CROSS COUNTRY ALBERTA LEADERSHIP GRANT PROGRAM CCA is committed to helping its Member Clubs strengthen their leadership, coaching and officials' development. As well as providing and facilitating high quality courses and seminars to clubs and members, CCA has set up its LEADERSHIP GRANT PROGRAM to provide financial support to individual leaders, coaches, and officials that are contributing to their club’s development. All applications will be considered and ranked on applicability based on an endorsement from their club and the relative impact to the growth and improvement of their club's programs. Eligibility for Receiving Grants Membership Eligibility: The applicant must be currently registered with CCA as a member of a CCA sanctioned club. The provincial office can confirm this but it is the individuals and the clubs that must ensure they are properly registered in the CCA Membership Database. Club/Divisional Support: The applicant must have a signature from a club executive member signifying the clubs endorsement of the application (see application form). Eligible Programs: This year individuals are encouraged to seek out Leadership Opportunities provincially and nationally. All cross-country ski related courses, workshops, camps and seminars will be taken into consideration by the CCA Technical Committee. All CCA-run courses (see below) will automatically be eligible for funding. Contact the provincial office if your application is intended for something other than those programs mentioned. Application Deadlines: There will be two (2) application deadlines: December 31st April 30th Please be sure to have your Leadership Grant Application Forms, receipts, and information postmarked for the above dates to be considered for funding. Quality of applications: Only applications that are fully completed will be considered eligible for grants. Applicants are encouraged to solicit a written letter of support from a member of their club executive that outlines past and current contributions to the club as well as how the club expects to benefit from the applicants enhanced leadership skills. Grants Available This year grant amounts ($) will be open and available to cover up to a maximum of 50% of the Leadership Course, Workshop, Seminar or Coaching/Mentoring Opportunity, not to exceed a maximum of $50.00 per applicant per course. Please note that all Leadership Grant Applications are subject to review by the CCA Technical Committee, and all Leadership Grant Applicants may not be successful. Leaderships Grants will be restricted to the approved CCA Budget amounts. The following courses are planned each ski season, to be coordinated by Cross Country Alberta. Please reference Cross Country Alberta's web site and current publications for specific dates, times and locations of each course. NCCP Introduction to Community Coach NCCP Community Coach NCCP Competitive Coach Intro – LT2 Dry land & On -Snow NCCP Technical Level 2 – Dry land & On-Snow Officials Level 1, 2, 3 CCA supported coaching/mentoring opportunities Application & Selection Process 1. 2. 3. Applicant submits to the CCA Office the "Course Registration Form" and the "Grant Application Form" along with the suggested letter of support from a club executive member, and receipts pertinent to course costs, by one of the published application deadlines. All fully eligible applications will be reviewed and processed by the Technical Committee within one month of the application deadline. Grants will be awarded only after the course is completed and the registration and participation of the applicant can be confirmed. Cheques will be issued to successful applicants within 60 days of the application deadline. CCA Leadership Grant Application Form Full Name of Applicant: CCA Club Affiliation: Street Address: City/Town: Phone: e-mail: As indicated by the attached Program Registration Form I am registering for the following course: Course Title Location Date Amount of Grant Application (see grant information page for maximum amounts) $ Deadline reminder: All applications must be received in the CCA Office by the advertised deadlines: December 31, or April 30 Please specify the amounts, if any, that are being applied toward your participation in this program: Other Funding Source(s) Amount Club Financial Support: $ Personal Financial Support: $ I, the applicant noted above, in signing this application, confirm that all information submitted with this application accurately represents my involvement and commitment to the sport of cross-country skiing. Applicant Signature: ______________________________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________ I, an executive member of the club noted above, in signing this application confirm that all information submitted with this application accurately represents the applicant’s involvement and commitment to our clubs athlete, event, and/or leadership development objectives. Club Executive Member Name [print]: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Executive Position: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________________________________________________ Submit application to: Date: ______________________________ Cross Country Alberta, 11759 Groat Road, Edmonton, AB T5M 3K6 IMPORTANT FINAL NOTES: 1. A copy of the course registration form. 2. The same person can apply for several grants if they can obtain the appropriate endorsement from their club. Individuals may also solicit provincial association endorsement if the program they are applying for clearly demonstrates a contribution to the sport from a provincial perspective. CCA Director of Leadership Development’s Signature: __________________________________________________________________ CCA Sport Manager’s Signature: ________________________________________________________________________________________