THE WORLD BANK IN UKRAINE INTERNSHIP PROGRAM IN KYIV OFFICE APPLICATION FORM I. PERSONAL INFORMATION 1. Last Name(Surname) 3. Gender: □ Male □ Female 7. Street Address 2. First Name: 3. Middle (Patronymic) Name: 4. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) 5. Country of Birth 6. Country of Residence 8. City 9. Zip/Post Code 10. Country 11. Telephone Number 12. Mobile Number 13. Email 15. Year Graduated (or Anticipated Year of Graduated): 16. Institution Graduated (or current 18. Highest degree obtained (e.g. B.A, 19. Additional courses: 20. Current Employer 21. Current Job Title 22. Total years of experience in your field of expertise: 23. Area(s) of Expertise: □ Economics □ Finance and Private Sector □ Education □ Environment □ Public health □ Social Protection □ Engineering □ Rural Development □ Infrastructure and Energy □ Civil Service and Public Administration 24. In which of the following languages are you fully proficient: □ English □ French □ Spanish □ Arabic □ Russian □ German □ Italian □ Chinese □ Other ____________ 25. Indicate your experience in Ukraine's regions: 28. Have you had internships in the past? □ Yes □ No 29. How did you hear about our Web site? II. ACADEMIC BACKGROUND 14. Are you currently enrolled as a student? □ Yes □ No 17. Degree/Specialization: M.A. for PhD students): Educational Institution): III. PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND 26. Career interests: 27. Do you have a close relative currently employed at the World Bank? □ Yes □ No IV. INTERNSHIP STATEMENT 30. Why are you interested in working for the Bank? (About 450 symbols) Date: 31. Describe your best qualifications or experience? (About 450 symbols) 32. What would you like to achieve at the end of internship and / or what are your long term plans? (About 450 symbols)