Curriculum vitae for Sven Tengstam, Ph D

Sven Tengstam
University of Gothenburg, 120412
Office Contact Information
Department of Economics
University of Gothenburg, Box 640
SE-405 30 Göteborg, Sweden
Home Contact Information
Lefflersgatan 23
SE-416 71 Göteborg, Sweden
Ph. D.
“Essays on Smallholder Diversification, Industry Location, Debt Relief and Disability
and Utility”, School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg, 2008
M.A., Economics, Lund University, 1999
M.A., Education, Mathematics and Social Science, Malmö University, 2002
Swedish (native), English (fluently), German (basic), French (beginner)
Intermediate Level Open Macro, 2009-2010
Master Level Development Economics, 2010-2011
Advanced Level Development Economics 2006-2007
Intermediate Level Development Economics 2005-2007
Intermediate Level Trade Theory, 2009 and 2011-2012
Intermediate Level Micro, 2009-2012
Intermediate Level Mathematics 2010-2012
Mathematics for Business Studies 2006-2007
Mathematics and Information Systems 2007, 2009-2011
Statistics, 2009
Applied Economics and trade 2009
Supervision, 7 Bachelor’s Theses and 2 Master’s Thesis 2009-2010
Caroline Haar, Master’s Thesis, 15 ECTS, 2009
Ellen Stenmar, Bachelor’s Thesis, 15 ECTS, 2010
Ida Kullgren, Bachelor’s Thesis, 15 ECTS, 2010
Elna Lindahl, Bachelor’s Thesis, 15 ECTS, 2010
Lena Ta and Clara Larsson, Bachelor’s Thesis, 15 ECTS, 2010
Helena Nilsson and Sandra Wieweg, Bachelor’s Thesis, 15 ECTS, 2010
Kristine Persson, Master’s Thesis, 15 ECTS, 2011
Lovisa Mankert and Josefin Carlsson, Bachelor’s Thesis, 15 ECTS, 2011
Johanna Killander and Anna Bergström, Bachelor’s Thesis, 15 ECTS, 2011
Post-Doc, Gothenburg Center of Globalization and Development, 2011-present
Research fellow, Economics, University of Gothenburg, 2009-2011
Ph.D. candidate, Economics, University of Gothenburg, 2003-2008
Deputy Director, Swedish National Debt Office, Stockholm, 1999
Senior High School Teacher, Mathematics and Social Studies, Linnéskolan, Malmö 2000
and Borgarskolan, Malmö, 2002-2003
Expert 3 with the EC-project The aid effectiveness agenda: the
benefits of going ahead, European Commission, DG Development, Unit DEV/A2
Did co-write the Zambia Country Economic Report 2008:4 for Swedish
International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)
Workshop leader at the Swedish Foreign Ministry Seminar “Öppna biståndet –ett arbete
för framtidens bistånd” 2009, Dec 9
The First national conference in Health Economics, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2011
IHEA 7th World Congress on Health Economics, Beijing, China, July 2009
Seminar in Health, Labour and Family Economics, Lund University, Dec 2009
Nordic Conference in Development Economics in Stockholm, June 2008
Second Nordic Workshop in Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Göteborg,
November 2007
The CSAE Conference in Oxford, March 2007
Nordic Conference in Development Economics in Oslo, June 2006
Conference on “Geography, Institutions, Technology and Economic Convergence” in
Särö, June 2006
Popular science Book review of “Utvecklingens drivkrafter” by Stefan de Vylder in Ekonomisk Debatt
2008:2 8-80
Extern research money
“When will Africa take off?” SWE-2006-450, Sida/SAREC, 800 000SEK, 2007-2008.
Together with Arne Bigsten (project leader), Pelle Ahlerup, Ann-Sofie Isaksson and
Annika Lindskog. Peer-Review
“Rural income diversification and poverty reduction in Africa” SWE-2008-206,
Sida/SAREC, 1 200 000SEK, 2009, Together with Arne Bigsten (project leader) and
Måns Nerman. Peer-Review
Teacher of the year 2011, School of Business, Economics and Law, University of
Editorial work Editorial board, Ekonomisk debatt (Journal of the Swedish Economic Association), 2012
“Smallholder diversification and income growth in Zambia”, Journal of African
Economies 2011 vol. 20 5:781-822(with Arne Bigsten)
“Renewed growth and poverty reduction in Zambia”, The Zambia Social Science
Journal, 2010 (1:1) (with Arne Bigsten)
“Debt relief and adjustment effort in a multi-period model”, Economics Letters, 91(1),
127-130, 2006.
Working papers/Under review
“International coordination and the effectiveness of aid”, UNU-WIDER Working Paper
No. 2012/32 (with Arne Bigsten)
“Disability and marginal utility of income”, Scandinavian Working Papers in Economics
2007:276, revised 2012
“What explains the location of industry? –The case of clothing”, Scandinavian Working
Papers in Economics 2009:423
Discussion papers
“Comments on the Commentary: A response from Sven Tengstam and Arne Bigsten” in
‘The Aid Effectiveness Agenda: The benefits of going ahead’ – A commentary on the final
report by Prizzon A. and R. Grenhill, Discussion papers, April 2012, the Overseas
Development Institute. (with Arne Bigsten)
“The aid effectiveness agenda: the benefits of going ahead”, Final Report September
2011, Contract nr. 2010/256898, Framework Contract Comission 2007 Lot Nr 4, (with
Jean Philippe Platteau and Arne Bigsten)
“Prospects for Poverty Reduction in Zambia” Sida Country Economic Report 2008:4
(with Arne Bigsten)
Master theses
“Civic Education in Eritrean Schools”, Master’s thesis in Education, 2002
“Global Changes, Domestic Policies and the Debt Crisis”, Master’s thesis in Economics,