Brewster Central School District
By: Frank Outlaw
Watch your thoughts;
They become words
Watch your words;
They become actions
Watch your actions;
They become habits
Watch your habits;
They become character
Watch your character;
It becomes your destiny
Dear Members of the Brewster Elementary School Community,
Welcome to John F. Kennedy Elementary School. This is a very special time for new
and returning students, their parents/guardians and families to join with us on a journey
as life-long learners.
This handbook has been prepared as a resource guide for you and it is our hope that it
will answer many of the questions or concerns you may have, not only at the beginning
but throughout the school year. As partners in education we invite you to read through
the handbook carefully, discuss safety issues and routines with your child and, keep it as
a handy reference.
The faculty and staff at John F. Kennedy Elementary School are dedicated to your child’s
academic, social, and emotional development and growth. Through our combined
efforts, we are confident that we are going to have a wonderful year and the mission of
the Brewster schools “Every child a success” will be actualized in each and every child.
Robin Young
John Conroy
Robin Young, Ed.D.
John Conroy
Assistant Principal
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ATTENDANCE------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----BEFORE/AFTER SCHOOL CHILD CARE PROGRAM --------------------------------BIRTHDAYS (INVITATIONS)---------------------------------------------------------------BUS PROCEDURES---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bus Drills-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lost & Found--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Snow Delays & Unscheduled Early Dismissals------------------------------------ Childcare Forms-------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Items Not Allowed On the Bus------------------------------------------------------- Passes------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Seat Belts-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Student Conduct------------------------------------------------------------------------ Open Door Policy---------------------------------------------------------------------- Change of Address and Other Information-----------------------------------------CAFETERIA------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Breakfast and Lunch Program------------------------------------------------------- Cafeteria Rules-------------------------------------------------------------------------CLASS TRIPS-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------CODE OF CONDUCT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DASA Act (Dignity for All Students Act)----------------------------------------- Elementary Philosophy of School Conduct and Discipline---------------------- Discipline Policy-----------------------------------------------------------------------COMMUNICATION WITH SCHOOL------------------------------------------------------ School-to-Home------------------------------------------------------------------------ E-Backpack----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Home-to-School------------------------------------------------------------------------ Report Cards and Parent Teacher Conferences------------------------------------CUSTODY---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DROP OFF AND PICK-UP PROCEDURES ----------------------------------------------- AM Drop Off ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PM Dismissal/Pick-up/Emergency Procedures ---------------------------------- “Dismissal/Pick-Up Authorization Form” (Form A) ----------------------------- “After School Activities Cancellation/Half-Day/Emergency
Dismissal Plan” (Form B) --------------------------------------------------------EMERGENCY AND EVACUATION PLANS--------------------------------------------- LockOUT Plan-------------------------------------------------------------------------- LockDOWN Plan----------------------------------------------------------------------- Shelter-In Place Plan------------------------------------------------------------------- Walk-Away Plan------------------------------------------------------------------------ Emergency Information Phone System---------------------------------------------- Emergency Closings and/or Delays-------------------------------------------------- Important Information for Kindergarten Parents----------------------------------- Fire Drills--------------------------------------------------------------------------------HEALTH OFFICE INFORMATION--------------------------------------------------------- Medications------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Immunization---------------------------------------------------------------------------- School Physicals------------------------------------------------------------------------- Screenings-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dental Health Certificate ---------------------------------------------------------------
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 Emergency Forms------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
 Accident or Illness------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15-16
 Health Problems-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
 Excuse From Physical Education and Outdoor Recess----------------------------16
HOMEWORK-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
INTERNET ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY--------------------------------------------------- 16-17
LOST AND FOUND------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------ 17
PTA (Parent Teacher Association)-------------------------------------------------------------- 17
PHOTOGRAPHS FOR PUBLICATION-----------------------------------------------------17
PLACEMENT PROCEDURES----------------------------------------------------------------- 17-18
PROGRAMS/SUPPORT SERVICES---------------------------------------------------------- 18
 Academic Intervention Services (AIS)----------------------------------------------18
 Adaptive Physical Education---------------------------------------------------------18
 Art----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18
 Comprehensive Health----------------------------------------------------------------18
 Everyday Mathematics Program-----------------------------------------------------18
 Enrichment------------------------------------------------------------------------------18
 ELL (English Language Learners)-------------------------------------------------18-19
 Library-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------19
 Music-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19
 Physical Education---------------------------------------------------------------------19
 Reading/Language Arts----------------------------------------------------------------19
 Science-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------19
 Social Studies---------------------------------------------------------------------------19
 Social Worker----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
 Psychologist------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
 Special Education------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
 Speech and Language-------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
RECESS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20-21
SCHOOL ATTIRE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------21
SCHOOL HOURS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------21
SEPTA (Special Education Parent Teacher Association)-----------------------------------21
USE OF SCHOOL FACILITIES---------------------------------------------------------------22
VOTING ON SCHOOL DISTRICT MATTERS--------------------------------------------22
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Steve Jambor
Joseph A. Charbonneau
Alberta Kozma
Sonia Mesika
S. Peter Pastore
Elyse L. Schajer
A. Gerald Schramek
Vice President
John F. Kennedy Elementary School
Office 845-279-2087
Fax 845-279-7638
Dr. Robin Young, Principal
Mr. John Conroy, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Susan Danvin, Principal’s Secretary
Mrs. Roseann Barrios, Asst. Principal’s Secretary
Mrs. Karen DiTaranto, Asst. Principal’s Secretary
Dr. Jane Sandbank
Superintendent of Schools
Mr. Timothy Conway
Deputy Superintendent
Mr. Steven Moskowitz
Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and
Mrs. Selena Fischer
Director of Special Education
Mr. Andrew Bates
Director of Facilities and Operations
Mr. Dean Berardo
Director of Health, Physical Education, & Athletics
Mr. John T. Coxen
Supervisor of Transportation
Ms. Cathy Ashe
Director of Food Service
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Absence, Lateness, and Early Dismissal:
Parents are responsible, under the school attendance laws of New York State, for their child’s
regular and punctual attendance. A lawful excuse is defined as follows:
 Sickness of pupil
 Sickness in family (not to exceed 3 days)
 Death in family
 Extremely bad weather
 Impassible roads
 Religious observations
The following would be considered illegal excuses for student absences:
 Parent work schedule
 Errands
 Going to the city
 Shopping
 Caring for siblings
 Vacation
New York State Law requires a written excuse each time a child is absent or late. The
excuse should be sent with the child when he/she returns to school or on the day of lateness. The
reason for the absence or lateness and dates of absence should be included in the excuse. This
excuse needs to be signed by a parent or guardian. Parents are requested to call the
Attendance Office if their child is going to be absent or tardy. Children arriving after 8:55 am
are considered late to school and must check-in at the Attendance Office, front window, and prior
to going to class. John F. Kennedy School: 279-2087 extension 4112 or 279-2852.
If a child is to be dismissed from school early, the parent or person authorized by the parent must
pick up the child at the Attendance Office. The authorization must be in writing by the parent
or guardian. Pick-ups after 3:15 pm at J.F.K. are in the auditorium.
Homework may be requested through the Attendance Office on the second day of an absence.
Twenty-four hours notice is required. Please call to ask for homework by 9:30 am.
This program is sponsored by the Town of Southeast Recreation Department and is located at the
John F. Kennedy Elementary School. The program is offered to students in Kindergarten through
Grade 5. The program is available from 7:00 am – 8:55 am and 3:25 pm – 6:30 pm. For more
information please call 279-3915.
When children celebrate their birthdays it is a special time for them with parties and party
invitations. We ask parents to respect the “all or none” concept when sending invitations into
school. Unless there is an invitation for each student in class, invitations will not be handed out.
It is very upsetting for students in the class who do not receive an invitation.
Bus Drills:
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School bus evacuation drills are required by the State Education Department three times a year.
Each bus driver reviews the following with all the children:
 How to evacuate the bus in case of emergency
 How to enter and exit the bus safely
 Waiting at the bus stop
 Proper crossing procedures
 Proper behavior
These drills occur upon arrival and before exiting the bus at school. They take approximately 10
minutes to complete.
Lost and Found:
Often drivers find items left behind by students. The bus driver will hold the items on the bus
until students return. The driver will hold the items up for students to claim. If the item is not
claimed within a week, the driver will then send it into the main office of the school. In the case
of a valuable item, it is brought into the transportation office at the end of the run and held for a
parent to call or in most cases the transportation office will get hold of the parent.
Snow Delays & Unscheduled Early Dismissals:
See Emergency School Closings and Delays
Childcare Forms:
These forms must be filled out ten days prior to the date change for new baby sitting/childcare
arrangements. This is to give us enough time to notify all who are involved with this change: bus
drivers, teachers, and update our computer system, so no student is misplaced or left unaccounted
for. The policy allows for two locations a week on the same days every week. It also requires the
location to be in your attendance zone or a licensed day care located in the district. These forms
are available at the school or Transportation Department.
Items Not Allowed on the Bus:
For safety reasons, we do not allow the following items on the school bus:
 Helium balloons, bats, balls, glass, skateboards, animals, hermit crabs, Lacrosse sticks,
 Items that take up more room than your child’s spot on the bus: large projects, large
musical instrument
Students are not allowed to ride other buses or change bus stops except for an emergency or a
special circumstance. Prior notification is necessary so that a pass is given to the child and the
driver is notified.
Seat Belts:
Buses are equipped with seat belts and are there for student use. Drivers encourage but cannot
enforce their use. Parents, for the safety of your child, please reinforce the use of seatbelts.
Student Conduct:
Students are expected to behave and stay seated while the bus is in motion. Warnings are given
for improper behavior. After a warning the student is written up on a bus discipline report. For
serious or hazardous occurrences, a write-up is completed immediately and forwarded to the
Principal. Bus service may be suspended for a given period of time if inappropriate, serious and
hazardous behaviors continue.
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If your child does not behave, it is unsafe for all passengers. When drivers take their attention off
the road and focus on internal problems, there is a chance for an accident to occur. We need your
assistance in reinforcing proper bus behavior.
Open Door Policy:
The Transportation Office is open all year. Please call in advance if you would like to tour and/or
ride in a school bus. We encourage your visit, your questions, and, of course, your interest and
Change of Address or other information:
Please notify the school of any change in address, phone number, or emergency contact
information. If someone other than you will be meeting your child at the bus stop, please notify
us so we may inform the driver. The drivers are very protective of their passengers. The driver
will not release students without prior notification. This is for your child’s protection. Since
emergency situations may arise, it is imperative that all information be current and
Breakfast and Lunch Programs:
Breakfast and lunch are served daily in our school cafeteria. We participate in the National
School Breakfast and Lunch programs, which are designed to provide nutritious meals at
reasonable prices. Prices are listed in the school calendar and on the monthly menu.
Applications for free or reduced price lunches are available. Contact your school or check the
school calendar for specific guidelines and application, or, you may go to the schools website and
download an application. In addition to lunch, snacks and milk are also available for purchase in
the cafeteria. Should you have any questions about the Breakfast or Lunch programs, please call
the Food Service Department at 279-3702, extension 2124.
Cafeteria Rules:
There are many children in the cafeteria during lunch times. Therefore, certain rules are
necessary to ensure the safety of the children and allow all students adequate time to eat. Please
discuss the following rules with your child:
 Stay seated unless an adult has given you permission to leave your seat.
 Use an indoor speaking voice.
 Be considerate and respectful of adults and other students.
 The signal for quiet is closing of the lights and/or a hand clap cadence.
 Clean up after yourself.
 Appropriate table manners are expected.
Class trips are an integral part of the educational process. They are planned to extend and enrich
the curriculum through live experiences. We hope that all class trips are exciting adventures for
our students. It is imperative that all students remember appropriate behavior and follow the
school rules to ensure everyone’s safety.
Before your child may attend a class trip, a permission slip must be completed with all necessary
information, including emergency contact information. Transportation is provided by the school
transportation department unless otherwise specified. Chaperones will be requested on a needsbasis depending on the field trip.
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DASA Act (Dignity for All Students Act):
The dignity act protects all public school students in NYS from harassment or discrimination by
other students or adults. The harassment of any student is prohibited. The DASA Act was signed
into law on September 13, 2010, effective July 1, 2012. The Dignity Act prohibits harassment and
discrimination of individuals on school property or at a school function based upon a person’s
actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice,
disability, sexual orientation, gender or sex.
School is and should always be a safe, special place for all children. It is our wish to nurture
children’s self esteem, encourage them to develop positive relationships with peers and staff
members, experience success, and exhibit control. Each school within the Brewster Central
School District is required to adhere to the District Code on School Conduct and Discipline
Policy. Anyone interested in obtaining a copy of the policy should contact the Brewster Central
School District Office.
Elementary Philosophy of School Conduct and Discipline:
In order that each child has the opportunity to acquire all the learning possible in a given day, it is
our desire to promote an atmosphere of minimal distraction in a secure environment. Each child
in the elementary school should be aware of those rights and responsibilities that enhance positive
behavior(s). Through the cooperation of students, parents, teachers, administrators, and other
school personnel, each child will be given the opportunity to differentiate between acceptable and
unacceptable behavior.
Discipline Policy:
The classroom teacher or the adult in charge is responsible for helping students define, maintain,
and enforce behavioral expectations by:
Establishing behavioral rules and defining them so students will understand what is
expected of them.
Determining positive rewards for good behavior.
Presenting the discipline plan to students.
Students may NOT tease one another for any reason.
Students MUST treat each other kindly.
If a student is unkind to one or more students with their words or actions, that student
1. Be sent to the main office.
2. Meet with a Principal.
3. Your parent/guardian will be contacted.
4. Receive a consequence determined by a Principal.
It is expected that minor discipline concerns are handled by the teacher. Office referrals are not
accepted without the teacher first interacting with student and/or parents regarding the problem.
When a student is referred to the principal’s office for discipline, the teacher or staff member who
is referring the child will complete a referral form. The child will meet with an administrator to
discuss the incident. At that time consequences will be determined. The child will take the
referral form home to be shared with and signed by parents before returning the form to school.
Parents may also be notified by phone to discuss student behaviors.
The following misbehaviors are considered serious and a student will be sent directly to the
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Harassment - verbal, physical and/or sexual
Abusive language
Examples of “Proactive Discipline”
Oral/verbal correction
Parent Notification/parent conference
Corrective Instruction or other relevant learning or service experience
Supportive Interventions
Referral to pupil support (counselor, school psychologist, social worker)
Behavior assessment. Contract/growth plan
Investigation and report
Note: In cases of on-going or extreme misconduct, consequences may involve detention, inschool suspension, out of school suspension, and/or police involvement.
Sometimes a student may be sent to the Office for a time out. At this time, disciplinary measures
may/may not be taken.
Open Houses are held in September. Additionally, classroom teachers have a variety of ways of
sharing information with our parents. These may include weekly or monthly letters as well as
phone calls. Every teacher maintains a website with important and updated information.
Here at the BCSD we are committed to “Going Green” and doing our part to help the
environment. As a result, we now utilize “e-backpack.” This is our web-based electronic
message board link used to inform families of important events and/or updates we will have
throughout the school year. As was last year’s practice, we will not send letters home using
traditional paper via the U.S. post office or in student backpacks unless a parental request
is made.
To access e-backpack:
1.) Log on to
2.) Scroll down the left side of the main home page and click on "E-Backpack.”
3. At this point you can choose to "view all" and view updates in all five schools within
our district.
4.) You can click/choose the building (school) and even the grade level your child(ren)
are in to view grade level specific updates pertaining to your child’s grade only.
Note: If you would like to "opt-out" and continue to receive updates on paper via
the traditional method, please fill out an opt-out form (available on-line under the
“E-backpack link) and send it to the main office by September 14, 2012. Once
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completed, you will continue to receive school updates on paper in the traditional
A PTA/school sponsored newsletter to parents is issued bi-monthly throughout the year. The
newsletter contains information on special events or activities the school would like to share with
Cable Channel 22 shares information about the district along with information related to specific
school events.
Parents may send a note, e-mail, or leave a voice mail message for their child’s teacher. If a
parent needs additional information, the school principal, or assistant principal may be contacted.
For additional news, updates, district/school goals, programs and services, including meetings
and closings, log on to
Report Cards and Parent-Teacher Conferences:
The elementary schools are on trimesters therefore, kindergarten to grade two report cards will be
distributed in December, March, and June. Parent-teacher conferences for K-2 will be in
December and March.
Please notify the Main Office in writing if there are any custody issues regarding your child. A
letter from a parent about custody is not legal or binding. Copies of legal documents detailing
custodial arrangements must be provided. The documents will be placed in your child's
cumulative folder and noted in our computer system Infinite Campus. The child will not be
released to anyone other than the authorized person(s). If there is any change in status, please
notify your child’s teacher, the building principal, or the assistant principal.
AM Drop-Off:
You must walk your child(ren) into the school building.
If you are driving your child to school when buses are dropping off, please drive through
the drive-through area in the parking lot across from the front of J.F.K. and walk your child
across the bus area into the front entrance of the school and into the auditorium. Please do not
drive behind the parked school buses for drop-off as it is illegal to do so. Please DO NOT
bring your child to school before 8:45 am as there is no supervision before this time. Students
arriving after 8:55 am are considered late and must be signed in at the attendance office.
PM Dismissal/Pick-Up/Emergency Procedures
(For your convenience Form “A” and Form “B” are attached at the end of this document.)
If you are picking your child up at school we ask you to adhere to the procedures outlined below
to maintain the safety and comfort of the students, and to lessen classroom disruption.
For all students:
Please complete and sign the “Dismissal/Pick-Up Authorization Form” (Form “A”) even if you
do not anticipate having to pick up your child. Often students need to be picked up for an urgent
or emergency reason and the parent/guardian cannot be reached easily; if we already have this
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authorization it will make the process run more smoothly. Anyone picking up a child (including
parents, step-parents, and guardians) must be prepared to show a valid, government- issued
photo ID (driver’s license, passport, military ID) when requested. Please note that no child will
be released to anyone who is not listed on this form and who cannot produce appropriate ID
when requested.
Please complete and sign the “After School Activities Cancellation/Half-Day/Emergency
Dismissal Plan” (Form “B”) for instances of emergency early dismissals OR cancellation of
after school activities (Girl/Boy Scouts; CCD; JFK After-school program, etc.) which are
usually, but not always, weather-related.
Pick Up Procedures: Pick up is in the Auditorium at 3:15 pm. If your child will be picked up:
 On a particular day (i.e., every Tuesday) on a consistent basis please complete the
appropriate section on the “Dismissal/Pick-Up Authorization Form” (Form “A”).
When your child will no longer be picked up every week, please send in a note indicating
this change.
On any given day, please send in a signed note – legibly written – on that day. Please do
not send in notes in advance. Include the date, the child’s first and last names (especially
important if you have a different surname), teacher’s name, and the name of the person
picking up (i.e.: “John Smith” not “Grandpa”). The PTA sells pads that you may use for
this purpose. Following is the format that should be used:
Today’s Date: ______________
Student’s Complete Name: _________________
Teacher’s Name: ____________________
PICK UP: student will not be taking the bus home, as _____________________
(complete name of person picking up) will be picking up at _______ am ______ pm
DIFFERENT BUS: student has permission to go home with _________________(other
student’s name) On bus # J________________ Bus stop street:__________________
If your child is normally picked up on a certain day of the week and s/he needs to take
the bus instead, please send in a signed note indicating the bus number and destination
(ex: J-23, babysitter; or J-22, home), especially important if your child takes more than
one bus. Please do not send in notes saying “Johnny will take his regular bus home
today.” Teachers and office staff cannot always determine whether that is a babysitter
bus, or the home bus.
Note: If your child’s regular pick up day falls on a regularly scheduled early dismissal day
and s/he needs to be sent home on the bus, please complete the “After School Activities
Cancellation/Half-Day/Emergency Dismissal Plan” (Form “B”); otherwise s/he will be
sent to the auditorium for pick up.
After School Activities:
 In cases of emergency early dismissals OR cancellation of after school activities
(Girl/Boy Scouts; CCD; JFK After-school program, etc.) which are usually, but not
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always, weather-related, please complete the “After School Activities Cancellation
Dismissal Plan” (Form “B”).
If your child participates in an after-school activity, such as Girl/Boy Scouts, etc., that
DOES NOT MEET EVERY WEEK, please send in a note EACH DAY the child will
be picked up for the activity. Please do not send in notes listing various meeting dates.
Please indicate the activity and the name of the person signing the child out.
For CCD: We do not know which dates CCD begins/ends or is in session.
Parents/guardians need to inform us of their child’s dismissal arrangements on those
dates. Please understand that our students attend several different CCD programs and it
is not possible for teachers and office staff to monitor the various schedules. If your child
is normally picked up for CCD every week s/he will be sent to the auditorium for pick up
unless we have a note from you indicating other arrangements.
Bus Procedures:
 For your child’s safety, please note that we cannot accept phone call requests to
change your child’s bus for a particular day. A signed request indicating the date, the
child’s name, teacher, bus number and bus stop street (ex: JI-23, 99 Main Street) and the
name of the person receiving your child from the bus must be hand delivered or faxed to
the office prior to 2:00 pm. Our fax number is (845)-279-7638. Forms indicating the
person/s you authorize to receive your child from the bus stop are available from the
Transportation Department located at 30 Farm to Market Road (279-4700).
If your child will be taking a different bus home one or more days every week, please
complete the “Request for Change of Bus Stop for Child Care,” form and return it to the
attendance office. These forms are available in the J.F.K. attendance office and the
Transportation Department located at 30 Farm to Market Rd (279-4700).
Please know that your child’s safety and comfort in knowing his/her dismissal plans are our top
priority. By adhering to these procedures, dismissal time will run smoothly and efficiently. We
appreciate your anticipated cooperation.
LockOUT Plan:
This plan requires building occupants to remain in the building behind external locked doors.
During a dangerous situation outside of the building, that does not present an internal building
threat, the plan will trigger a procedure which allows the school to continue with the normal
school day, but curtails outside activity. NO ONE MAY ENTER OR LEAVE THE
LockDOWN Plan:
This plan requires building occupants to remain in the building behind internal locked doors.
During a dangerous situation (ex: an intruder, an external occurrence which may present a threat
Shelter-In Place Plan:
This plan is executed when the situation is safer inside than outside, during conditions when roads
are closed and outside travel is extremely hazardous. Generally, sheltering is for a short time –
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but condition could warrant extended sheltering. Every building has provisions for these
circumstances. Staff and students may remain in classrooms or be requested to leave classrooms
and move to safe locations in other parts of the building.
Walk –Away Plan:
During a walk away drill the building is evacuated and attendance is taken. At this point the staff
and student body relocate to a determined location. They reassemble, take attendance again and
wait to re-enter the building if it is determined by appropriate authorities to be safe. If the
building is unsafe for re-entry, an early dismissal will be conducted. Transportation would arrive
at the alternative site to transport students home safely.
Emergency or Informational Phone System (NTI-Connect Ed Automated Dialing System):
In an effort to communicate with parents in the event of an emergency or for informational
purposes, the Brewster Central School District utilizes an automated phone system. This system
has the capability of simultaneously calling up to six phone numbers linked to each student.
These numbers are obtained off of your child’s registration form. Please ensure that these phone
numbers are up-to-date and include home, business, and cell phone numbers.
Emergency School Closings and/or Delays:
There may be a few days when school will be closed or a delayed opening may occur due to
heavy snow or unusually hazardous conditions. Announcements of delays or closings will be
broadcast on the following radio stations:
WAXB….105.5 FM
WHUD….100.7 FM
WPUT….1510 AM
WDAQ….98.3 FM
WLAD….800 AM
WFAS….1230 AM OR 103.9 FM
The Educational Channel, Cable Channel 22, broadcasts Brewster School District information
daily, including delays and closings. Also check our website:
Early dismissal due to unsafe weather conditions or unusually hazardous circumstances may be
necessary. Parents will be notified through the “Connect-ed” phone system regarding school
closings and unanticipated early dismissal.
Important Information for Kindergarten Parents:
Two Hour Delay:
AM Kindergarten will arrive at 10:55 am and will depart for home at 12:55 pm
PM Kindergarten will arrive at 1:25 pm and will depart for home at 3:25 pm. (Please note that
the midday bus pickup is one hour later than usual.)
One Hour Delay:
AM Kindergarten will arrive one hour later and will be dismissed at regular time.
There is NO CHANGE in the PM session when a one-hour delay occurs.
Fire Drills (Emergency Evacuation):
Fire Drills are an important part of the school safety program and are given serious
consideration. New York State requires twelve fire drills each year.
Fire (Emergency Evacuation) drill procedures:
Instructions for leaving each room are posted, and all children are led by the supervising
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Children must remain quiet.
Children should walk briskly, but must not run.
Children must be a safe distance from the building and must remain in line.
Children must obey the commands of the supervising adult at all times.
At the recall signal, all staff and students may return to the building quietly.
If a child needs to take medications during the day, written orders from the physician and
a medication permission form signed by the parent/guardian must be submitted. It is
required that such medications be delivered directly to the school nurse by the parent in
the original prescription bottle. This includes over the counter medications such as
Tylenol or cough medicine. Any student who brings medication to school without the
required permission will have the medication confiscated and the parent will be called.
Medications should NEVER be sent on the bus. Due to the possibility of accidental
choking; cough drops, throat lozenges, and hard candies are not to be brought to school or
be dispensed by school personnel.
New York State Requirements for School Entrance and Attendance: K-12: 3 Diphtheria,
Pertussis, Tetanus (DPT); 3 Polio; 2 Measles, 2 Mumps, 2 Rubella (MMR); Children
born on or after (1/1/93) must show proof of immunity to Hepatitis B (three doses) prior
to entering kindergarten.
School Physicals:
Every child entering kindergarten is required by New York State Law to have a complete
physical examination and routinely at grades 2, 4, 7, and 10.
Screenings: Eyes and Ears:
All new entrants will be screened for distance, near vision, hyperopia, and color perception within
6 months of entrance. Distant vision screening will be done on all students in grades 1, 2, 3, 5, 7
and 10. Hearing screening will be done on all students in grades 1, 3, 5, 7, 10 and within 6
months for all new entrants. Parents will be informed of any abnormal finding.
Dental Health Certificate: New York State Law (Chapter 281) permits schools to request a
dental examination in the following grades: school entry, 2, 4, 7 and 10. The form may be
obtained on the Brewster School website, and clicking on the
Registration page.
Emergency Forms:
Every student is required to have an emergency form filled out completely at the start of the
school year. There should be two emergency pick-up contacts in case a parent/legal guardian
cannot be reached. Please keep emergency information on file up to date. The form may be
obtained on the Brewster School website, and clicking on the
Registration page.
Accident or Illness:
If a child becomes ill or injured at school, he/she is sent to the health office. If the school nurse
believes the child is able to remain in school, the child may be allowed to rest for a short time and
return to class. In case of minor accidents, first aid will be administered and the child sent back
to class. When it is determined by the school nurse that the child should not remain in school, the
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parents will be contacted and asked to make arrangements to transport the child. If a parent or the
designated contact individuals cannot be contacted or cannot pick up the student, an ambulance
will be called to take the child to the hospital in case of an emergency.
Health Problems:
If your child has a particular health problem, it is essential that you discuss it with the school
nurse. In the event of a communicable disease, such as chicken pox and strep throat, it is
important for the nurse to be notified. It is important that parents recognize symptoms of illness
quickly and keep a sick child home. Please do not send your child to school with a fever of 100
degrees or more, suspicious rash, harsh cough, or red draining eyes. After a fever, your child’s
temperature should be normal for 24 hours before returning to school.
Conjunctivitis (Pink-Eye): Please do not send a child to school that you suspect to have
conjunctivitis. He/she must be on medication for 24 hours before returning to school.
Strep Throat: If you suspect that your child has Strep throat, please keep your child
home while waiting for a culture report. Attending school may expose other children
and staff members to the Strep bacterium. Students with Strep throat may not return to
school for 24-48 hours after medication has been started.
Head Lice: Please report all cases of head lice to the nurse. This will enable us to
inform other parents. Please do not send your child to school if these conditions are
suspected. If lice or nits are found, you will be contacted and your child will be sent
home immediately. There is related literature available in the nurse’s office.
Please do not ask the school nurse to diagnose your child’s health problems regarding pulled
muscles, broken fingers and toes. Only your physician can and should make the diagnosis.
Excuse From Physical Education and Outdoor Recess:
The New York State Department of Education requires a Physician’s note to excuse a
student from physical education classes or outdoor activity. It will be at the school’s
discretion to keep children indoors during winter months or inclement weather, depending on the
wind chill. Chronic illness, such as asthma, will be considered on a day-to-day basis by a parent
note or school nurse.
The purpose of homework is to reinforce and/or expand the learning that takes place in the
classroom. Homework is an integral part of the school instructional program and it is utilized by
teachers, students, and parents to analyze student comprehension and achievement. Homework
promotes the development of good study habits, provides for individual differences and abilities,
and encourages self-initiative.
The number, frequency, and degree of difficulty of homework assignments are based on the
abilities, activities, and needs of the student. Homework is carefully and promptly evaluated to
provide constructive feedback to enhance your child’s performance. A discussion/review of the
day’s work and reading time should be an integral part of each child’s day.
At J.F.K. all classrooms and the Library Media Center are equipped with networked computers,
which have Internet access. All students receive instruction on the appropriate use of the Internet
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and are supervised when using the computers. Anyone interested in obtaining a copy of the
policy should contact the Brewster Central School District.
From time to time, students will lose articles of clothing or personal belongings. Generally, found
items will be placed in the “lost and found” shelves. The shelves can be found outside the
gymnasium. Parents should label possessions, especially books, lunch boxes, backpacks, and
clothing. When in the school, parents are encouraged to look through the lost and found. At the
end of the school year, any unclaimed items are usually donated to local charities.
PTA (Parent Teacher Association)
The Brewster Elementary PTA is a Local Unit linked to the State and National PTA. The
National PTA is the oldest and largest volunteer association working exclusively on behalf of all
children and youth. For more than 100 years, the National PTA has promoted the education,
health, and safety of children and families. Membership in the PTA is open to anyone who
believes in the National PTA Mission and Objectives. The Brewster Elementary PTA represents
the John F. Kennedy School. The PTA organization consists of an Executive Committee, an
Executive Board, and the General Association.
Our Executive Board and our General Association meetings are held on the first Wednesday of
each month at J.F.K. The members of our committees are generally parent volunteers who wish
to get involved in their child’s education. Everyone is welcome to participate. During the school
year, the PTA sponsors many enriching activities. One of our most important contributions, the
Cultural Arts Program is organized by two Committee Chairs. There are many committees
whose mission is essential to the education of the whole child and parents are invited to join to
plan for short and/or long-term commitments. Some of our committees include:
PARP (Parents as Reading Partners)
Reflections (Arts Program)
Talent Show
Parent Workshops and Family Nights
Friday Night Prime Time and Second Grade Celebrations
There are many other activities, which we are involved in to support our schools, children, and
parents. You are encouraged to come to the meetings and learn more about how you can
contribute your talents. Meet other busy parents who have the same interests, concerns, and
challenges as you.
On occasion during the school year, special events are covered by the local news media for
publication purposes. Students may be photographed during these events, and photographs may
be printed in local newspapers, district bulletins, or on the district web site. If you DO NOT
want your child photographed please fill out the “Permission to Photograph for Publication” form
that is sent home the first week of school.
Placement of K-2 students in the next year’s class is a very thorough process involving staff,
parents, and administrators. Careful consideration is given to best match each child’s needs to
appropriate teaching styles. Parents are invited to submit letters to us with information about the
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kind of learning experiences and teaching styles they feel best meets their child’s needs. We are
not able to consider requests for particular teachers. Typically, there will be more than one
teacher with a style that will work for a particular child.
Academic Intervention Services (AIS):
AIS are designed to offer additional support in reading and writing and are supplemental to the
daily classroom reading instruction. It provides selected students with individualized or group
reading and writing lessons. The goal is to help children become successful and independent
readers and writers.
Qualifying pupils receive the following intervention services in math and/or reading/writing:
 The reading/math specialists use a variety of materials appropriate for each learner and
aligns instruction with that of the student’s classroom teacher.
 Students receive support instruction in a small group pullout setting or in a classroom
 Each student is expected to attend classes promptly with a positive attitude and
willingness to work.
 Parents receive written progress reports at each regular report period. In addition, parents
are encouraged to schedule conferences with the reading or math specialist.
Adaptive Physical Education:
Adaptive physical education is a program designed for students who may not safely or
successfully engage in unrestricted participation in the regular physical education program. It
includes developmental activities, games, sports, and rhythms suited to the interests, capabilities,
and limitations of students with disabilities.
The art program affords K-2 students the opportunity to explore a variety of media, skills, and
techniques. Students discover and develop creative expression through drawing, painting,
sculpting, and the elements of design. Students are encouraged to develop their own ideas
visually and apply their experiences to a creative product.
Everyday Mathematics Program:
This is a research-based mathematics program that represents an intelligent and rigorous approach
that fully matches the New York State Mathematics Standards and Assessments. This program
begins in kindergarten and continues through grade two.
Enrichment opportunities are consistently available throughout the school year for all students in
grades K-2 through our comprehensive academic curriculum, differentiated classroom
experiences, grade level sharing, trips, PTA programs and assemblies. All students in grade two
have the opportunity to participate in enrichment workshops in a variety of content areas. These
workshops supplement the classroom program, support students’ talents and interests through
additional exposure to academic content and the arts. Classes may include, but are not limited
to: Origami, Music Appreciation, Creative Drama, Math Problem Solving, etc. Selection for
students will be based on student interest and/or strength as discussed between student and
ELL: English Language Learners in Literature:
At J.F.K. Elementary School, special services are provided to children whose native language is
not English. The ELL program is designed to help students meet the standards of English
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Language Arts as well as support students’ academic experiences. Participating students are
encouraged to share their multicultural experiences and enhance the entire school and district
The Library Media Center provides varied materials to inspire students’ curiosity and
imagination. There is a diverse collection of books, book and cassette sets, magazines, videos,
puppets, CDs, science models, and computers. There is a professional collection of educational
materials available to teachers and parents. Parent volunteers are an important and vital part of
the Media Center’s daily functions. The library is fully automated and has access to the internet.
The Elementary Music curriculum addresses the key components needed to ensure that all
students have the opportunity to meet high levels of achievement through active participation in
music. The Music curriculum intertwines the standards for the arts with the general curriculum
for each grade level. Students learn to express themselves musically as well as share their
expressions through performances during their years in elementary school.
Physical Education:
Physical education classes introduce children to a wide variety of movement forms and activities
that enable them to learn about a healthy lifestyle. Through basic motor manipulative skills and
fitness activities, children learn to cooperate with one another, to lead and follow, to solve group
problems, and to become more sensitive to others of differing abilities and cultures. We strongly
believe that overall health, fitness, and movement are key factors in a children’s ability to learn in
Reading/Language Arts:
The Language Arts Program teaches students to function as contributing members of society by
effectively communicating information and ideas through both written and oral modes, as well as
receive and comprehend information and ideas through reading, listening, and viewing. The
Program is based on an integrated Balanced Literacy Program with literature as its core.
Reading, writing, and oral communication are taught in concert and are mutually reinforcing.
Students will come to value these processes as tools for clarifying, expressing, and learning new
ideas in all curricular areas. The outcomes for our students in the writing program are:
Students will be able to write on a range of topics for a variety of purposes and audiences.
Students will be able to determine and use appropriate organizational patterns for a
written work as a strategy for constructing meaning.
Students will be able to use the recursive stages of the writing process: prewriting,
drafting, revising, and editing.
Our Science program helps students develop a fund of scientific concepts, the ability to employ
basic scientific reasoning, and be capable of extending his/her knowledge through additional
schooling and independent reading, in order to understand and appreciate scientific events and
their impact upon society.
Social Studies:
Our children will spend their adult lives in the twenty-first century. As changes in our society
and in the larger world place new and increasing demands on our nation and its citizens, it is
urgent, even imperative, that young Americans acquire a broader, more comprehensive and
connected understanding of historical and contemporary human affairs. Our Social Studies
curriculum nurtures this understanding in our students.
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Social Worker:
The Social Worker is available to assist students, parents, and staff members in our school. The
following is a list of some of the many services/duties provided by the Social Worker:
Provides group/individual counseling.
Participates on a multi-disciplinary team for the purpose of the diagnosing and
programming for children.
Works with parents going through the referral process to the Committee on Special
Provides crisis intervention.
Consults with staff for the purpose of improving student learning and self-esteem.
Assists with attendance procedures.
Makes home visits when necessary.
Collaborates with community agencies and organizations.
Conducts observations of students.
Conducts in-service training for staff members.
The Psychologist is available to assist students, parents, and staff members in our school. The
following is a list of some of the many services that are provided:
 Teaches students skills needed as a primary prevention.
 Counsels students in crisis and students at risk.
 Consults in the pre-referral process to reduce specialized placement.
 Evaluates students who are deemed in need of specialized academic programming and
tailor recommendations concerning curriculum and available resources.
 Consults with teachers, parents, administrators, speech pathologists, physical therapists,
etc., to plan for the whole child with the goal of improving the child’s ability to learn.
 Coordinates services with pediatricians, neurologists, psychiatrists, and other outside
service providers.
 Analyzes the efficacy of instructional programs and curriculum design.
 Develops custom-designed behavior management plans.
 Provides staff and parents with information about child development as it relates to
Special Education:
Special Education services are provided to students in J.F.K. and Garden Street Elementary
Schools. Some services available are Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy,
Physical Therapy, Counseling, Adaptive Physical Education, and individualized support from a
special education teacher. Special Education services provide individual or small group reading,
writing, and/or math support in the classroom or pullout setting as appropriate for each student’s
Speech and Language:
Speech and Language services are provided in the elementary schools for both classified and nonclassified children who demonstrate a need for improvement. The main purpose of this service is
to provide the speech and language skills necessary for the child to be successful in the academic
Recess is a daily activity for our children. Students should come to school dressed appropriately
for outside play. Hats, gloves, and boots should be worn or brought to school so children will be
comfortable and warm during the winter months. All children are encouraged to go outside for
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recess. A doctor’s note is needed if a child is to remain inside for recess. Flip-flops are unsafe
footwear for the playground. Secure play shoes or sneakers should be worn.
In-door or out-door recess should be an enjoyable time for all students. Please discuss the
following rules which should be followed on the playground:
 Respect and consideration for all adults and all students at all times.
 All play equipment should be used in a safe manner according to the rules.
 Directions from teachers or aides on duty must be followed.
 Students must get permission from an adult on duty to leave the recess/playground area.
Students should not be re-entering and walking through the building without permission.
Any Brewster resident’s child who will be five years of age on or before December 1st of that
school year is eligible for admission to kindergarten. Registration for kindergarten is held in
March of the year prior to entrance. Documented proof of residency and the child’s date of birth
must be presented at the time of registration. Health immunization information must also be
documented. Parents of children not registered in the Spring should contact the school or contact
the District Office. Registration of new elementary pupils is handled by the receiving school.
Browse our website for more information.
A student’s habit of dress and personal grooming reflects not only his/her attitude towards school,
but it also reflects the school itself. Parents should make sure their child is properly and tastefully
dressed. Some clothing is not suitable for school, particularly t-shirts with suggestive or obscene
words. If inappropriate clothing is worn, the student will be sent to the office. The parent/s will
be notified and given the option to bring a change of clothing or the school will provide loaned
attire if available.
During the winter months, children will be playing outdoors frequently, therefore, warm clothing
is necessary. Sneakers are required for physical education. It should also be remembered that
paint and glue are used in art; therefore a smock or painting shirt is necessary.
School begins at 8:55 am and ends at 3:25 pm for grades one and two. Morning kindergarten
begins at 8:55 am and ends at 11:55 am. Afternoon kindergarten begins at 12:25 pm and ends at
3:25 pm.
There is a before and/or after school childcare program available for those who may need this
service. (See Before/After School Child Care Program.)
In the event of a 2-hour delay, AM kindergarten will begin at 10:55 am and PM kindergarten will
begin at 1:25 pm.
SEPTA (Special Education Parent Teacher Association)
Many parents are overwhelmed with the realities and the details of understanding and working
with a child with a disability. For this reason, in May of 1997, SEPTA was created as part of our
district PTA. Our goal is to better serve our children by educating parents, teachers, school board
members, and the community concerning special education needs. Check your school calendar,
Channel 22, and our web site for monthly meetings. Everyone is welcome to attend.
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Radios, electronic games, tape-recorders, walkie-talkies, dolls, stuffed animals, trading cards,
etc., are enjoyable toys for children of all ages. However, because of the potential interruption to
the learning environment, and the danger of being broken, lost or stolen, these items are not to be
brought to school. Items that may be significant to a child personally should not be brought to
school because of the possibility of loss or damage. Other items that are not suitable for school
are those that may be sharp or pointed and can lead to injury. Special exceptions may be granted
when they relate to school projects.
All applications for the use of school buildings’ facilities should be submitted to the Principal of
the school building where facility is being requested. If a gym and/or field facilities are being
requested, the application should then be submitted directly to the Athletic Director. Four weeks
must be allowed for processing all applications.
All visitors are required to sign-in at the front door and secure a pass. We need your
assistance to maintain a safe and secure school. Please use the front door only. Anyone not
carrying a pass will be asked to return to the Attendance Office to sign in. We also ask that
visitors sign-out when leaving the building.
If parents wish to speak to or schedule an appointment with a teacher, please email or leave a
voice mail message for the teacher. Email addresses are teacher’s first name initial and last name (ex: The teacher will call parents in a timely
manner. Please do not go to the classroom unless it has been previously arranged. Classes
may not be interrupted, as instructional time is a precious commodity.
There are opportunities for volunteering in classrooms, the library, at lunch and/or recess, or the
PTA. If you would like to assist, please contact your child’s school office or the PTA.
The annual school district vote on the school budget and board elections, and other propositions
will be held in May. To qualify for voting, a person must be 18 years of age or older, a citizen of
the United States, and a resident of the district for 30 days prior to the vote. You are eligible to
vote in school elections if you are registered and have voted at a district or general election once
within a four-year period. If you are not registered, you may do so at the District Office between
8:30 am and 3:00 pm anytime during the year. Prior arrangements can be made to obtain
absentee ballots when necessary.
POSSESSION OF ANY WEAPONS. This shall include firearms, knives, chemicals,
explosives, and any other object that may be considered dangerous and used as a weapon.
Students in violation of this may face severe consequences, depending on Board of Education
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Form “A”
Please return this form to your child’s homeroom teacher during the first week of school. On any day
that your child’s dismissal arrangements are different than what you have indicated below, a note must
be sent in to your child’s teacher.
IMPORTANT: Please inform anyone who is authorized to pick up your child that they must be
prepared to show a valid, government-issued photo ID (driver’s license, passport, military ID) at any
time. No child will be released to anyone who cannot produce appropriate ID when requested.
(Print) Child’s Name
Please complete this section with the names and relationship of everyone, including parents,
step-parents, and guardians, who has your permission to pick up your child from school.
Name _______________________________________ Relationship ____________________
Name _______________________________________ Relationship ____________________
Name _______________________________________ Relationship ____________________
Name _______________________________________ Relationship ____________________
Name _______________________________________ Relationship ____________________
Name _______________________________________ Relationship ____________________
REGULAR BASIS ON ANY DAY(S) OF THE WEEK. Students should be signed out in the auditorium
at 3:15 pm. Students must be signed out by a Parent/Guardian or person authorized in writing by
Parent/Guardian. On any day that your child’s dismissal arrangements are different than what you have
indicated below, a note must be sent in to your child’s homeroom teacher.
Indicate on which day(s) student will be picked up and by whom.
Parent/Guardian Signature________________________________Date
Page 23
Form “B”
Please return this form to your child’s homeroom teacher.
(Please print clearly) Child’s Name
Please complete this section with dismissal arrangements for your child in the event AFTER
SCHOOL ACTIVITIES (including JFK Afterschool Program; Girl/Boy Scouts; CCD, etc.)
are cancelled, (i.e., due to weather)
Please check ONE arrangement for after school activities:
Home bus number: J-___________
Alternate bus number: J-__________
Alternate bus stop (street name): ____________________________________
Will be met at bus stop by _________________________________________
Please complete the following with information on your child’s AFTER SCHOOL program:
____________________________________ after school program on ________________
(name of activity)
(day of week)
Please complete the following with dismissal arrangements for your child in the event of an
EMERGENCY EARLY DISMISSAL (usually, but not always, weather related) and/or
Please check ONE arrangement
Home bus number: J- ___________
Alternate bus number: J-__________
Alternate bus stop ______________________________________________
Will be met at bus stop by _______________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________Date:
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