Math 112 – College Algebra Fall 2008 Instructor: Office: Email: Webpage: Section 004 Natalie Sandler Office Hours: Math East 146A Phone: TA: Rebecca Stockbridge Office: Math 318 See the webpage 626-5822 Email: Office hour: Friday 10 – 11am The Graduate Teaching Assistant will be helping with our section of College Algebra this semester. She will hold a weekly office hour to supplement my office hours. She will also participate in some class periods, teach several classes, grade selected homework/quizzes, write some exam questions and assist in grading one exam. Please use the TA’s office hours for additional help with the course material. Any questions or concerns about the class itself, grading and so forth, should be directed to the course instructor. Attendance: The University rules require me to drop any student who does not attend the first class without contacting me and asking me not to do so. Students are expected to attend every scheduled class and to be familiar with the University Class Attendance policy as it appears in the General Catalog. Attendance may not be checked every lesson; however there will be no make-up quizzes. It is the student’s responsibility to keep informed of any announcements, syllabus adjustments or policy changes made during scheduled classes. Student that missed three classes (two classes during first week) without contacting me might be dropped from the course by the instructor. Students are expected to behave in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct and the Code of Academic Integrity. The guiding principle of academic integrity is that a student's submitted work must be the student's own. University policies can be found at While in class, please keep your cell phones/pagers off. Also, don’t read newspapers during the class time, please! Homework will be assigned regularly – assignments will include review material and other workbook pager as well as assignments from your textbook. “WB” will denote workbook assignments with the page number. Homework is an essential component of the course and will help to prepare you for the exams. The assignments will require you to not only solve problems, but to also explain your method of solving using clearly written sentences. In addition there will be several brief unannounced quizzes that will be taken directly from the homework problems. They will be graded as a homework assignment. At the end of semester, I will drop a few lowest scores of your homework/quizzes before averaging your scores. Because of this, I will NOT accept ANY late homework regardless of any reason! If you must miss the class, I recommend that you find a way to get your homework to me on time. If you miss two assignments, they will count as your drops; the next missed one will be graded with a ZERO. The total homework score is worth 125 points (more than one test!). DOING YOUR HOMEWORK, FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS AS GIVEN BELOW: 1. Be neat, orderly, and well organized. You may use both sides of the paper. 2. Label the top of your paper with your name, class, and the section number for the problem set. 3. Clearly number the problems in the left margin going down the page. 4. Circle or box your answers so they stand out. 5. Skip a line or two between problems so it is clear where a problem starts and ends. 6. Supportive work must be shown in order to get credit! “Solutions” might be worth more than “answers”. 7. Homework papers must be stapled together. No paper clips, please! I will NOT collect unstapled homework – don’t loose points for this reason! 8. Every problem should be solved. This means that you don’t start doing your homework an hour before it is due. Start earlier and you’ll be able to go to office hours or the tutoring room to get help if you need it. 9. Most important, you are strongly encouraged to discuss homework problems with tutors, your classmates, and me, but all answers must be your own. Cheating is not the way you learn anything. Again, think about quizzes and tests! Every HW/quiz will be graded out of 10points. Two points will be given for completeness and following the instructions above. The remaining 8 points will be given for the right solutions/explanations on the problems graded. I will select several problems from each HW to grade. WebAssign homework will electronically grade all problems submitted, provided they are submitted on time. All 10 points will be given for right answers and completeness. Instructions for WebAssign: To create an account for our class go to, click on the Log-In button, then click on the I Have a Class Key button. Our class key is arizona 4238 2897. You must do this even if you have used WebAssign in the past or are using it for another course this semester. There is a 14-day grace period (from the first day of classes) before you must purchase your access code for our class. Each time you log-in, you will see a reminder. Keep in mind from the very beginning, that there are NO opportunities for extra credit or for “redo” unsatisfactory work in our course. Please don’t ask!