SALT Workdays: June 2011 Undergraduate Admissions

SALT Workdays: June 2011
Undergraduate Admissions Recruitment  Scholarships  Campus Visit Programs
New Student Orientation  ARR Information Center
Key Accomplishments Past Year
Recruited and Hired Bi-Lingual (Spanish) Admissions Counselor
PSU Thematic Priority: Enhance Educational Opportunity
Improved the Advanced Tuition Deposit/Intent to Enroll Process
The Intent to Enroll/ATD Exemption Form is now a web-based form instead of a paper which had to be faxed or
mailed in. This change allows for students to submit an exemption form online. Once submitted, our staff is
able to manually place the appropriate code on the students account (most receive code on the same day) in
order to be able to sign up for an orientation session within 24 hours. This process is exactly how the credit
card process works. While it is manual on our end, to the student, it appears to be automated. The student
even receives an email that has a date and time stamp as to when they can sign up for an orientation session.
Other process changes were made this year which improved the end user experience. The number of students
contacting Admissions for assistance has virtually been eliminated.
PSU Thematic Priority: Improve Student Success, Enhance Educational Opportunity
Increased our non-resident Domestic Admissions Outreach and Yield Activities
Admissions Recruitment Activities in: AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, MN, MT, NV, NY, OR, TX, WA
Hosted Admitted Student Receptions in: Northern California, Southern California, Hawaii, & Portland
Hosted New Student Orientation Sessions in: Northern California & Hawaii
PSU Thematic Priority: Enhance Educational Opportunity, Improve Student Success
Scholarship Awarding and Strategic Financial Aid Packaging
Worked closely with Financial Aid to strategically award scholarships and package financial aid by mid-February.
PSU Thematic Priority: Enhance Educational Opportunity
Financial Literacy 101 Software
Worked with Financial Aid, University Studies, Student Accounts, Business Affairs, Assessment Coordinator, and
current students to research and acquire a financial literacy tool to assist incoming and current students with
learning how to manage their financial health better.
PSU Thematic Priority: Improve Student Success
Developed and Created an Online Orientation for Incoming Students using Learner Web
Worked with Financial Aid, University Studies, Student Accounts, Business Affairs, Assessment Coordinator, and
current students to research and acquire a financial literacy tool to assist incoming and current students with
learning how to manage their financial health better.
PSU Thematic Priority: Improve Student Success
Developed “Paying for PSU” Brochure
Worked with Financial Aid, Scholarships and University Communication to develop and create a brochure to help
students and families understand the financial aid and scholarship process at PSU. Additionally, it provides
outside resources for students to locate additional monies to pay for their education.
PSU Thematic Priority: Enhance Educational Opportunity, Improve Student Success
Talisma (CRM) Implementation!
Phase 1 implementation of defining business requirements, data mapping and system configuration complete.
Phase 2 implementation of having initial adopters using CRM to manage incoming emails, and log in-person and
phone interactions is complete.
PSU Thematic Priority: Improve Student Success, Enhance Educational Opportunity, Expand Resources and
Improve Effectiveness
Key Focus Areas for Coming Year
Implement and fully use the new CRM
PSU Thematic Priority: Improve Student Success, Enhance Educational Opportunity, Expand Resources and
Improve Effectiveness
Review and Recommend Efficiency Improvements to the Admissions Appeal Process for
Lead efforts to review and possibly propose changes to the current policy and practice related to students who
request to appeal the University’s admissions decision.
PSU Thematic Priority: Improvements to Student Success, Enhance Educational Opportunity
Increase and Improve Non-Resident Domestic Admissions Recruitment & Yield Activities
Increase recruitment activity in the following territories: No Cal, So Cal, WA
Host an additional New Student Orientation Session in: Southern California
Host an Admitted Student Reception in Seattle, WA
Host on-campus Admitted Student Programs in March instead of April
PSU Thematic Priority: Enhance Educational Opportunity, Improve Student Success
Develop and implement a Shared Online Orientation Experience for all incoming UGs
Host an additional New Student Orientation Session in: Southern California
Host an additional Admitted Student Reception in Seattle, WA
Host on-campus Admitted Student Programs in March instead of April
PSU Thematic Priority: Enhance Educational Opportunity, Improve Student Success
Improve Admissions Website
Lead the Office of Admissions in collaboration with an external firm to redesign and improve the Admissions
PSU Thematic Priority: Enhance Educational Opportunity, Expand Resources and Improve Effectiveness
Redesign Admissions Recruitment Materials
Lead a University-wide committee to assist the Office of Admissions in redesigning the Admissions Recruitment
Materials for the 2012-2013 recruitment cycle
PSU Thematic Priority: Enhance Educational Opportunity, Expand Resources and Improve Effectiveness
Increase On-Site Admissions Programs in Portland Metro and North Salem Areas
On-site Admissions program allows us to assist students through the application process and work to get them
an admissions decision within one week. Admissions currently holds 7-8 on-site programs and would like to
increase the number to 12 programs.
PSU Thematic Priority: Enhance Educational Opportunity, Improve Student Success