With Human Patient Simulation Presented by: Joanne McDermott Rationale Nursing schools must balance theoretical knowledge acquisition and transferability with clinical experience opportunities to improve students' abilities to transition to safe beginning practitioners in the nursing profession. Research Topic: Effectiveness of human patient simulation experiences in increasing contextual knowledge and clinical reasoning skills in undergraduate nursing students. Confucious Theoretical Frameworks: John Dewey: Theory of Experience Piaget: Cognitive Development Humans learn through the construction of progressively complex logical structures, from infancy through to adulthood. Constructivist education is based on this premise of successive knowledge-building that increases in depth and complexity John Dewey •Called for education to be grounded in real experience. •"If you have doubts about how learning happens, engage in sustained inquiry: study, ponder, consider alternative possibilities and arrive at your belief grounded in evidence." •Inquiry is a key part of constructivist learning And then there were more… There are many other educators, philosophers, psychologists, and sociologists who have added new perspectives to constructivist learning theory. Among them are: Lev Vygotsky Jerome Bruner Vygotsky introduced the social aspect of learning into constructivism. defined the "zone of proximal learning” students solve problems beyond their actual developmental level (but within their level of potential development) under adult guidance or in collaboration with more capable peers. Bruner Initiated curriculum change based on the notion that learning is an active, social process in which students construct new ideas or concepts based on their current knowledge Human Patient Simulations problem-solving and inquiry-based learning activity students formulate and test their ideas, draw conclusions and inferences pool and convey their knowledge in a collaborative learning environment. guided by the teacher, students construct their knowledge actively. Human Patient Simulations High fidelity mannequins can imitate a patients physiologic as well as human responses to disease METI iStan in Grey's Anatomy Human Patient Simulations encouraging students to use active techniques (experiments, real-world problem solving) to create more knowledge teacher understands the students' preexisting conceptions, and guides the activity to address them and then build on them. reflect on how their understanding is changing. References Dewey, J. (1938). Experience and Education. New York: Simon and Schuster. Hetzel-Campbell, S. & Daley, K. ( 2009). Simulation scenarios for nurse educators: Making it real, New York: Springer Publishing Co. Mufioz Rosario, R. A. & Widmeyer, G. (2009). An exploratory review of design principles in constructivist gaming learning environments. J Inf Syst Educ, 20 (3). Piaget, J. (1958). The growth of logical thinking. U.S.A.: Basic Books, Inc. Powell, K.C. & Kauna, C. J. (Wint 2009). Cognitive and social constructivism: developing tools for an effective classroom. Education, 130 (2). Schlairet,M.C. and Pollock, J.W. (2010). Equivalence testing of traditional and simulated clinical experiences: undergraduate nursing students’ knowledge acquisition. J Nurs Educ, 49 (1). Splitter, Laurance J. (2009) Authenticity and Constructivism in Education. Stud Philos Educ 28:135–151 DOI 10.1007/s11217-008-9105-3 Waxman, K.T. (2010) The development of evidence-based clinical simulation scenarios: guidelines for nurse educators. J Nurs Educ, 49 (1).