Vancouver Island University Spring 2010 Math 310 Introduction to Graph Theory Instructor: Dr. Valerie Watts Office: Building 360, Room 303C Phone: 740-6147, Local 6147 Email: URL: Office Hours: Monday 11:30 am-1:00 pm Tuesday 9:30 am-11:00 am Wednesday 11:30 am-12:30 pm Or by appointment Class Schedule Day Tuesday Friday Time 11:30 am-1:00 pm 11:30 am-1:00 pm Location Building 360, Room 323 Building 360, Room 323 Prerequisite Minimum of "C" in either MATH 223 or both of MATH 123 and MATH 241. Course Objective and Content The objective of this course is to introduce students to the combinatorial, algorithmic and algebraic aspects of graph theory. The course will cover the following topics: Graphs and Subgraphs: graphs, isomorphisms, incidence and adjacency matrices, subgraphs, vertex degrees, connected graphs Trees: trees, spanning trees, cut edges, cut vertices Connectivity: vertex and edge connectivity, blocks, Menger’s Theorem Euler Tours and Hamilton Cycles Matchings: matchings, matchings and coverings in bipartite graphs, perfect matchings, factorizations Edge Colourings: edge chromatic number, Vizing’s Theorem Independent Sets and Cliques Vertex Colourings: chromatic number, Brook’s Theorem Planar Graphs: plane and planar graphs, dual graphs, Euler’s formula, Kuratowski’s Theorem, the Four Colour Theorem Ramsey Theory: Ramsey numbers, Turan’s Theorem (time permitting) Text The required text for the course is Graph Theory with Applications by Bondy and Murty. You can find the 1976 edition online at This version will be sufficient for our needs in this course and is the version I will refer to during the class. The authors recently published a new (and improved) edition, entitled Graph Theory (ISBN: 1846289696), which you can buy if you want an actual book. Class Website The class website can be found at The website will include information about tests, weekly assignments and solutions to the tests and assignments. Assignments The best way to learn math is to DO math and so homework is an essential component of the course. I will collect a homework assignment every Wednesday, except the weeks of the tests. The weekly homework assignments will be posted on my website (under Assignments). I may also include additional practice problems on each assignment. You should attempt all of the problems that I assign, even if they are not collected for grading. I will post solutions to each assignment on the website. I expect homework to be completed according to the guidelines stated below: Homework is to be handed in to me by 12:30 pm on the day it is due, no exceptions. I will use the grading rubric below to evaluate each problem: 5-the correct answer with the details spelled out 4-correct answer with some minor errors 3 and 2-various levels of somewhat valid by mistaken attempts 1-tried, but not even close 0-didn’t even try the problem Late assignments will be accepted with a 10% per day penalty (up to a maximum of two days). Your name should be written on your homework. Multiple pages must be stapled together. You may write on both sides of the paper. Each problem must be neatly and legibly written, with all intermediate steps included and showing calculations and reasoning in a clear, logical manner. A problem not written in this way may not be graded and given a score of 0. Correct answers which are not accompanied by coherent back-up work will be given 0. Homework should reflect your understanding of the material. Homework will not be graded on effort, but on understanding and correctness. Keep in mind that solutions will be worth more than answers. You are strongly encouraged to discuss homework problems with me and with each other. However, you MUST write up your own solutions; copying is absolutely forbidden. Any student found copying or allowing others to copy their work will receive a 0 for that particular assignment and may face additional penalties administered by the school. You should be familiar with the school’s regulations regarding academic integrity and code of conduct. One final note: do not leave homework until the last minute! Tests and Final Exam All in-class tests will be closed book and individual work. There will be two in-class tests. The in-class test dates are February 9, 2010 and March 30, 2010. In addition, I will include a take-home portion with each test. I will give out more details about the take-home portion later. The final exam will be comprehensive and will be held during the final exam period April 14-23, 2010. I may also include a take-home portion with the final exam. Remember, do not make any travel plans until the final exam schedule is known. Any questions regarding the grading of tests need to be cleared up within one week after the test has been graded and returned to you. You are expected to be present for all tests/exams. Make-up tests will not be given. If you miss a test due to a verifiable emergency, you must notify me as soon as possible and provide me with documentation as to why you missed the test. In this circumstance, I will transfer the percentage of the missed test to your final exam. This concession is only for students who miss a test due to extreme circumstances and is available only at my discretion. Students who miss a test for any other reason or who cannot provide adequate documentation of a real emergency will be given a grade of zero. Any student found copying or allowing others to copy their test/exam will receive a zero for that test. Evaluation Assignments: 20% (I will drop you lowest assignment score) In-Class Tests: 20% each (there are two tests) Final Exam: 40% Final letter grades will be assigned on your overall course percentage: A+ 95-100% B+ 80-84% C+ 65-69% D 50-54% A 90-95% B 75-79% C 60-64% F 0-49% A- 85-89% B- 70-74% C- 55-59% If you have questions or concerns regarding graded material, I am happy to discuss it with you. However, you must meet with me no later than ONE WEEK after the graded item has been returned in order to have a chance at receiving points back. Electronic Devices All cell phones, blackberries, pagers, etc. must be turned off during class. Also, no student will be allowed to wear headphones to listen to music during class time.