, a male employee earns an average of 3% more than a female employee for each extra year of education (note: gened has a coefficient of 0.031). edcler, edcraft and edmaint have all negative signs such that as compared to the professional group (control group), one year extra year of schooling means 6.35% less in wages for clerical, 10.78% less in wages for craftmen and 14.5% less in wages for maintenance workers. 5 Experience: It has a positive effect on wages but no diminishing returns or other interactions. Age: This has a significant diminishing returns as is evident from the negative sign of agesq. Gender: The differential effect of gender depends on education, as gender alone is not even included in the model (intercept gender dummy is insignificant). The positive sign of gened implies that a significant gender differential exists when it comes to the marginal effect of education. One year of extra schooling adds more to the salaries of males than females with equivalent level of education. Hence, well-educated women have disproportionately lower average salaries than men with similar educational background. Race: Race is not even in the model, and hence, no significant wage differentials along racial lines. But this cannot be generalized to the entire US job market. Type of Job: Based on the final output, crafts etc. do not appear as intercept dummies but there exists significant interaction of the type of job performed and education as well as age. Age has a significant positive effect in raising the salaries of crafts and maintenance workers as compared to the professionals (control group). Age and experience go hand in hand in these types of jobs, and we may be capturing this effect for these groups of workers. 6