. 15 THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA Minutes of the meeting of the Senate held in the Senate Room, The University of Western Australia, Crawley on Monday, 29 April 2013 PRESENT: The Chancellor (Dr M Chaney) in the Chair, the Pro Chancellor (Dr P Flett), the ViceChancellor (Professor P Johnson), Mr C Barnes, Mr J W Biggs, Ms G Bothe, Dr S Boyd, Mr F Cooper, Mr R Cooper, Professor J Cordery, Mr S Dawkins, Ms M Dolin, Ms E Greeney, Dr L Hayes, Dr A Howarth, Mr J Inverarity, Dr S Juniper, Professor N Laing, Professor A McKinley, Dr J O’Shea, Ms H Silbert. By Invitation: Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Professor W Louden), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) (Professor R Owens) for item 14. Secretariat: University Secretary (Ms D de Souza) Executive Director (Academic Services) and Registrar (Mr P Curtis) 1. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST - REF F4815 Mr Frank Cooper declared his role as Chair of the West Australian Football Commission in relation to ongoing negotiations between the West Coast Eagles and the University. These negotiations relate to a proposal to locate the West Coast Eagles training and administrative facilities at UWA Sports Park. Mr Cameron Barnes declared his membership (with voting rights) of the UWA Sports Association Board in relation to the same issue. 2. MINUTES RESOLVED – 11 that the minutes of the meeting of the Senate held on 25 and 26 February 2013 be confirmed. 3. SENATE MEMBERSHIP Election of staff under the provisions of section 8(1)(j) of the University of Western Australia Act 1911 – Ref F824 It was noted that Dr Sato Juniper had been re-elected to Senate in the recent general staff election for a further four year term to 4 March 2017. 4. APPOINTMENTS, PROMOTIONS AND AWARDS OF TENURE In accordance with Senate Resolution 274/00 members noted the information on appointments, promotions and awards of tenure detailed in Attachment A to Item 4 of the agenda. 5. REPORTS OF THE ACADEMIC BOARD Honorary Degrees Committee – Ref F11015 Under Clause 7(1)(f) of Statute No 14, the membership of the Honorary Degrees Committee includes two members nominated by the Academic Board. The terms of office of the current two nominees, Professor J Gregory and Professor J Williams, expired on 31 December 2012. . 16 Senate noted that the Board had resolved (R154/12 and R20/13) to re-appoint Professor J Williams and to appoint Professor K Simmer to the Honorary Degrees Committee for the period to 31 December 2014. 6. 6.1 CONFERRAL OF DEGREES, DIPLOMAS AND CERTIFICATES Amendment of Awards 6.1.1 Amendment of Award Conferred at the Graduation Ceremony held on 11 March 2013 The Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences had advised that as a result of an administrative error, Miss Melissa Lee Atkinson had been admitted to the degree of Bachelor of Social Work instead of Bachelor Social Work with Second Class Honours (Division B) at the Graduation Ceremony held on 11 March 20113. RESOLVED – 12 to approve the award of a Bachelor of Social Work with Second Class Honours (Division B) to Miss Melissa Lee Atkinson in place of the Bachelor of Social Work. 6.1.2 Amendment of Award Conferred at the Graduation Ceremony held on 20 March 2013 The Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics had advised that as a result of an administrative error, Ms Zia Wilson Rice had been admitted to the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Civil Engineering) instead of the Bachelor of Engineering (Civil Engineering) with Second Class Honours (Division B) at the Graduation Ceremony held on 20 March 2013. RESOLVED – 13 to approve the award of a Bachelor of engineering (Civil engineering) with Second Class Honours (Division B) to Ms Zia Wilson Rice in place on the Bachelor of engineering (Civil Engineering). 6.2 Conferring of Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates RESOLVED – 14 to confer their respective degrees, diplomas and certificates on the candidates listed in the schedule which formed part of Item 7 of the agenda. 7. 7.1 REPORT OF THE ACADEMIC COUNCIL - DECISIONS BY CIRCULAR DATED 4 APRIL 2013 Legislative Committee Constitution – Amendment – Ref F12155 Members noted that the Academic Council had endorsed a recommendation from the Legislative Committee that the constitution of the Legislative Committee be amended. These amendments arose from amendments to the Scholarships Committee constitution. They also provided greater flexibility to co-opt members with relevant expertise from across the University. RESOLVED - 15 to approve the amendments to the Legislative Committee constitution as recommended and set out in Attachment B to Item 8 of the agenda. 7.2 Faculty of Arts – Rescission of the Graduate Certificate in Applied Maritime Archaeology, Graduate Diploma in Applied Maritime Archaeology and the Master of Applied Maritime Archaeology – Refs F20445, F7811, F7917 RESOLVED – 16 to approve the rescission of the Graduate Certificate in Applied Maritime Archaeology, Graduate Diploma in Applied Maritime Archaeology and the Master of Applied Maritime Archaeology with effect . 17 from 1 January 2014, subject to students currently undertaking the course leading to the awards being able to complete their courses and graduate in accordance with the relevant rules and policies. 8. SENATE STANDING COMMITTEES 8.1 Report of the Audit and Review Committee Decision by Circular dated 15 April 2013 Membership – Co-opted Members – Ref F13795 It was noted that Mr Wayne Zekulich and Ms Linda Kenyon had been co-opted to the Audit and Review Committee for a term of two years with effect from 15 May 2013 and 15 September 2013 respectively. 8.2 Report of the Chancellor’s Committee – Ref F746 The Chancellor reported on deliberations at the Chancellor’s Committee meeting which immediately preceded the meeting of Senate. Members discussed recommendations from the Chancellor’s Committee and the following resolutions were passed. 8.2.1 Constitution of the Honorary Degrees Committee – Ref F11015 RESOLVED – 17 (i) that clause 2.2 of the Guidelines for the Award of Honorary Degrees be amended to read as follows: “2.2 In addition to outstanding achievements described at 2.1 above, reasons for awarding honorary degrees would normally include: (ii) . Making a public statement about the values, positioning and importance of the University; Enlarging the University’s network of people of influence in the national and international communities; Developing support for the University in the community” that clause 5.2 “nominees are not required to have a connection to UWA” be deleted. 8.2.2 Allocation of Members of Senate to Senate Committees – Ref F11441, F2585 RESOLVED – 18 (i) that appointments by and from Senate to Senate Committees as at 31 December 2012 be renewed for a further term expiring on 31 December 2014; (ii) that Mr Roderick Cooper be appointed as a member of the External Environment Committee under clause 3(1)(ii) of the Constitution to 31 December 2014; . (iii) that Mr Cameron Barnes and Ms Gemma Both be appointed as members of the External Environment Committee under clause 3(1)(iv) of the Constitution to the date of expiry of their current terms on Senate; (iv) that Mr Cameron Barnes be appointed as a member of the Strategic Resources Committee under clause 3.(1)(iv) of the Constitution to the date of expiry of his current term on Senate. 8.2.3 The Senate Programme for 2013 – Ref F28004 RESOLVED – 19 to adopt the draft programme for 2013 circulated as Attachment B to Item 13 of the agenda with the inclusion of the following items: . 18 June Meeting – Centenary Fundraising Campaign August Meeting – Internationalisation Strategy November Meeting – Education Futures 8.2.4 Professional Development for Members of Senate In response to comments provided as part of the 2012 Performance Evaluation of Senate and Senate Committees: RESOLVED – 20 (i) that Financial Services be requested to develop an in house half day training session for Senate covering Financial Statements (Income and Expenditure Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement), standards and legislation governing financial management and reporting by the University including conventions, procedures and terminology unique to UWA; (ii) that places be purchased for individual members of Senate on Part 1 Governance for Directors of the AICD three part Foundations for Directorship training program; (iii) that the University Secretary circulate notice of training dates for the Governance for Directors course, invite expressions of interest from members and register participants as required Report of the Development Committee – Ref 21530 8.3 Members noted the report of the meeting of the Development Committee held on 4 April 2013. Report of the External Environment Committee – Ref F11443 8.4 8.4.1 Membership – Co-opted Member – Ref F11441 It was noted that Dr Elizabeth Constable had been co-opted to the External Environment Committee for an initial term expiring 31 December 2014. 8.4.2 Student Experience in a Top 50 University Project The External Environment Committee proposed to undertake a project to understand the student experience at the University and compare it with the student experience provided by top fifty universities in the world. RESOLVED – 21 (i) to approve a project to be undertaken by the External Environment Committee to understand the student experience at the University and how it compares with the student experience provided by top fifty universities in the world; (ii) to allocate $20,000 from Senate Reserves to the External Environment Committee to undertake the project. 8.5 8.5.1 Report of the Strategic Resources Committee – Ref F11443 Appointment of Deputy Chair Members noted that Dr T Howarth had been appointed as Deputy Chair for 2013. 8.5.2 Trinity College Refurbishment – Ref F37827 Trinity College is planning an upgrade to the Hampden Road entrance to the college and associated improvements to the entrance lobby area. . 19 The University Colleges Act 1926 states that “no buildings shall be erected or altered or added to, and no improvements shall be made on the said land unless the plans and specifications and designs have first been submitted to and approved by the Senate”. The Trinity Council has reviewed and approved a concept design for the proposed refurbishment at the College and the Strategic Resources Committee has subsequently endorsed the plans. RESOLVED – 22 to approve the Trinity College proposal for refurbishment to the entrance and lobby areas of the College. 9. THE AUSTRALASIAN CENTRE FOR ITALIAN STUDIES FOUNDATION COMMITTEE – MEMBERSHIP - REF F30028 The University of Western Australia and the Cassamarca Foundation agreed by Deed executed on 4 June 2002 to establish the Australasian Centre for Italian Studies (ACIS) to promote NeoLatin and Italian Studies within approved Universities in Australia. Under clause 4 of the Deed the UWA Senate is requested to fill a vacancy where a member ceases to be a member of the Committee. Dr Andrea Rizzi is stepping down from the ACIS Management Committee after having served two terms and Mr Antonio Pagliaro has resigned his membership. The term of Dr Francesco Ricatti has also expired. The Committee recommended that Dr Francesco Ricatti, Cassamarca Lecturer in Italian, University of the Sunshine Coast be appointed to the Committee for a second two year term, Dr Brigid Maher, Lecturer in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, La Trobe University and Dr Luciana d’Arcangeli, Cassamarca Senior Lecturer in Italian at Flinders University be appointed to the Committee for a two year term. Senators had before them a copy of Dr Maher’s and Dr d’Arcangeli’s brief biographies. RESOLVED – 23 (i) to approve that Dr Francesco Ricatta, Cassamarca Lecturer in Italian, University of the Sunshine Coast be appointed to the Australasian Centre for Italian Studies Foundation Committee for a second two year term; (ii) to approve that Dr Brigid Maher, Lecturer in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, La Trobe University and Dr Luciana d’Arcangeli, Cassamarca Senior Lecturer in Italian at Flinders University be appointed to the Committee for a two year term. 10. PERTH INTERNATIONAL ARTS FESTIVAL BOARD – REF F941 The Constitution of the Perth International Arts Festival (PIAF) Board provides under clause 3(1) for seven members who have expertise across a range of relevant areas (arts, marketing, media, accounting and business) to be appointed by the Senate for three-year terms. The Chair of the PIAF Board had advised that two members (Mr Gene Tilbrook and Mr Alan Dodge) will retire from the Board this year. Ms Tanya Chambers had been approached to fill the vacancy which will occur on 26 June 2013 on the retirement of Mr Gene Tilbrook and Mr Grant Robinson had been approached to fill the vacancy which will occur on 27 July 2013 on the retirement of Mr Alan Dodge. Both had agreed. Members had before them a copy of Ms Chambers and Mr Robinson’s biographies. Ms Suzanne Ardagh’s appointment also expired on 1 January 2013. The Chair of the PIAF Board supports a request that she be re-appointed for a further three year term. . 20 RESOLVED – 24 (i) to approve that Ms Tanya Chambers be appointed to the Perth International Arts Festival Board from 26 June 2013 for a three-year term; (ii) to approve that Mr Grant Robinson be appointed to the Perth International Arts Festival Board from 27 July 2013 for a three year term; (iii) to approve that Ms Suzanne Ardagh be re-appointed to the PIAF Board for a three year term to 1 January 2016. 11. SENATE MEETINGS FOR 2014 RESOLVED – 25 that in compliance with the requirements in Statute 1, provision be made for Senate meetings on the following dates in 2014: Thursday 20 and Friday, 21 February – Strategic Directions Seminar Monday, 28 April Monday, 23 June Monday, 25 August Monday, 3 November Monday, 8 December 12. REPORT OF THE VICE-CHANCELLOR Members had before them the report of the Vice-Chancellor dated 29 April 2013. The ViceChancellor provided additional comment on A Smarter Australia, a policy statement released by Universities Australia in an unprecedented step in advance of this year’s Federal election. Relentless decreases in per capital funding for universities, an item on the agenda for the joint meeting of Chancellors and Vice-Chancellors in Hobart. Changes in HECS, abolition of discount on upfront payment, removal of tax incentives for participants in post graduate courses, and the potential impact on Cycle 2 and Cycle 3 courses. The positive impact of a redesign of the Orientation process and Guild-O Day activities which precluded alcohol and alcohol advertising or sponsorship. A gift of $5 Million from Wesfarmers to endow the Wesfarmers Chair in Australian History. Confirmed CHAIR / /