Entering class
You will be counted tardy if not in your assigned seat when the bell rings.
Check the whiteboard for any special instructions.
When the bell rings quietly work on your DRAW assignment while the teacher takes attendance.
DRAW will be posted each day when you enter.
1st Block class must maintain silence while watching Channel One, if shown, and listening to
morning announcements. Students stand and face the flag during the pledge of allegiance.
Leaving at end of class
The teacher will indicate when it is time to put things away and prepare for departure. Do not begin
to clean-up before instructed, usually five minutes before bell.
Students will be dismissed by the teacher, not the bell.
Fire drill
If we hear a fire alarm students are expected to line up at the exterior door. Students will walk
together in a line to the grass near the road. When assembled outside attendance will be taken.
No one should leave that area until cleared by administration.
Tornado drill
If we hear a bad weather alarm students are expected to line up at the interior door. Students will
walk together in a line to the left. Students will assemble in front of the lockers outside our
classroom door. Attendance will be taken. No one should leave that area until cleared by
Identifying work
All work turned in should bear the student’s first and last name and block-student number. Written
work should be labeled on the front upper right-hand corner. 2-D artwork should be labeled on the
back upper right-hand corner.
Preparation for class
Students are expected to come to class each day with the following: regular pencil and eraser,
paper for note-taking, colored pencils, markers, and art journal/binder.
Pencil sharpening
If it is not an identified time to be silent and listen, you may sharpen your pencil and return to your
seat without asking permission. Do not sharpen colored pencils in the electric pencil sharpener.
The waxy binder clogs the sharpener and damages it.
Computer use
Computers may only be used for class purposes.
Student must have teacher permission to use.
Student must log-in and record time on computer.
Students must have technology card to use internet.
Most supplies are provided in the classroom.
You will be asked to sign-out a tool or supply. The tool must then be returned to the teacher (or
aide, if applicable.)
If any tool is damaged, please notify teacher ASAP.
Hall pass
Students must have a clipboard hall pass when leaving the classroom.
Before leaving the room, student must place name and destination on the pass board.
Students are expected to bring necessary learning materials with them and use the bathrooms
between classes.
Storage room
Students are not allowed in the store room without permission from the teacher.
Teacher’s desks
The teacher’s desks and items on them are off-limits to students.
Communal supplies
There are some supplies that are available for use by any student at any time. These will be
identified as we progress.
Room maintenance
Students are expected to thoroughly clean up after themselves. All supplies should be returned
clean and in good condition.
Make-up work
It is the student’s responsibility to get make-up assignments and turn them in according to school
Seating chart
To expedite administrative duties students will be asked to sit in the same seat each day. Students
should remain in their seats except as necessary to handle materials and other class duties.
Students may talk quietly to neighbors during studio time. Students must be working. Talking
should cease immediately if teacher addresses class, intercom comes on, or visitor comes to door.
When an announcement begins, students must be silent immediately. Students remain silent for
the duration of intercom announcement.
When any visitor is in our classroom students are expected to be silent and continue working in
their seats.
We use a variety of textbooks. They must be shared by all classes. Students will be assigned,
and responsible for, a specific textbook.
Homework is not a large part of this class. Therefore I expect a majority of the work to be done in
class. This requires excellent time management skills on the part of the student and leaves little
time for socializing. Students will be given deadlines they must meet. If a student feels that a
deadline cannot be met, open studio time after school will be provided for catch up. I will on various
occasions assign homework that can be done at home and expect it to be finished by the due date.
*by making art (art production);
*by responding to and making judgments about the properties and qualities that exist in visual
forms (art criticism);
*by acquiring knowledge about the contributions artists and art make to culture and society (art
*by understanding the nature, meaning, and value of art (aesthetics).
Never touch any work that does not belong to you without express permission of the creator/owner.
Accidents happen and you do not want to be responsible for damaging someone else’s work.
Extra Credit
Extra credit is available to only those students with no missing work.
Field trips
If we make any trips away from school, the destination will be considered an extension of our
campus. All school rules will apply.
First aid
There is a drawer labeled “first aid” in one of the teacher desks. Band-aids are located in this
Trash disposal
Quietly walk to the waste can during studio work time, not during quiet listening time.
When tissues are available, you may use them as needed. If you need to blow your nose loudly,
please ask to step outside the door in consideration of others.
Lesson structure:
Every art project has requirements and freedoms. I define the requirements against which you will
be graded. Within that set of requirements, there will usually be a great deal of freedom for
personal expression.